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Ukraine's Flu Cases Now At 903,697

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posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:06 PM
Rhizalabs interactive flu tracking map now has Ukraine's flu cases at 903,697. This is got to be either a mistake, or whatever it is afflicting these people is far worse than H1N1, but that is what they are calling it. These kind of numbers aren't found anywhere else. They have the total number of Confirmed/Probable cases worldwide at 1.8 million. That would mean roughly half of those are in the small country of Ukraine? Suspicious, if nothing else. Does anyone else have additional information they can share to confirm these figures?

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:24 PM
Those numbers are probably a bit low.

I believe the Mossad agent who was recently arrested after having called in to US American radio show told us a truth. Moishe said They will be launching a so-called 'vaccine' that is in fact a bio-weapon. He said it would start in Ukraine.

And so it has. The monsters at Baxter are likely behind this. They already tried to do the same earlier but for a technician in the Czech Republic who tested the vaccine on seven ferrets which all died. Had it not been for what he found and raising the alarm, a number of countries would be in dire situations.

It seems that this bio-weapon in Ukraine and the Baxter "error" before are/were intended to start in and attack the most conservative nations in Europe.

Jane Buergermeister, wherever you are, you are my hero. I wish Ukraine had had a whistleblower like you. But, alas, Ukraine once again suffers under the madness of the 'elites'.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:25 PM
wow this doesn't sound real...

[edit on 7-11-2009 by obamalivechat]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:32 PM
I realise that all flue cases are being counted as H1N1 whether they are or not, but I do not believe that what is happening in Ukraine is simply H1N1.

Were one able to study it, I suspect one would find the 1918 Spanish flu virus weaponised largely by additions making it more deadly.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by 12GaugePermissionSlip
Rhizalabs interactive flu tracking map now has Ukraine's flu cases at 903,697. This is got to be either a mistake, or whatever it is afflicting these people is far worse than H1N1, but that is what they are calling it. These kind of numbers aren't found anywhere else. They have the total number of Confirmed/Probable cases worldwide at 1.8 million. That would mean roughly half of those are in the small country of Ukraine? Suspicious, if nothing else. Does anyone else have additional information they can share to confirm these figures?

Do you think that maybe Baxter sent a separate shipment to Ukraine additional to the one Teresa Forcades said was intercepted by the lab-tech with the ferrets.

[edit on 7-11-2009 by troubleshooter]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:35 PM
Some stuff sent to me by survivalacres newsletter: e0

This is a blogger site tracking this information here

37,000 are being reported here sl=ru&tl=en&history_state0

More reports here
(read comments too).

And here

and here

A 9 region area has been quarantined, apparently.

A google search turns up even more -- but realize that Google censors
their results, especially on certain subjects.

Whatever this all really means (I do not know), my alert sensors are
going off. Joseph Moshe was swiftly arrested and whisked away after
previously reporting that the Ukraine would be the site of a
bio-weaons release (allegedly). Whether this is true is still unkown,
but these reports now coming from the Ukraine indicate that something
is seriously amiss.

Do not panic. Hopefully you would have already made some proper
preparations. I'd advise everyone to stay home as much as possible.
In these days of international travel, fast moving infectious
diseases are not something to be careless about.

[edit on 7-11-2009 by dodadoom]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:37 PM
That can't be right, if so Ukrainians are #ed? for lack of better words

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 11:21 PM
We already have a HUGE thread about's been going since last week. Believe it or not, the numbers in the Ukraine got really big really wasn't even reported until Oct 29 or 30th, now the number is almost 1 million.

Here's the link to the other thread:

we're on page 141 now....

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 11:38 PM
Why is this so unbelievable? A million people get the flu - so what? Flu - even ordinary, seasonal flu - is highly contagious and can flash through a population in a very short time. We're talking 900,000 illnesses, not fatalities. What is shocking about that?

I would point out, though, that the Ukraine government is possibly inflating the numbers in order to further some agenda of theirs, possibly to delay a vote that is coming up. I might also wonder whether every case of illness is H1N1, or whether seasonal flu, colds, etc., are getting counted as well.

But really, a million out of 45 million isn't all that shocking.

[Edit:] So far they're saying that 138 of those cases were fatal. That's pretty good odds. Since the mortality rate is so low, I'm thinking that the number of illness is, indeed, inflated.

[edit on 11/7/2009 by chiron613]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by chiron613

It's not the total number that's so disturbing: it's the swift progession: it's gone from around 40,000 to over 900,000 ill in just ten days.

Consider this: how long do you suppose each ill person stays ill? How long does it take to get over it, to be completely healthy again? Two weeks? Three weeks?

Right now some 1 person in 46 of the Ukrainian population is either sick or recovering, with no end in sight. If the number of ill continues to climb at this rate for another week even, how many will be ill then?

What happens when ten or fifteen per cent of your entire population is ill at the same time, never mind how many are dead?

What happens to your economy?

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:05 AM
If some one can get this thread to someone who is there.
It will make a difference.
The Hook Up

[edit on 8-11-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:12 AM
We all better hope this is a vaccine problem and not a contagion problem.

That is an alarming number...

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 02:13 AM
Why pick on the folks in Ukraine? Didn't Stalin do enough damage? The breadbasket of Europe? WTF? Meanwhile, didn't Ed Dames remote view his new wife from Ukraine and move there to marry her and live? So much for the power of remote viewing. He claimed it was a safe place to live.

My old mom is in a nursing home. She has always taken flu shots. She is not a reader of the internet. She gets her news from the local stations. I don't even talk to her about conspiracies and such stuff. But suddenly she refuses a flu shot. A nurse called me and told me my mom refused the shot and asked me to convince my mom to take the shot. I said, no. If my mom doesn't want the shot, then don't give it to her, It's her choice.

If she is a crazy old lady who refuses treatment, then so be it. Yes, I am the one who can make medical decisions for her. I don't like her. I have never liked her. But she saw something in me that told her I would make rational discisons in her behalf.

Ukraine is ripe fot this stuff. Always the bastard child for empires.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by randyvs

There is already a long running thread on this in 'breaking news'. Plus we have had sources close to location reporting.


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