posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 09:15 PM
"Loaf of bread"
When you read the above you likely "saw" a physical loaf of bread in your mind's eye somewhere. That is where I see auras and gain awareness
with spirits, etc.
Relax the mind, learn to meditate. Then, learn to have focused awareness - I did this by manipulating objects in my mind's eye, such as visualizing a
two-colored spinning ball and trying to speed it up, slow it down, and stop it.
If you're interested I assume you may have a natural ability for it... to check this out, get a friend (someone vivacious and spiritual if you can)
and have them stand in front of a white wall. Dim the lights and look at the person using soft, relaxed eyes.
Most people see the "protection aura" first; it's maybe 1/2 inch to an inch from the surface of the skin. It is always between pure white to light
Beyond that, maybe from 2 inches to 18 inches out from the skin surface you may see a water-color type aura. here are many levels beyond that but
start there =)
Good luck!
[I don't have a citation for this as it is all from my personal experience. I've been able to sense auras and emotion since I was a kid]