posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 05:48 AM
I would not condone any form of interrogation or mind games on this guy or anyone else for that matter. He may well know “stuff” but if he does
not want to share it he has his reasons, could be the protection of his family or maybe your protection... The reasons for not speaking could be many
and it is an individual’s choice and their freedom to choose should be respected. Frustrating as it may be, the must have it now, push harder and
faster approach is what is driving us all closer to the edge every passing second.
You are talking about one of the corner stone questions that man has, if you had the answer and could, you would certainly share it with every last
ounce of energy you had. I often wonder what horror they hang over these people’s heads to maintain silence, what would keep you quiet? Family tree
getting a serious case of Dutch Elm disease would stop most in their tracks. Maybe not now but a generation or two down the line, no-one would spot
that would they..
Should you be told something in confidence I would personally keep it that way as well, which might go against the grain here but that’s just my
point of view. Respect self and others as equal in thought and action. Personal validation is what most seek if they are totally honest, your efforts
could then be focused on other things depending on what you learn and what needs to be done; Sounds a bit cryptic that but it’s not meant to be!
At the end of the day talking to a member of the older generation is something which should be valued so don't waste the chance. Does not happen as
much these days which is very sad, TPTB managed to divide and conquer very effectively. We shun our tribal elders for rubbish on TV, we are less wise
and poorer morally for it.