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Remarks by the President at Memorial Service at Fort Hood

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posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by ADVISOR

I think the president must have speechwriters on his staff; all presidents do. My impression is that the speech contained Obama's own convictions and beliefs, though maybe someone else did the research on the backgrounds of those fallen, and other details like that.

Even so, Obama is astonishing in that he apparently can take a one-word prompt and expound on it in detail, without reading, looking at his audience and making eye contact all the while.

Even though he has assistance, I think he is one of the great orators among American presidents.

posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by jibeho
It was definitely a well written speech by Obama's team of skilled writers. Whether or not he actually understands the content of his own speech has yet to be determined.

On a side note, as I watched Obama place a challenge coin at each memorial marker I don't recall seeing Obama actually salute any of the fallen soldiers as they were saluted by their fellow soldiers. Is this customary? or am I expecting too much from our Commander in Chief?

Interesting you picked this up. Be aware that there is a major shift in the politics of late. Be it good or bad I won't judge.
What is interesting is the fact (similar to the not saluting the fallen) is that almost the entire executive branch seems void of military service.
Quite different than when America was respected in the world.
Maybe it's just a Chicago thing.

[edit on 11-11-2009 by Donny 4 million]

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