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My Abduction With God Part 2 of 2

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posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 12:37 AM
After this frogman took my father into a another room, I was waiting by myself for at least 30 minutes. Whe he came back by his self, I was eager to ask him questions. I was still at this time messed up, which I believe may have been a type of gas, or perhaps something else. It did make the situation a lot less scarier. I just found him cool, I remember thinking that over and over!

I asked him"Are you God, God?" he said"Why are you disapointed?" and I said "No". He was friendly. I still had my doubts he was God, and he must have been able to sense it. He took me over to this lamp like looking object. This is where my story gets crazy. I promise you all it is true!

Everything in the room was the color Blue, some was dark blue and some was light blue. He takes me over to this lamp looking object and it plays very neat. It looked like a small bed lamp, but instead of light it projected a 3-d picture. It was like the people were really moving in a small area. It was a small pic, probally no bigger than 12 inches.

The first video I hear these people screaming, the camera stayed still the entire time, and it was up in a tree. The sounds were amazing, these people come running by wearing like leather skirts and stuff, kinda like the cavemen did. The water had a opening, like a path was created. They hit the water and ran through the path as if there life depended on it. Then these people come chasing them(note they are only about 20 yards behind them) as they try to follow the same path the water closes up on them. The water hits them like 100 mph, they were not that far out. And they must have drowned. I know that story is in the Bible, which made it very cool, I just have to read to see who was in the group.

The next video had Hitler in it. He was at the edge of a military type boat, he was screaming in fear. Soldiers(i coulndt make out which country they were from) taped his mouth shut, and they threw him into the sea!! His hands were taped at the beginning of the footage.

At that point I felt like I needed proof, this was to crazy. I knew no one would believe me. So I was going to ask is there a cure for cancer, but then I assumed there are like 15 different types. So I asked is there a cure for Aids? He said" Yes" he gave me 4 names of ingrediants, but not being in the medical field I couldnt remember them. Did he give me the cure for Aids?

I would like to get hypnosis to find out. This story was very hard to say. I feel it is something I had to do. As I sit here, it is 1:25 am on a Sunday night, and I feel relieved! Yesterday when I wrote part 1 I almost had an anxiety attack. I was getting shortness of breath just writing the story.

But this has been very therapeutic to me. I picked ATS, because I bought the book, Above Top Secret by Jim Marrs. What made me buy the book was I seen on the back of the cover the chapter is God a Alien. Before that point I believed no one would ever believe my story, it gave me some courage. Then I found out ATS was a website as well.

These last couple of days the people here have been great to me. People believed me, and that meant the world to me. While it is true, it is just to crazy of a story to tell. I think mine and my fathers dream is to one day see out story as a movie. I would love to allow people to see what I saw. The room was an amazing place to behold. One of the cool things I remember seeing is as the first creature told me God was coming out, he stood on this moving floor, similar to the airports have, it looks like a escalater, but it just moves forward not up.

He rode is in a room, the door raised up automatically, and before the door went back down I could see a alien in a chair, and what appeared he was working on a computer, it was so cool. The scenery in that room was unbelievable. I hope maybe ATS or another website could hook me up with a artist, so we can post some drawings of what the room looked like.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 12:41 AM
Please continue your story and discussion of it in the existing thread - to avoid any confusion.

Thank you.

Thread closed.


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