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(Video) David Icke: The Global Spiritual Awakening Of Humanity

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posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by blaaboy
great video , very interesting but some of his thoughts on other topics can be a bit whackey i think so i find it hard to take everything he says truthfully .

You don't have to just believe everything he says. If you are unsure of what he speaks of, research it for yourself! Never give up seeking the truth.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 05:46 PM
reply to post by xelamental

How many times would you like me to repeat my own words and opinions? If you care to read through all my previous posts on this thread you will see I have a number of times stated my beliefs and opinions on here. You asked me to provide evidence, to which my reply was to provide you with links so you can do some research yourself. I have been researching these topics for 33 years. What I have stated in my posts is what I have come to conclusions on and have learned and experienced.

There are no websites which state my experiences so I can not provide you with links to check out my experiences. Please read my previous posts again.

[edit on 23-11-2009 by kiwitina948]

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by kiwitina948
reply to post by xelamental

How many times would you like me to repeat my own words and opinions? If you care to read through all my previous posts on this thread you will see I have a number of times stated my beliefs and opinions on here. You asked me to provide evidence, to which my reply was to provide you with links so you can do some research yourself. I have been researching these topics for 33 years. What I have stated in my posts is what I have come to conclusions on and have learned and experienced.

There are no websites which state my experiences so I can not provide you with links to check out my experiences. Please read my previous posts again.

I have read your posts. Nothing is factual; all opinion.

How do you reconcile the fact that many of these people use manipulative & hypnotic techniques, perhaps naturally? How do you reconcile that not once has any of them been shown to be correct about anything supernatural? Why do you continue to believe them after their repeated failures and re-adjusting their position when their "knowledge" is shown to be false?

I understand why actually. One book that may be of interest to you to explain part of this phenomena is "the game" by strauss. Very eye opening, and from first hand experience is right on the money. People are suckers and frauds like these guys prey on the innocent.

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 12:33 AM
reply to post by xelamental

I only state my words, my opinions, my beliefs. I do not speak on behalf of anyone else, so am not sure why you are trying to get me to justify other people's experiences, or other's ways of operating. I live by my own integrity. I am a 2nd degree Reiki channel, a spiritual counsellor, and a healer.

I am a medium or channel for the divine source energy when working with people, they tell me what they feel when I'm working with them, they tell me 10 years later they have never had any problems with the part of their body which was subject to receiving the source energy since they had their Reiki session. So if you wish to dispute this as well, go right ahead. I have debated with some of the best 'blinkered ones' out there, and I know where the true power is. Maybe one day, you will know and experience it for yourself, however you will need to open your mind and eyes to make this a possibility.

I know how I operate, and I know what feedback I have received

posted on Nov, 23 2009 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by kiwitina948
reply to post by xelamental

I only state my words, my opinions, my beliefs. I do not speak on behalf of anyone else, so am not sure why you are trying to get me to justify other people's experiences, or other's ways of operating. I live by my own integrity. I am a 2nd degree Reiki channel, a spiritual counsellor, and a healer.

I am a medium or channel for the divine source energy when working with people, they tell me what they feel when I'm working with them, they tell me 10 years later they have never had any problems with the part of their body which was subject to receiving the source energy since they had their Reiki session. So if you wish to dispute this as well, go right ahead. I have debated with some of the best 'blinkered ones' out there, and I know where the true power is. Maybe one day, you will know and experience it for yourself, however you will need to open your mind and eyes to make this a possibility.

I know how I operate, and I know what feedback I have received

A young girl got a prize for testing to see if reiki works. Simply get behind a board, and blindfold & put earphones in your ears. Then, stick your hands under the board. Are you able to tell reliably (e.g. 25 trials) when people have their hands there?

What other experiments have you tried to convince yourself that it's not just all in your head? I myself was once trained in craniosacral, reiki, st johns nmt and active release. Once I learned mentalism I realised it was all rubbish. Perhaps one day you will too.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by xelamental

You have to have an open mind firstly, not bogged down with all the scientific theories and formulae. I've had so many experiences of the Source power that I can not deny it is real. I only hope you can experience it for yourself one day.

As a great disbeliever once stated to me "I hope one day I can come back to you and tell you I was wrong, I hope one day I can have faith and believe in the same things you believe in, but I just can't see any of it being true- it doesn't fit with my logic" to which my response was "In your own time D*****".

Him and I used to have 3 hour debating sessions on what I know to be true and have experienced, and he was a firm dis-believer and de-bunker of anything he could not see, or anything which did not fit his picture of how reality should look, or anything he could not understand with his current conditioning and perceptions.

6 Weeks after he made that comment and went to Tibet for a holiday, he came to see me and pulled me aside and told me how he had had an epiphany whilst in Tibet, and he had seen and felt the power for himself, he went on to profusely apologize for being so closed-minded that he was not able to see it or believe it for himself previously and apologized for all our debating (which I had enjoyed-the debating). I told him I was pleased for him that he had had such a wonderful experience and pleased that he could now understand truly what I had been showing him. I do miss our debates though.

I have no doubt Xelemental that you will be able to see clearly one day. Good luck on your journey my friend. If you do still wish to debate, that's awesome and I look forward to your reply.

posted on Nov, 24 2009 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by xelamental

Just one other thing: as with all things people are involved in, yes there are some genuine readers, mediums, and clairvoyants, clairsentients out there in the world, but bear in mind, there are also some who are not so genuine, like with anything; be it painters, car mechanics, car salesmen, you get the good and the bad. Its a fact of life. There will always be someone out there who will watch something somewhere and then decide "oh yes I can do that and make lots of money from it" (evangelists). The key is using your own personal discernment in every instance.

There are truthers, and then there are frauds also. Hopefully you can tell the difference using your discernment as mentioned previously. I am not a "New Ager", what I believe in, hasn't been categorised and labelled as yet, except the Reiki aspect of it. One thing I don't believe in is receiving Reiki attunements online, as far as I'm concerned, that is a total crock, "Pay $600 now and receive your Reiki attunements online..." yea right.

Due to my Aquarian nature I have always looked for the proof from both sides of the fence; the scientific aspect (to satisfy my logical brain) and the spiritual aspects (to satisfy my spiritual brain) of anything and my personal experience of it before I make my mind up.

In other words I have to have proof on all levels before I'll believe something, and all I can say is I know this is all true, without a doubt. I only hope you can experience it for yourself one day, but if thats not in your life plan to experience 'the source' then so be it. Look forward to your reply.

posted on Nov, 25 2009 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by kiwitina948
reply to post by xelamental

Just one other thing: as with all things people are involved in, yes there are some genuine readers, mediums, and clairvoyants, clairsentients out there in the world, but bear in mind, there are also some who are not so genuine, like with anything; be it painters, car mechanics, car salesmen, you get the good and the bad. Its a fact of life.

Why have none ever stood up to testing? I used to believe myself as a practitioner, but realised it was all bunk when I learned how powerful the mind truly is. We can create our own delusions, visions, and sensations quite easily with the right tools. I can easily induce them in others within minutes of meeting people. It's not magic, it's science.

A question for you is, if a person who claims they really can do it, but under controlled conditions uses all the same cues as a skilled cold reader, then what are we to conclude? Either that they have magic powers, are cheating knowingly, or are cheating unknowingly. There are naturals who figure it out for themselves, and conclude they are magical. THIS IS A LOGICAL POSITION. As soon as they are taught the mechanism behind it & are open minded, they realise their mistake.

I knew a guy who could bed any women he wanted within 5 minutes, husband or not. Seriously. As young men my group of friends were constantly amazed at his skill and wondered how he did it. We met up recently and I observed him in action again; he was naturally using some of the most advanced rapport, hypnotic & suggestion methods I have ever seen *WITHOUT EVEN REALISING*. He was a natural.

Which is more likely? You have magic power or you've stumbled into using some advanced psychological manipulation techniques?

There are truthers, and then there are frauds also. Hopefully you can tell the difference using your discernment as mentioned previously. I am not a "New Ager", what I believe in, hasn't been categorised and labelled as yet, except the Reiki aspect of it. One thing I don't believe in is receiving Reiki attunements online, as far as I'm concerned, that is a total crock, "Pay $600 now and receive your Reiki attunements online..." yea right.

At least you realise this is rubbish. Now go and test yourself like that 9 year old did - or are you too scared of the results?

In other words I have to have proof on all levels before I'll believe something, and all I can say is I know this is all true, without a doubt. I only hope you can experience it for yourself one day, but if thats not in your life plan to experience 'the source' then so be it. Look forward to your reply.

I've experienced plenty. Visions while fully awake, demons, chi fights, you name it. That's why I studied reiki, craniosacral and many other treatments. It's why I started martial arts to high levels. It's also what eventually led me into mentalism, which showed me that everything I experienced was easily explainable, and reproducible using simple trickery.

The key is that I have now "woken up". My brain *wants* to believe in magic. I want to believe I can contact people from across the room simply by firing a chi ball like I once believed. I want to believe all the things I saw in my visions.

But unfortunately, that's just not real. I can replicate all those experiences using simple trickery. In many cases I am better at "therapy" now than others who do not have my skill, who think they have magical powers. If magic isn't even as good as my non-magical skill, what good is it

Would you be open to learning more about mentalism, or are you too "closed minded"?

[edit on 25-11-2009 by xelamental]

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 04:59 AM
reply to post by xelamental

I like the way you say you used to believe yourself to be a practitioner, so that tells me you didn’t know it or feel it or experience it in your heart and soul, you were trying to convince yourself you were a practitioner, from a logical academic perception, with no spiritual humility. That’s like self Neuro-Linguistic Programming or to use your very own words a good case of self-hypnosis, if you really want to get into psycho-analysis (which I have studied).

Apart from using your own discernment, a big part of healing involves humility and being humble, appreciative and grateful for having the gift you were born with. From reading all your posts I can see absolutely no evidence at all that you have shown any of those qualities when doing your little ‘experiments on Source’.

Understand this, Source does not ‘perform’ for you as a puppet on a string, just to prove to you that it exists. The whole concept you have about that is quite humorous to me, you’re funny. The other part of your post I found quite funny is where you state “I studied Reiki, and I studied this and that blahblah” what you are in fact saying is that you read this and you read that with your 5 senses understanding and now you’re the big expert on how it all works. The gift of healing is not a subject to be studied and read by your 5 physical senses, it is felt and experienced by your humble spiritual self in your HEART.

When you’re born with a gift (as we all are) you don’t throw it back in the face of the divine source Creator and then stand there, hands on hips like a child and demand, “Prove it to me now”, that just shows your arrogance and ignorance (which is how you are coming across right now), sorry I rephrase that “it shows your current level of spiritual evolution (or not). Your whole approach of ‘experimenting’ and ‘testing’ divine source and then ‘boohoo’ing’ just because it didn’t turn out the way you were demanding it to, is again, extremely humorous.

You haven’t even had the courtesy to research any of the links I provided you with and offer up your learned academic opinion on any one of them, and yet you still stand there on your high horse and categorically state “it doesn’t exist because I can’t see it”. Do you then deny that electricity doesn’t exist because you can’t see it? Or microwaves don’t exist because you can’t see them? Or gravity doesn’t exist because you can’t see that either? I think not.

Ok so to speak in your ‘scientific’ terminology in terms you can understand:

E=MC 2 = (everything is ENERGY according to Einstein, who you will probably discount as well anyway).
‘We All Are One’ meaning everything in the Universe is connected energetically
Link: DaL9rR5crOuRmueXUnkFGBWJZqWuesmraM91coPZEURwXfpf8KkVVkyYxP8xsakgpA7mywC5FbPvo7DqDAbTddWMODSLVGSOL1lMmf9z8ua16pMtDrusSfQ5QzklfeIX2VC9g-nj9VORv86KaJ4J_m 4v6u9JF4lgjYNAqaBIP3NZznU6RvtB0g

“The Unified Field Theory” meaning Everything is made of Energy and exists in an Energy-grid which we label (to satisfy our ‘must label everything’ nature) ‘Universe”, or the holographic matrix of our reality.

When I have previously stated “We create our own realities by our thoughts” what I was trying to help you comprehend but which I understand now is, at this time, beyond your academic/ system controlled comprehension, is that “All Thoughts Produce an Energy frequency” which then affects the whole Energy-grid which then, in kind, responds to those thought patterns and replies with the appropriate answer, as in Action = Re-Action

Continued in next post below

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by xelamental

When you think a thought, the action of the neuro-transmitters in sending those neurons running along their individual ‘thought-pathways’ produces an Energy output, an electrical signal given out by your cranium/ consciousness into the Energy-grid of existence, whereupon Universe responds by sending you the exact answer you are seeking, whether it be by attracting someone in to your life to show or teach you something, or by leading you to a certain situation where you can learn the most and evolve to your highest level, or by creating a situation where you are forced to re-look at and re-evaluate your perceptions and question yourself as to why you believe the things you do.

This is what is meant by “Like energy attracts like energy” as in “you always attract exactly what you need at exactly the right time you need to learn it’. And also “what you put out is what you get back” or “what goes around, comes around”. Love Energy is the highest frequency at 528 hrtz and can heal at the DNA level. Link

The mind is more powerful than you can ever imagine, they say humans only use less than 10% of their physical brain power, some, not even that.

The power of manifestation has been ongoing throughout my whole life. When I want to create something I think about it (logical brain) and then I visualize it (spiritual brain) and within 3 days maximum, it is there in front of me in the physical, if it was a physical manifestation I had been wanting to create. See below another post of mine.

THREAD TITLE: Has anyone else been born awake? On

Reply to Previous Poster

I know I was born awake, I'm an Aquarian, I was born to question everything. Also having brought myself up from age of 4yrs and not having been indoctrinated into the education-control system because I was too busy roaming the streets of London on my own little fact-finding missions and parents weren't there etc up until age 7yrs I was lucky enough to be free to be a free-thinker and think for myself.

The 'feeling older than my body' state is due to being 'an old soul' whether you believe in that or not is up to you.

When I was forced to go to school in Surrey by the social welfare system, I already knew how to read and write, I realized straight away what they were teaching us at school was not the truth. I remember thinking many many times "thats not true, they're telling us the wrong things", why are they telling us wrong things?

Religious prayers were forced down our throats by repetitive reciting; this is how you pray, this is what you say. The Great Neuro-Linguistic programming had begun by the system at school.

Basically I just 'knew' something wasn't right with the world and the way it appeared to be.
Realized there was existence in other dimensions at 7yrs as in 'knew' other dimension-entities existed.
Saw some very freaky things as a child growing up in Chessington, Surrey, including 'the eye of horus' in my bedroom, and some kind of weird man-horse-man (still can't explain it logically all these years later-but I know I saw it)
Have always 'known' more than I should know.
Have precognitive dreams and visions of scenes to come, people I'll see walking down the street etc know whats going to happen in movies, and life, and with people.
Never felt like I fit in because nobody I knew thought anything like me at all, quite disconcerting for a young'un.
Probably the first material I read where the author seemed to think like me or have some of the same concepts as me was none other than David Icke.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by xelamental

I am totally grateful for having a dysfunctional childhood where I was responsible for myself and was left to my own devices all day long.

I am spiritual, a healer, and I read people's eyes and look into their soul, and then turn around and tell them 'this happened to you at this age, and that happened to you at that age...' whereupon they usually turn around and freak out.

I read people's energies also, and exist in this holographic matrix in both left-brain and right-brain mode.

Am ambidextrous also, scarily telepathic (but that helps with the healings I do) also heal people by listening to them talking and then point out to them a truth so undeniable-they cry and release whatever negative energy they were holding towards that situation and then they are healed.
Can change my consciousness to be on the same vibrational wavelength as an animal, using the subconscious;- can stop a dog barking, or 'see' where my friends are by asking to see through their eyes wherever they are at that time (providing their higher conscious gives me permission to see thru their eyes of course) which most do. Can direct a person who is walking by to 'stop' and 'turn around and walk into this shop' (used to freak my mates out with that one).
Am constantly using the power of manifestation in my daily life and always have done and I have photographic memory.

[edit on 17-11-2009 by kiwitina948]

Re: Your Question: Quote “At least you realise this is rubbish. Now go and test yourself like that 9 year old did - or are you too scared of the results?”

Scared? funny. Fear does not exist in my reality. The Acronym of FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real. Link

I just see the ‘testing-game’ being played and I calmly and collectively give my reply, in other words, I choose not to emotionally react to ‘wanna-be manipulators’ or ‘blinkered ones’ and give away my personal power. I live by the concept of Self-Mastery, which means being in control of the emotional body, the physical body, the mental body, and the spiritual body, which I would hope you would know about seeing as you have learned Martial Arts, you would have had to have learned self control or self mastery.

In regards to your question re: Do I want to know more about mentalism or am I too closed-minded?

Are you meaning by that, do I want to know how to ‘act’ to trick people by watching their body language and then turning around and using it against them and then also manipulating them through ‘suggestion’ (also known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming)?

I think not, as far as I can tell, that modality operates in the negative energy frequency vibration and would only be useful for negatively intentioned purposes, ie, entertaining others for money, which I do not operate in. For your information I don’t have to use TRICKERY in my healing work, and I do not charge people when I’m being a medium/ vessel for Universal Source Energy.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by xelamental

Do I want to start seeing the world only through the 5 senses like academics do?

When I have the lifelong duality medium of experiencing through not only the 5 physical senses but also through the spiritual modality where spirituality takes precedence, my answer would have to be
“again, I think not, that is such a closed-minded concept that denies both sides of existence and experience. Why would you want to close out half of existence? It doesn’t make logical sense to me. If I was purely an academic not able to see past my own nose then yes I would close off half of existence and deny the existence of anything not of the physical world, however I am not purely academic, meaning I experience more than one way of existence, both right-brain and left-brain simultaneously. Why don’t you give that a try? Using both hemispheres of your brain matter simultaneously? I look forward to your reply.

posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by kiwitina948
reply to post by xelamental

Source this, source that. Vibrations. Frequency. Energy. Blah blah blah.

Don't pretend to know me, my experiences or my background. To do so really just proves you like aren't listening.

If you are truly interested in the truth, learn mentalism. See where it takes you. What harm could it do if you are right and I am wrong?

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by xelamental

There is no 'right' and there is no 'wrong', there is only truth.
As your signature says ...what is, is.
Your truth is your truth. Sometimes your truth is the same as someone elses.
More often than not, it's not.

What kiwitina believes, happens to be what I believe. It's not a refusal to accept someone elses' belief, it's something that just doesn't resonate.

The attainment of a higher vibrational frequency can be quickened by following with what resonates with ones own frequency.
So if mentalism resonates with you, by all means immerse yourself in it, because it seems to be what you need to raise your frequency.

But under no circumstance can you force someone believe what you believe. It simply doesn't work.
Belief comes from within - your soul - your 'true' self.
You could muster your own following using the 'trickery' you describe above. But to who's benefit?

You came to your current position or resonance by free-will and by that token, if what you believe to be fundamentaly true, others will understand and come to the same resonance themselves.
But ONLY by themselves.

This journey of understanding we are all on is one we must take by ourselves.

It is good that you have found what you need to help you understand, but your understanding is not someone elses.

Much love...

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 09:16 AM
Thank you for this, S&F. My mother has been pushing me into this type of thought, not anything negative like what our government is doing, but how if we really did understand ourselves religion and the government would fail. Also the power we have that we havent tapped yet is just much more powerful then anyone has yet to discover. I really havent watched or listened to his work, so i cant wait to dive it. Thanx again.

The OP links dont work, stupid youtube.

These work:

[edit on 18-12-2009 by Dracolich]

posted on Dec, 21 2009 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by zosomike
reply to post by xelamental

There is no 'right' and there is no 'wrong', there is only truth.
As your signature says ...what is, is.
Your truth is your truth. Sometimes your truth is the same as someone elses.
More often than not, it's not.

What kiwitina believes, happens to be what I believe. It's not a refusal to accept someone elses' belief, it's something that just doesn't resonate.

The attainment of a higher vibrational frequency can be quickened by following with what resonates with ones own frequency.
So if mentalism resonates with you, by all means immerse yourself in it, because it seems to be what you need to raise your frequency.

But under no circumstance can you force someone believe what you believe. It simply doesn't work.
Belief comes from within - your soul - your 'true' self.
You could muster your own following using the 'trickery' you describe above. But to who's benefit?

You came to your current position or resonance by free-will and by that token, if what you believe to be fundamentaly true, others will understand and come to the same resonance themselves.
But ONLY by themselves.

This journey of understanding we are all on is one we must take by ourselves.

It is good that you have found what you need to help you understand, but your understanding is not someone elses.

Much love...

I say there is a universal truth, some of us closer than others. Believe what you will, I could believe in the tooth fairy, it doesn't make it real. Somehow you have to learn methods of discerning real from unreal. What is, is simply means that we interpret a true reality, perceive it correctly or not
. I choose interpreting it without bias, which is why I have learned many things, not just the "woo".

I challenge you and all other believers of woo, go and learn some mentalism, and once you learn to recognise trickery, see if you once used it naturally. It's an eye opening experience learning that your "magical powers" are nothing more than trickery. Life changing actually.

If you are interested in the "truth" what have you got to lose? If I'm wrong, you don't have anything to worry about.

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