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My Abduction with God? Part 1 of 2

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posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 11:08 PM
This story has been something I have wanted to tell for about the last 5 years, ever since I could remember alot of it. It happened in 2000 while on a trip in San Fran. I ask that you try to respect my story, I promise you it is 100% true. I feel like telling it will help allow me to move on with my life. If I never experienced this and heard this from a random stranger I honestly probally wouldnt believe them.

I have never been a real religous person, I do believe in Jesus, and I know he is real. I just felt like growing up, that Jesus and God would prefer us to learn about life in general then studying them the whole time.

Will my father bought us airplane tickets to San Fran to go see Alcatraz in 2000. Two nights before we would leave my father saw a weird object near our house. As he tried to take a pic of it the camera wouldnt work, and it would move back. We were in San Fran for 4 days, we had a rental car driving down Pacific Coastal Highway.

My father saw a weird multi-color light in the sky while driving through the front window of the rental car. I didnt see it, when I looked up, then curiosity struck me"I said where at" thinking it was a bunch of crap. Damn if he wasnt lying, there was a object right above us. Next thing we know this thing is off to the side of the road, there was woods and a dirt road leading down the path.

This thing was at least as big as a football field, probally bigger. As we pulled over in shock, I noticed I was going to pass out. Somehow even in the car, it felt like I was either being gassed or soemthing. My father was out cold, and I was fighting with my will power to keep my eyes open. Thats when I saw this object dropping down huge metal like plates. Plate after plate would drop down on top of each other.

There were these unbelievable short aliens in them, they had to be no bigger than 3 foot. They would jump off of the plates as they hit the ground, all in all about 4 plates would drop unloading about 12 of these little things. As they ran to our car, they started out about 100 yards away. They didnt have knee caps, they ran like a hobble from side to side. We were parked beside a hill, it dropped about 10 feet. As they were about 10 feet away I fell asleep from what seemed like a type of gas.

I awoken in a weird cage like structure. Almost similar to a Octogan(In UFC) but way smaller, it was about 12 foot by 12 foot it was a circle type fenced area. I awoken on a bench. There was a Stop-Sign like sign with another type of writing I wasnt familar with, it was like one big symbol word. As this creature approached me, he looked like a waterbug man, or something, it was very scary.

I am not a wimp, studied karate, grew up in the inner city. But at this point I remember just being afraid. No one could help me, I couldnt call the police or nothing, it was me and them. When I though when it gets close I will punch it, it just stopped almost like it could read my mind, when I thought good stuff it came closer. All in all I do not remember if I punched it or not, I need Hypnosis so I can remember it all.

Next thing I know I am in front of this weird figure. It did speak almost like a demon, its voice was very scary to say the least. He says"And show some respect God is coming out" at first I assumed it was his God, so I said"Your God" He replied"My God, Your God, everyones God!". I was forced to face my father as we waited.

Before I know it I hear this voice in my head like it was speakers. At first it was too loud, me and my father both said we cant hear you. Then we could hear it. As we turned around, I seen this FrogMan with a Gold Hat(like Santa) a Gold Robe and a golden staff. My first thought was this thing is old, I remember thinking he is so old I expected to see cob-webs(spider webs) on him. But he was so cool. He looked like he had a frog face, it was dark grey almost black with very noticible scales. I will tell the rest of story hopefully by Monday.

[edit on 7-11-2009 by timlumber]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 12:20 AM
Your story was indeed wonderfully interesting if not true, but I'll assume for your sake it is.

It's probably not unwarranted that some species developed much technology and became god-like to other species, whom may try and force us to believe so as well. I think this happened on Stargate SG1 , right? I've seen short ET's, one reminded me of that being on Harry Potter, the little elf like creature who was always scared. Only this being had a very round baby face, hardly any hairs, no nose, and a small mouth. He watched me in a curious demeanor as I rest in my bed. I did not fear him as he meant me no harm. I look forward to hearing the rest of your adventure.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 12:25 AM
I remember you briefly mentioning your abduction in another thread. Very interesting. I'll be on the lookout for the rest of the story.
Thanks for posting it. I'm sure it was hard to do.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 12:28 AM
Thanks for the comment. Yes as crazy as it sounds it is true. Not sure about the stargate quote, I am not really a sci-fi buff. I have had 2 very interesting opinions. One place who investigates this, thinks it may have been a Fallen Angel( I need to read up on what a Fallen Angel is, and another mentioned Sky Gods, which made more sense) I did find some things on Frogmen on Google. I think I wanna try to learn about this experience I had, and move forward with my life. I do hope a alien research group steps up and gives me a lie-dector test and hypnosis. I will pass the lie-detector test, but I will still have lots of people who think I am nuts. I just wanna say it and move on with my life, the 2nd part is where it gets even crazier, it will be hard to tell, but very therapuetic.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 12:29 AM

Originally posted by virraszto
I remember you briefly mentioning your abduction in another thread. Very interesting. I'll be on the lookout for the rest of the story.
Thanks for posting it. I'm sure it was hard to do.
Thanks for the support!!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 12:40 AM
What a wild story! I don't mean wild like you just made this up. But, wild, like in, wow! It amazes me that so many people have spoken about alien abductions, visions of God, visions of angels, experiences of ghosts, experiences with demons, etc. There's many different tales, with differing appearances of said creatures. I just wonder. Do these creatures, gods, spirits show themselves to people in such a way that it is meant to be a personal experience, based upon each viewer's abilitiy to understand or recognize? I'm looking forward to more that you write about this experience. Also, this experience was for you. So, it's up to you to decide what it all means to you. I would like to read about your own analysis of it all. After all, it happened to you, and you are the one who can best determine what it all means.

Just wanted to add. I wanted to say something else but it was foolish.

[edit on 8-11-2009 by kyred]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 12:43 AM

Originally posted by timlumber
Thanks for the comment. Yes as crazy as it sounds it is true. Not sure about the stargate quote, I am not really a sci-fi buff. I have had 2 very interesting opinions. One place who investigates this, thinks it may have been a Fallen Angel( I need to read up on what a Fallen Angel is, and another mentioned Sky Gods, which made more sense) I did find some things on Frogmen on Google. I think I wanna try to learn about this experience I had, and move forward with my life. I do hope a alien research group steps up and gives me a lie-dector test and hypnosis. I will pass the lie-detector test, but I will still have lots of people who think I am nuts. I just wanna say it and move on with my life, the 2nd part is where it gets even crazier, it will be hard to tell, but very therapuetic.

I agree with the first opinion in that it was a fallen angel. It may help if your read The Book of Enoch:The Watchers and study up on the concept. You can find the translation online. If you truly seek peace become a Christian and except Jesus into your life then the Holy Ghost and the Angels will keep you safe from future events like the one you experienced as well as bring peace to you about what happened.

[edit on 8-11-2009 by Melissa101]

[edit on 8-11-2009 by Melissa101]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 12:48 AM

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:01 AM

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:14 AM
Very interesting experience. How terrifying to be taken by Insectiods (the Water Bugs)

In my experience, abduction experiences, there are two types of insectiods working with planet earth- the ones working with the Reptillians and the ones working with the Nordics. It sound to me as if you had an experience with the Reptillians- if this frog god with the Santa hat was indeed reptillian in nature.

What I can ASSURE YOU is that, that being=- none of them are the Supreme God Head. I know this from profound spiritual experiences what and whom god is - where he resides- and how rarely he incarnates into a physical form. God is almost always exists as an energy form.

Other Gods however do exist, demi gods. And many many many alien species have their own demi gods that they believe to be supreme rulers-- much like the ancient egyptians believing their Pharoahs to be Gods.

Did you have any strange marks or side effects from this?
Have you had abductions since returning home from San Fran?

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:19 AM
I wanted to add that my personal insectiod abduction experiences were positive, and they resembled large ants and beetles- almost identical to this bug commercial-- infact just watching it creeps me out.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:25 AM
I hope you find a way to recall the details you have forgot, but be wary of hypnosis which has been proven to be too 'suggestive' and create false memories. You want the real deal, I'd find another way or let it come back to you on its own. Not everyone is able to be hypnotised either, so it's very shaky ground. I don't know, maybe try a medium? Though knowing whose real is a tough one too....

[edit on 8-11-2009 by Zerra]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by Melissa101
I am currently unfamilar with Fallen Angels, so I will be reading up on it. Yeah they told me they assumed that is what it was. I did have an abduction, they are saying a Fallen Angel can make you think that. But yes I do need to start reading a Bible a little more, I do believe in Jesus 100%. Thanks for the comment.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn
No more abductions since returning home. The one creatures looked like waterbug faces, I say that, just because they were very creepy to say the least. Yeah, I have read recently about reptilians. The being claiming to be God had a Gold hat on, yes almost same type we see with Santa. It had scales on it. I did recieve a message from someone who read my previous comments, and he mentioned Sky Gods, I did see Frogmen come up, not alot on them though. Thanks for the comment!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

The ones I encountered were weird. Did you actually have an encounter? This is first I heard of insectoids(the name) not sure if thats what mine was, but yes it was very buglike. I do remember at one point being so afraid, I tried to give myself a heart attack to try to kill myself, they were creepy!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:51 AM
reply to post by Zerra

Yes the thing I am worried about is I have anxiety. I tend to worry alot, mainly about bills I have and what not, it has caused some sleep disorders. So I would hope I would still be able to be hypnotized, but yeah it seems a little crazy, dont know what to expect, if I get the chance though I will deffeintly try it. Thanks for the comment. You all have been great! These comments are very important to me! I will see my father tommorow, and I will tell him of the great responses, and the info you all have given me.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 12:48 AM
I was told to keep this in one thread so here is Part 2.
After this frogman took my father into a another room, I was waiting by myself for at least 30 minutes. Whe he came back by his self, I was eager to ask him questions. I was still at this time messed up, which I believe may have been a type of gas, or perhaps something else. It did make the situation a lot less scarier. I just found him cool, I remember thinking that over and over!

I asked him"Are you God, God?" he said"Why are you disapointed?" and I said "No". He was friendly. I still had my doubts he was God, and he must have been able to sense it. He took me over to this lamp like looking object. This is where my story gets crazy. I promise you all it is true!

Everything in the room was the color Blue, some was dark blue and some was light blue. He takes me over to this lamp looking object and it plays very neat. It looked like a small bed lamp, but instead of light it projected a 3-d picture. It was like the people were really moving in a small area. It was a small pic, probally no bigger than 12 inches.

The first video I hear these people screaming, the camera stayed still the entire time, and it was up in a tree. The sounds were amazing, these people come running by wearing like leather skirts and stuff, kinda like the cavemen did. The water had a opening, like a path was created. They hit the water and ran through the path as if there life depended on it. Then these people come chasing them(note they are only about 20 yards behind them) as they try to follow the same path the water closes up on them. The water hits them like 100 mph, they were not that far out. And they must have drowned. I know that story is in the Bible, which made it very cool, I just have to read to see who was in the group.

The next video had Hitler in it. He was at the edge of a military type boat, he was screaming in fear. Soldiers(i coulndt make out which country they were from) taped his mouth shut, and they threw him into the sea!! His hands were taped at the beginning of the footage.

At that point I felt like I needed proof, this was to crazy. I knew no one would believe me. So I was going to ask is there a cure for cancer, but then I assumed there are like 15 different types. So I asked is there a cure for Aids? He said" Yes" he gave me 4 names of ingrediants, but not being in the medical field I couldnt remember them. Did he give me the cure for Aids?

I would like to get hypnosis to find out. This story was very hard to say. I feel it is something I had to do. As I sit here, it is 1:25 am on a Sunday night, and I feel relieved! Yesterday when I wrote part 1 I almost had an anxiety attack. I was getting shortness of breath just writing the story.

But this has been very therapeutic to me. I picked ATS, because I bought the book, Above Top Secret by Jim Marrs. What made me buy the book was I seen on the back of the cover the chapter is God a Alien. Before that point I believed no one would ever believe my story, it gave me some courage. Then I found out ATS was a website as well.

These last couple of days the people here have been great to me. People believed me, and that meant the world to me. While it is true, it is just to crazy of a story to tell. I think mine and my fathers dream is to one day see out story as a movie. I would love to allow people to see what I saw. The room was an amazing place to behold. One of the cool things I remember seeing is as the first creature told me God was coming out, he stood on this moving floor, similar to the airports have, it looks like a escalater, but it just moves forward not up.

He rode is in a room, the door raised up automatically, and before the door went back down I could see a alien in a chair, and what appeared he was working on a computer, it was so cool. The scenery in that room was unbelievable. I hope maybe ATS or another website could hook me up with a artist, so we can post some drawings of what the room looked like.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 02:12 AM
I'm intrigued. I doubt it was God you saw, but man oh man it does make for a good story. I think that you may be telling the truth...however if you are you only confirm a saddening suspicion I have. They are not aliens, nor are they humans from the future, nay...not even fallen angels. They are interdimensional travelers, all of them...Greys, Nordics, Reptilians, and these things you encountered...whatever their purposes are for being here, we truly have no clue of.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 01:28 PM
This reminds me too much of Stargate and the supposed Goa'uld Gods

The metal plates dropping down, a leader who is considered to be god by his followers to all men, the only thing that doesn't fit is the description of them.

[edit on 9-11-2009 by socrates271]

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 08:19 PM
So this "god" gave you the cure to HIV/AIDS...knowing full well you wouldn't remember because you aren't in the medical field...



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