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Non-Obese Section, please!

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posted on Nov, 12 2009 @ 11:29 PM
Wouldn't this make for a great debate thread?

It seems as though that is what it has turned into although I am getting a sense that you both are basically saying the same thing in a different way.

But as I am learning from this discussion, please, carry on.

p.s. it's so dam refreshing to see a disagreement without any name calling or baiting that I wish everyone could read this and get some idea as to how to argue a point knowing there is no need for such things.

Kudos to you both...

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 02:23 AM
Walk a mile in another persons shoes and you will garner a whole new appreciation for how difficult their life may be. Ever think that the person you are passing judgement upon may be suffering intensely?

Did you ever consider that these people not only have to deal with the physical limitations and the personal shame of being the way they are, but they also have to deal with the likes of people like you everywhere they go? Any idea what that feels like? Ever carried that kind of burden?

Fat people don't bother me at all, but pretentious, arrogant, know it all assclowns who feel that they are above everyone else seem to make me quite ill natured.

It's called empathy friend. Get some.

And if you can't tolerate being around anyone who may not be as "perfect" as you are... then I would suggest you STFU and stay home.

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

I think a few people have misread this thread

It is really an attack on the persecution of smokers, and not an attack on obese people as such !!

Smoking may kill you !!

Overeating may kill you !!

Drinking too much may kill you !!

But it is only smokers at the moment that face restrictions, when clearly alcohol and obesity are also potential health risks.
The Govt will state that passive smoking is dangerous, blah, blah, blah, but there is very little evidence to support this.

Live and let live is what I, we all have to die sometime and life without a few vices would be a friggin boring experience

It truly sucks having to huddle outside pubs and restaurants in the cold to have a ciggie......
Plus if all smokers took their bat and ball home and stopped, methinks this control freak Govt might just miss all that luverly tax revenue

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by tribewilder

We call each other names via U2U. No post bans that way. :p

posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by uk today
reply to post by BlackOps719

I think a few people have misread this thread

It is really an attack on the persecution of smokers, and not an attack on obese people as such !!

Smoking may kill you !!

Overeating may kill you !!

The problem is, however, comparing a smoker to an obese individual is a stretch. I understand the satire and understand attacks that smokers receieve.

But it is only smokers at the moment that face restrictions, when clearly alcohol and obesity are also potential health risks.

The biggest reason for smoking restrictions is due to it's second-hand side effects(allergies? bad smell?). Being fat or having a few drinks doesn't directly affect anyone but yourself.


posted on Nov, 13 2009 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

Silly Goose!

You took my quote out of context.

It is not a psychological problem.

By that, I meant obesity/excess fat deposition is not caused by a psychological problem. High insulin levels will increase hunger and increase cravings for carbs, and an addiction will be formed. Then the brain comes into play.

Lowering insulin levels and stabilizing blood glucose will decrease hunger and decrease cravings, thereby decreasing addiction.

The idea that emotions are causing overfeeding is causing obesity sends the message: "You can't control your emotions and YOU are at fault. Control your emotions and you won't eat so much and you won't gain fat."

This approach doesn't work. Calorie restricted diets do not work because hunger and cravings will utlimately win.

However, the idea that carbs regulate insulin regulates fat deposition sends the message: "It's not your fault. Eat the right foods, AS MUCH AS YOU WANT, and you'll naturally lose weight."

The mental approach has failed. It's been used time and time and time again since the early 1970's. Before that, however, it was known that obesity was not a psychological problem but was a sacharrine problem(sugar).


[edit on 13-11-2009 by DevolutionEvolvd]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 11:57 PM
If this is such a natural occurrence then why has it spiked so dramatically in the last 20-30 years?

I have my vices and most of them could probably kill me. In fact, I've gone so far as to strike things from my life that I love very dearly for my health.

I am so sick of this empathy for people who don't appreciate the life they've been given. I understand addiction and an inability to satiate desire for reasons I cannot specify here, so I feel like I have an understanding of the horrible trials it must cause people. But on the other hand, I certainly don't feel pity for them.

Again... Genes are genes.. And I am sure there are those out there that simply will never control their weight no matter how hard they try.. But I'll reserve a 1/2% for those people out of the entire obese population.

I was a fat kid, I will be a fat man unless I continue to control myself. Everyone wants a pity party though.

I don't hate morbidly obese people.. I just don't respect them. Sorry if my post seems completely insensitive, but for most fat people out there, they only perpetuate their own problem.

posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by SantaClaus

Yes, very insensitive. Though, I felt the same way once. It was soon after I had won the battle with my own weight problems. I was convinced that a lack of self control and/or neglegence were to blame, which led me to lose a lot of respect for obese/overweight individuals.

After spending over 4 years researching, practicing and helping overweight individuals, I'm now aware of a huge misunderstanding. Neither my own anecdotes, nor yours, apply to others.

If you were battling a disease and, regardless of your doctor's treatment, you coulnd't seem to cure it, how would you feel if people lost respect for you?

I've seen and talked to countless individuals that have been advised to eat less and exercise more to lose weight, yet day after day on the treadmill and hour after hour feeling hungry, they were/are unsuccessful. I played basketball with guys for 2 hours a day, 4-5 days a week for over a year who kept that extra 20/30/40 pounds of fat.

Most overweight individuals struggle so much because they're given bogus advice. The sad part is that advice very often comes from health proffessionals. So who's fault is it?

Side note: How many fat people have you talked to who haven't tried dieting?


posted on Nov, 15 2009 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by DevolutionEvolvd

Well, you won the "battle" yourself. I'd hope you'd have a more enlightened stance on the subject.

Surely there is no be-all-end-all solution to the problem, but it is SOLVABLE. I keep talking about willpower and substance, and God knows I was a person of little of either earlier in life, but there is always a moment when you ask yourself if this is the life you will allow yourself to lead.

Unbelievably hard, but if anyone had given me pity I probably would have continued to abuse myself.

I personally know many healthy overweight people.. They are happy and fit and lead normal lives. But those are the rarities in my opinion.

posted on Nov, 22 2009 @ 01:29 PM
Haha, wait. Is OP serious? Oh man...

You do realize that smoking is banned in restaurants because of second hand smoke, right? You know that stuff that other people breath in and reap the consequences of despite the fact that they made the choice not to smoke? Yeah...that's why you have your own section. Not because people care about your unhealthy lifestyle.

Obese people are not holding you down and funneling lard into your stomach. Also, a lot of obesity stems from genetic problems such as thyroid complications. Do you smoke because you are genetically predisposed to do so?


So shut up or eat at home, where you can smoke and not have to deal with the ungodly sight of someone who doesn't fit into your narrow standard of beauty.

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