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Originally posted by deltaalphanovember
The problem I have with this article is that Nigeria does no have any combat-ready jet fighters!
From this article dated 9th May:
So far, despite their inclusion in the budget, Weekly Trust gathered that only three F-7 and one Augusta 109 light utility/attack helicopter are expected to be delivered by the end of the year in spite of the fact that over N25 billion obligations had been made by the Federal Government thereby leaving a balance of N5 billion.
Originally posted by butcherguy
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
The Ukraine may have been picked because they have a poor economy and a lot of technical workers that travel abroad to support their families. Also lack of government infrastructure might make it appealing for TPTB to launch a weapon. On the other hand, if you are going to spray, why not spray everywhere?
Originally posted by LifENcircleS
This is an important piece of information and the fact that the Chinese are accusing the U.S. of this out loud is very important. Soon it will not matter because the U.S. is doing this already and my best guess is that this is either a test of their depopulation attempts or it is the real thing! This year could be the end for a good percent of humanity. Maybe the U.S. is going to depopulate the planet in advance of 2012 so that there will be a more manageable number of citizens to control when they announce the existence of the Deep Underground Military Bases that they built for the continuation of the human species. Let me know what you think. This is too important to be swept under the carpet!!!
My question is: Why would they start this in the Ukraine?
Right on schedule for the pale horse and black horse of the Apocalypse. Revelation says 1/4 of the worlds population will die.
Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
reply to post by LifENcircleS
My question is: Why would they start this in the Ukraine?
Originally posted by randyvs
Immune systems weakened by chernobyl would allow virus to take hold and mutate. stop
Originally posted by loam
I have been reading so much contradictory material on this, it's hard to know what to believe....
I hate situations like this.
Very frustrating...
After infecting the vaccinated and unvaccinated mice with the 1934 influenza strain, the scientists isolated virus from the lungs of both sets of mice and passed on these viruses to a new set of mice. They did this nine times. After the final passage, the researchers sequenced the gene encoding the virus hemagglutinin protein.
Sequencing revealed that the unvaccinated mice—which lacked vaccine-induced antibodies—had no mutated influenza viruses in their lungs. In contrast, the hemagglutinin gene in virus isolated from vaccinated mice had mutated in a way that increased the ability of the virus to adhere to the receptors it uses to enter lung cells.
Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
My question is: Why would they start this in the Ukraine?
Immune systems weakened by chernobyl would allow virus to take hold and mutate. stop
Originally posted by HunkaHunka
Originally posted by loam
I have been reading so much contradictory material on this, it's hard to know what to believe....
I hate situations like this.
Very frustrating...
This is incredibly true.
Too much conflicting info
Originally posted by muggl3z
To those of you skeptical of OP,
You have to admit it's a bit odd that this 'plague' breaks out in the midst of all this H1N1 insanity.
A bit TOO odd.
Ukrainians do not die from pneumonia, and from viral disstressindroma - expert Ноябрь 12 2009 15:41 November 12, 2009 15:41
Все жертвы вируса на Буковине (22 человека в возрасте от 20 до 40 лет) умерли не от двусторонней пневмонии, как это считалось ранее, а в результате вирусного дисстрессиндрома, то есть тотального поражения легких: сначала наступает сердечно-легочная недостаточность, а затем развивается кардиогенный шок, который вызывает остановку сердца и смерть.
All victims of the virus in Bukovina (22 persons aged 20 to 40 years) died not from bilateral pneumonia, as previously thought, but as a result of viral disstressindroma, ie total lung injury: first comes the cardio-pulmonary insufficiency, and then developed cardiogenic shock, which causes cardiac arrest and death.
Об этом вчера, 11 ноября, газете «Доба» сообщил начальник бюро Черновицкой областной судмедэкспертизы, доктор наук, профессор Виктор Бачинский.
On this Monday, 11 November, the newspaper "Doba" said Chief of the Chernivtsi regional forensic bureau, PhD, Professor Victor Bachinsky.
«Во время двусторонней пневмонии отслеживается определенная морфологическая картина.
"During the bilateral pneumonia monitor specific morphological picture.
Относительно данных смертей, то здесь такой морфологической картины нет.
Regarding these deaths, there is no such morphological picture.
Вирус, который вызывает смерть, очень агрессивен, он даже не поражает трахею, а сразу попадает в легкие и вызывает сильный их отек и сплошные кровоизлияния.
The virus, which causes death, is very aggressive, he did not strike the trachea, and immediately gets into the lungs and causes strong swelling and continuous hemorrhage.
Вызывают такое состояние смешанные типы парагриппа и гриппа А/Н1N1.
Causes such a state of mixed types of parainfluenza and influenza A/N1N1. This is a very toxic strain, which has not yet been worked out by the Ministry of Health method of treatment ", - said Victor Bachinsky.
По его словам, нужно срочно менять стандарты лечения, ведь те, которые применялись до сих пор, результатов не дали – в реанимации не удалось спасти всех людей, пораженных этим вирусом.
According to him, an urgent need to change the treatment standards, because those used so far, the results have not given - in intensive care unable to save all people infected with the virus.
Не оправдались в этой ситуации и аппараты искусственной вентиляции легких – смертность людей наступала в 100%.
Not justified in this situation and ALV apparatus - the death rate of people attacked in 100%.
Ввиду этого, группа профессоров Черновицкого медуниверситета обратилась в Министерство здравоохранения и СНБО с требованием пересмотреть стандарты лечения больных на Буковине.
In view of this, a group of professors of Chernivtsi Medical University appealed to the Ministry of Health and NSDC to demand to review the standards of treatment of patients in Bukovina.
Ученые-морфологи отправили в Киев протоколы, результаты исследований и взятые у тяжело больных и умерших от вируса лиц анализы.
Scientists-morphological sent to Kiev reports, studies and taken from seriously ill and died from the virus of tests.
Виктор Бачинский, входящий в группу инициаторов обращения, отмечает, что вирус является чрезвычайно токсичным, он способен проникать не только через органы дыхания, но и через глазную оболочку.
Victor Bachinsky, part of the initiators of the treatment group, notes that the virus is extremely toxic, it is able to penetrate not only through inhalation but also through the eye membrane.
Поэтому черновицкие ученые рекомендуют ни в коем случае не отказываться от масок и на период эпидемии даже носить защитные очки.
Therefore Chernovtsy scientists recommend in any case not to give up the masks and the period of the epidemic even wearing goggles.
Важным условием для недопущения ухудшения ситуации является также соблюдение карантинного режима.
An important condition to prevent deterioration of the situation is also the observance of quarantine regime.
Originally posted by dannymh
Here some more information !
Danny (The Netherlands)