posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 09:51 AM
Do to the unprecedented power at his disposal, thanks to his predecessor
what he could and should do is sequester his family and anyone he cares about in a secure location guarded by trustworthy SS agents.
Declare an end to all current conflicts, order the immediate return to this country of all US troops and property. Post the returned military at this
nations borders.
Round up all Politicians Bankers and mega rich citizens whether nationals or not and secure them in moderately comfortable hotels.
Bring in private sector economists and accountants and do a thorough forensic analysis of what is left of this nations assets and all recent wealth
accumulation globally. While suggesting every other country do likewise so as to have a figures and data available as claim.
Any citizen of this country regardless of office or stature held, found to be in collusion with any special interest group that is not or has not
acted in the interest of this nation, should be tried for treason and sentenced to a life of hard labor.
Once this nation is secure make known the findings of the analysis and this nations intent on returning stolen sovereign wealth to all nations. And
any nation harboring perpetrators will be subject to hostile military action.
With a rested and resupplied military, venture forth and route out all perpetrators of economic and corporate warfare against planetary populous,
reclaim stolen assets and wealth from wherever it is, repatriate all wealth and cultural artifacts to the rightful owners.
While waiting for the results of the afore mentioned analysis consult with leading ethical non speculative business minded nationals and draft an
immediate plan to rebuild this countries infrastructure.
At the same time subsidize farming and alternative energy production and share any excess with neighboring countries.
Once an actual positive national agenda is achieved dismantle all unnecessary federal programs, Then play golf.
At the pinnacle of the global monetary structure is the Rothschild family,all fiat systems are designed to eventually convey the same to the top of
this structure.
Before all this bailout nonsense began this families worth was estimated at over 500 Trillion dollars as the family has produced the actual fiat
systems used by societies from the beginning of history. With that amount of wealth you could literally zero out all global financial balances and
start over and they would still be the richest people on earth however because they have conspired against humanity they should all be sentenced to a
Life of hard labor.
This would be a good start imho.
Please share you ideas on what he could do regardless of nationality.
[edit on 11-11-2009 by PaulKCA]