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Fake ALQuaeda - Adam Gadahn -- Jew...

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posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 05:17 PM

what is the ADL doing fanning the flames of war... is there any recoarse for their actions... I would certainly hope so...

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 05:38 PM
Jesus! I never knew any of this. However, any mention of this and I will forever be branded an anti-semite. Fight the war machine!!!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 06:43 PM
I don't know. Ahmadinejad has Jewish ancestry. Why not this guy? I mean, just because he had a Jewish family, doesn't mean he couldn't convert to Islam and become an extremist. Not that I necessarily believe that's what happened, but how do we know that's not what happened?

Lots of Americans - well, not *lots*, but several - converted to Islam and joined Al Quaeda and what-not. Went to terror camps, got involved in plots to destroy things or kill people.

But if this Adam guy is a fake, then this is what is meant by a "false flag". That is, someone acting as though he represented some group or nation, and doing things that reflect badly on that group. While I think it would be kind of dumb to do this, I don't see that it's so bad. Beats flying jets into buildings, beheading journalists, that sort of thing. This is mighty tame by comparison.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 06:55 PM
Indeed, It would seem the US will set up spy's among Al Queda and Taliban. But it does not matter about ancestral heritage. I've talked to Jew's before about other Jew's who believed Jesus was the messiah and that therefore they say they are no longer Jews for accepting Jesus. So, let's cut all the non sense and look between the lines.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:49 PM
EVERYTHING I/You/We, See/Hear on the brain-numbing idiot box is MANUFACTURED! (and we all know who the masters of this medium are).
By the way I'm 1/4 jewish, My grandmother was an Actress/Singer/Dancer in 1930s',40s' Hollywood, and told me stories about the "Artists" of that era, the only thing I can say is "GOOD GOD WHAT A BUNCH OF PERVERTED PSYCHOPATHS THEY WERE!".
She told me that she was best friends with Betty Grable (they hung out alot together), mainly because they were practically the only ones who DID NOT participate in Wife Swapping/ Alcohol Consumption/ Drug Abuse(both legal and illegal), and all kinds of other stuff I can't talk about!
What does this have to do with this thread? EVERYTHING! Because it allegorically shows what depths of depravity/lack of morality/scruples this Industry produces/attracts in people who populate it.
So, producing FAKE Jihadists for a Political/Ideological/Profit Motive would be no big deal for these Twisted Freaks!
Making/Promoting/Profitting from WAR is a long known Path for the Jewish Race! Remember WHOM did our Government turned to for Propaganda Production in WWII, need I repeat myself.
Thank GOD for U-tube and the Internet!!!

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 09:07 AM
I'm not sure wife swapping is quite as depraved as engineering the murder of thousands of people so that you can illegally occupy a couple of countries for profit.

In fact, I'm not sure that evidence of degeneracy amongst Hollywood stars of yesteryear is concrete evidence of 9/11 conspiracy, but I'm certainly willing to be proved wrong.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:30 AM
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

It shows that in a period when morality and godliness were significantly more common and visibly manifest, this group/social "click" were rampantly wicked, hence today where "hollywood is openly/praised/honored for being fiendlishly aberrant/twisted/freakish", Anyone can perceive that what is done in the production studios of "H.W." today is easily capable of this dastardly DEED!

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by Anti-Evil

That youtube is insulting.
Fatty boy Adam Ghadan is a convert to Islam. Why is that hard to believe? Believed to be dead because the delivery of one of the AQ videos got into the hands of the CIA before it hit the AQ connected muslims website.
Yes he was a muslim, lived in California and worked at his parents slaughterhouse that produced halal meat.

John Walker Lindh and many other Americans convert to Islam daily, this is nothing new.
As for Daniel Pearl, he was beheaded by Kalid Shiek Mohammed when he was working on a report of the ISI being in bed with AQ. Funny that KSM was captured in an ISI safehouse. The hairy pig is still proclaiming he is a martyr and looks forward to the death penalty. BTW he was educated in a US university and is an engineer like many terrorists.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by Keymaster1
reply to post by TrickoftheShade

It shows that in a period when morality and godliness were significantly more common and visibly manifest, this group/social "click" were rampantly wicked, hence today where "hollywood is openly/praised/honored for being fiendlishly aberrant/twisted/freakish", Anyone can perceive that what is done in the production studios of "H.W." today is easily capable of this dastardly DEED!

The AQ videos are made with the same German technology that produced Space Ships over Haiti. They have quite a production studio. Further they are protected by 57 OIC countries and have free roam... so again, this isn't unusual.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Keymaster1
EVERYTHING I/You/We, See/Hear on the brain-numbing idiot box is MANUFACTURED! (and we all know who the masters of this medium are).
By the way I'm 1/4 jewish, My grandmother was an Actress/Singer/Dancer in 1930s',40s' Hollywood, and told me stories about the "Artists" of that era, the only thing I can say is "GOOD GOD WHAT A BUNCH OF PERVERTED PSYCHOPATHS THEY WERE!".
She told me that she was best friends with Betty Grable (they hung out alot together), mainly because they were practically the only ones who DID NOT participate in Wife Swapping/ Alcohol Consumption/ Drug Abuse(both legal and illegal), and all kinds of other stuff I can't talk about!
What does this have to do with this thread? EVERYTHING! Because it allegorically shows what depths of depravity/lack of morality/scruples this Industry produces/attracts in people who populate it.
So, producing FAKE Jihadists for a Political/Ideological/Profit Motive would be no big deal for these Twisted Freaks!
Making/Promoting/Profitting from WAR is a long known Path for the Jewish Race! Remember WHOM did our Government turned to for Propaganda Production in WWII, need I repeat myself.
Thank GOD for U-tube and the Internet!!!

Yeah, but you can believe what's on the internet. Wow! Better think that one through again.

posted on Nov, 17 2009 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by JJay55

I'm almost 90% sure that anti-semite means anti-muslim \ anti-jew so Jew and Muslims are pretty much the same in my book... and i'm not really racist so why is this evolving into a racial issue... its not... I prefer to have my own space free of both conflicts... muslim and cabalist Jews ... for I was born a Babtist and you can lump bible thumper into that too... I wish to be free of thumpers as well.... and I could do with a little less latin while we are at it... its personal preference... nothing more nothing less... birds of feather should stick together... so dont they... and just leave me and mine to our own thoughts...

[edit on 17-11-2009 by Anti-Evil]

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by Anti-Evil
reply to post by JJay55

I'm almost 90% sure that anti-semite means anti-muslim \ anti-jew so Jew and Muslims are pretty much the same in my book... and i'm not really racist so why is this evolving into a racial issue... its not... I prefer to have my own space free of both conflicts... muslim and cabalist Jews ... for I was born a Babtist and you can lump bible thumper into that too... I wish to be free of thumpers as well.... and I could do with a little less latin while we are at it... its personal preference... nothing more nothing less... birds of feather should stick together... so dont they... and just leave me and mine to our own thoughts...
[edit on 17-11-2009 by Anti-Evil]

Dear Baptist friend, in Islam they don't accept all birds. You are less of a bird because of your religious choice. At some point in time you may be challenged by Islam and possibly killed over this.

posted on Nov, 18 2009 @ 08:24 AM
Yeah, let's keep the fear mongering at a fever pitch - we don't want people to get any ideas this whole bunch of BS was the brainchild of Government and was perpetuated by a disreputable and despicable mainstream media. Watch out! Islam is getting ready to swallow you up and spit you out. Of course, this distracts the masses from realizing that they are already being swallowed up and spit out by a much more powerful, subtle, hypocritical and deceitful enemy.

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