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Are you a left, or right brain thinker? Find out here which hemisphere is most dominant.

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posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 09:54 AM
Hmmm... my edit up there didn't actually include my edits! I closed off the quote box and added a sentence, but they seem to not have been posted! Anyhoo...

reply to post by WatchRider

According to those tests I'm right brain dominant, but I'm right handed also.
Though that could account for my dreadful handwriting!

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by psychederic
And i wish some of you read a little bit more wikipedia.


So where the hell did that came from?

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Staafke

haha, i agree. I was reading through all of those links and found only a few connections in the psychology link... otherwise the policitcs (authortarianism) was useless. I think i understand where he was going though. Left Brain- Right Brain Thinking patterns... Im willing to bet that left brain thinkers are more Republican?!

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:07 AM

Left: 18
Right: 0

I think I need to wear a half helmet on just the left side of my head.

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 01:53 PM
Ok.. wait what?!?!? What does this mean???

I'm balanced?

Left Brain Right Brain
50% 51%

You are more right-brained than left-brained. The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body. In addition to being known as right-brained, you are also known as a creative thinker who uses feeling and intuition to gather information. You retain this information through the use of images and patterns. You are able to visualize the "whole" picture first, and then work backwards to put the pieces together to create the "whole" picture. Your thought process can appear quite illogical and meandering. The problem-solving techniques that you use involve free association, which is often very innovative and creative. The routes taken to arrive at your conclusions are completely opposite to what a left-brained person would be accustomed. You probably find it easy to express yourself using art, dance, or music. Some occupations usually held by a right-brained person are forest ranger, athlete, beautician, actor/actress, craftsman, and artist.

Your complete evaluation follows below:
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Your left brain/right brain percentage was calculated by combining the individual scores of each half's sub-categories. They are as follows:

Your Left Brain Percentages

48% Sequential (Your most dominant characteristic)
46% Logical
34% Symbolic
34% Reality-based
32% Linear
14% Verbal (Your least dominant characteristic)

Your Right Brain Percentages

55% Concrete (Your most dominant characteristic)
48% Holistic
44% Fantasy-oriented
43% Intuitive
19% Nonverbal
12% Random (Your least dominant characteristic)

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 03:16 PM
aha! left 48% and right 52%.. but that's also maybe because i'm left-handed and dyslexic (sp?)

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 06:43 PM
reply to post by rjmelter

Well, yes.

But It doesn't really matter (to me) if you are A right or left brain thinker.

What does matter are facts.

And it is the same in politics : right wing, left wing ... Really doesn't matter.

You can be a stupid fascist or a stupid pro Neoliberalist in both. A president could be a fascist in both.

And you have approximatively 1% chance to be a smart guy - like gandhi, or thoreau, and 0% if you choose left, or right.

Things are allways more complicated,
DUaslism is stupid.

Imagine you can think with your left and right brain, imagine we, the people, we begin to think really deeply about politics and the society, and the cause of the problem in the society and in our lifes.

I don't think : the cause of all the problems are the jewish, ok. Do you follow me ?
I don't think : the cause of the problem of unemployment are the RUSSIAN, or chineese. Do you follow me ?

Sometimes you must ask yourself : is the problem a real problem : or just a matter of psychology ( organisation, and way of thinking).

Is the problem of unemployement a real problem ? Do you think so ? I don't !

Most people take a lot of paracetamol everyday, (or even cocain in london ) : do you think this society is the best society for a human being ?

Suicide in china has jump in 50 years, because they have changed their society to become like "us".

THe real problems are energy, famine, etc.

Really , and i should advise you to understand that without oil : it would be impossible to product food for everyone !

And without gas : you cannot also product fertilizer for your food !

We are #ed from everywhere : because what predict Malthus will be just fine !

Malthus had not taken into consideration that england would construct the first global economic empire - from india to "usa".

But today, there are no terra incognita.

And finaly : i don't think that the left brains, the elite who have the power today, will face this problem in the right way !

UK population must fall to 30m, says Porritt :

Is it a bad or good news ?

All the hard work for the politics around the world is how the population has to fall : a crash because of energy ? Because of less birth , more death ?

[edit on 12-11-2009 by psychederic]

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 10:33 PM
My test results:

Video: Initially going counter-clock wise and then abruptly changed to clockwise.
First test: Left Brain dominant
Second test:
About this test | Disclaimer

Thank you for taking the Creativity Test. The results show your brain dominance as being:

Left Brain Right Brain
43% 57%

You are more right-brained than left-brained. The right side of your brain controls the left side of your body. In addition to being known as right-brained, you are also known as a creative thinker who uses feeling and intuition to gather information. You retain this information through the use of images and patterns. You are able to visualize the "whole" picture first, and then work backwards to put the pieces together to create the "whole" picture. Your thought process can appear quite illogical and meandering. The problem-solving techniques that you use involve free association, which is often very innovative and creative. The routes taken to arrive at your conclusions are completely opposite to what a left-brained person would be accustomed. You probably find it easy to express yourself using art, dance, or music. Some occupations usually held by a right-brained person are forest ranger, athlete, beautician, actor/actress, craftsman, and artist.

--Your left brain/right brain percentage was calculated by combining the individual scores of each half's sub-categories. They are as follows:

Your Left Brain Percentages

42% Symbolic (Your most dominant characteristic)
42% Logical
37% Linear
20% Reality-based
14% Sequential
0% Verbal (Your least dominant characteristic)

Your Right Brain Percentages

48% Fantasy-oriented (Your most dominant characteristic)
38% Nonverbal
37% Concrete
36% Holistic
34% Intuitive
12% Random (Your least dominant characteristic)

I really enjoyed this test!

posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by jinx880101

You responded as a right brained person to 9 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 9questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your left brain the most. The summary briefly describes your dominance type.

Does this mean that I use my whole brain? Or am I a pyschopath?

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by sligtlyskeptical

Does this mean that I use my whole brain? Or am I a pyschopath?

No, It just means you have a good balance between the two hemispheres. What is important, is that you learn to use either side on command. That is where the dancing girl comes in. If you can make her switch on demand, you are lucky! If not, keep practicing..

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 03:49 AM
Ok here are my results with the spinning girl initially she was spinning counter clockwise for me after a minute or two i reversed her direction but i couldnt get her to go back so i rewinded the video back to where i changed direction the first time and she was spinning counter clockwise again so i changed her back to cloclwise then attemted to change back and i was able to change direction every time after that

first test:
You responded as a right brained person to 14 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 4 questions.

Second test:
Left brain 40% Right brain 60%

Your left brain/right brain percentage was calculated by combining the individual scores of each half's sub-categories. They are as follows:

Your Left Brain Percentages
40% Reality-based (Your most dominant characteristic)
27% Linear
25% Logical
17% Symbolic
14% Verbal
5% Sequential (Your least dominant characteristic)

Your Right Brain Percentages
46% Concrete (Your most dominant characteristic)
34% Random
34% Intuitive
32% Fantasy-oriented
24% Holistic
13% Nonverbal (Your least dominant characteristic)

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by jinx880101

IT depend on your mood :
Concentration/Logic/ Too logic/ Selfish
Imagination/Holism/ Too global/ Disolved personnality.

And everybody can change their mood : if they want to.

There are studies this different way of thinking : no matter of right or left finally , because you can change the way you think ( some need practising maybe)

[edit on 13-11-2009 by psychederic]

[edit on 13-11-2009 by psychederic]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:24 AM
Dancer is twirling clockwise for me, so according this test the right-side of my brain is more dominant, although the two other tests suggest something else.

Test 1 -

You responded as a right brained person to 0 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 18questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your left brain the most.

Test 2 -

Left Brain - 52% (linear, most dominant; logical, least dominant)
Right Brain - 48% (nonverbal, most dominant; intuitive, least dominant)

[edit on 13-11-2009 by atlscribe]

[edit on 13-11-2009 by atlscribe]

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:05 PM
Very interesting stuff, thank you! S&F

posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 01:47 PM
Left Brain Right Brain
49% 51%

Your Left Brain Percentages
54% Verbal (Your most dsoominant characteristic)
40% Reality-based
38% Logical
37% Linear
18% Sequential
0% Symbolic (Your least dominant characteristic)

Your Right Brain Percentages
50% Random (Your most dominant characteristic)
46% Concrete
39% Intuitive
32% Nonverbal
24% Fantasy-oriented
12% Holistic (Your least dominant characteristic)

I think this is somewhat accurate though if i took the test again i think the results would vairy slightly.
I am constanly thinking but am too lazy to write it down so the next easiest meathod of expression is verbal.
I think so much at times i feel like tesla.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 09:58 AM
unbeleivable. i thought these people were lying when they claimed to be able to spin this woman backwards. then i overfocused and saw her going counterclockwise myself. im trippn now too. mainly because it seemed impossible when she was going the other direction.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by rjmelter

I think i understand where he was going though. Left Brain- Right Brain Thinking patterns... Im willing to bet that left brain thinkers are more Republican?!

THAT would be an interresting study!!

I believe that people who are more into 'New Age' or modern thinking are Right brain thinkers

Hope someone will write a paper on that

And what's the score here, so far??

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 12:55 AM
The dancer: I see her turning clockwise, with a very hard effort I changed her direction for milisecs... then came back to clockwise

first test: You responded as a right brained person to 15 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 3questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your right brain the most.

Left Brain Right Brain
41% 59%

Your Left Brain Percentages
54% Verbal (Your most dominant characteristic)
32% Linear
30% Logical
27% Reality-based
17% Symbolic
14% Sequential (Your least dominant characteristic)

Your Right Brain Percentages
62% Random (Your most dominant characteristic)
57% Fantasy-oriented
46% Concrete
30% Holistic
29% Intuitive
13% Nonverbal (Your least dominant characteristic)

So... random

[edit on 18-11-2009 by Caggy]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Caggy


It is pretty random... I suppose it's how you answer the questions.

For example,
The first time I did the test, I got 80% right brained. When I did the test again, and took time to think about the questions I got 56% t brained

I think my faults lay in the team player vs solo performance.

I do work well in a group, but usually end up doing all the work myself when others get lazy. It's that 'if you want something done properly, do it yourself' kind of attitude. I cannot take the fall for others' laziness. So, I prefer to work on my own in that respect.
But, I do not have a problem working in a group, if everyone does their bit.

So, how would you answer that question? Tricky, because it is circumstantial.

This is where you really need to sit and think before you answer, it will affect your score.

[edit on 06/10/2009 by jinx880101]

posted on Nov, 19 2009 @ 01:45 AM
I've been doing the hemisphere dominance every now and then for about eight years now, and I can tell you, the results can change, sometimes dramatically!, even in the course of a few hours.
Hemisphere dominance is not a constant.

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