posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:22 PM
Correct usage, following the directions at the attached links is SAFE and can save your life! Biological Depopulation has begun this can negate the
effects of the pathogens that have been released!
To all agents that read this post, when you stand before the creator of all things, “I was just following orders”, will not be an acceptable
answer, those that give the orders you follow are directly responsible for the way the world is! They are not spiritually advanced enough to create
anything, other than what you are experiencing now. Nor will they be in an underground facility, or when they reemerge. Your allegiance to them is no
longer required. Soon they will turn on you as well.
The battle has begun; you are behind enemy lines and already have their trust, giving you strategic advantage, like it or not, right now you are
partially responsible for the planetary Genocide that has begun, soon it will become the greatest Mass Murder this planet has ever known, that is what
you are part of, do you in your heart believe it be just?
It is not too late! Start fighting back from the inside! Use your position to help your human family! You know it is the Right Thing to do.
Perhaps you are uncertain of what you can do. Begin by Setting all data free! You know it should be! Publicize their objectives! Disrupt any system
that you work with, so that it cannot proceed toward its objective! Do what you were trained to do! You wanted to make a difference, Now is your
The advantage has become ours join us! Their resources are waning, soon they will not be able to pay you, and will discard you as they do with
anything they consider no longer useful.
With your help the war can be won quickly, without bloodshed!
Those on here that are following the playbook, is this what you went to school for? Think about the teachers and professors that shared their time and
knowledge with you, would they be Proud of you now? Is this how the knowledge was intended to be used? Would your family be proud if they knew what
you were really doing?
Knowledge is power! Use it Wisely!
[edit on 13-11-2009 by PaulKCA]