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Animals and the food industry

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posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 05:43 PM
i wanted to make a thread about this, becuz i really think we have a major problem with what's happening to animals in the food industry. I think people are eating hormone filled chickens, cows and other animals that are not healthy for them and that will probably lead to breast cancer for women and other cancers for men. Do you know that oestridiol is put into meat and this the bad type of hormone for women with oestrogen positive cancer, which makes the cancer grow. This is the hormone you want to be avoiding. And its being put into meat in these industries.

People are eating KFC and so on, and this means families and LOTS of people are eating these hormone filled unhealthy meats. Also the normal non organic chicken you buy in the supermarket is full of this stuff too; as well as beef etc.

Why is KFC using caged hormone filled chickens that grow to adulthood in a matter of weeks (but that are really just giant sized chicks when they are slaughtered?). These fast food chains are selling very unhealthy products, and not only that, they are supporting the torture of millions of caged or barn chickens. But they are not accountable for this and the govt doesnt say a word. And consumers just watch the happy adds on tv and forget where the meat came from and what it'll probly do to them and their kids.

How come the RSPCA would enter a private individuals home and arrest and prosecute them for animal torture if they kept rows of chickens in cages in a dark room and never let them out their entire lives, and this matter would go to court; and there would be community outrage at the sick individuals that did this to animals; but when the commercial chicken producers do the exact same thing, on a much bigger scale, nobody bats an eyelid. The RSPCA for some reason is not empowered to go in and shut them down; and the govt and community are apparantly quite complacent about hte whole thing. No one is outraged, and nothing happenes. The chickens continue to be tortured on a daily basis.

Also my sister has visited a piggery as part of her degree, and saw pigs kept in appalling conditions, one that was banging its head against its stall repeatedly out of frustration and misery. We all know how intelligent pigs are - similar to a human child's intelligence, and yet the govt and community largely accepts these cruel practices.

No one asks themselves how they would feel if they were a chicken or a pig kept in a tiny cage or stall their ENTIRE lives, only to then be slaughtered.

Eating meat does not and should not have to entail this sort of cruelty to animals. In any case, due to the hormones and stuff, if you eat meat produced commercially like this, you will probably get sick and eventually die of cancer. And maybe that will be karma because whether you thought about it or not, you were complicit in the torture and abuse of many animals like this. I do not exclude myself. I also ate KFC before i really thought about what was going on. And i have had breast cancer.

The bottom line is: people actually dont need to eat as much meat - particularly red meat - as they currently do. A mostly vegetarian diet is actually more healthy for you. But if you do eat it, i would strongly advise you to eat organic and not eat anything where you dont know the conditions in which the animal was kept and how healthy it is for you to be eating that animal.

Karma... it comes back to get cha... whether you know why its happeneing, or not.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by rapunzel222

I think to each his own. If I want to chomp into a big peice or hormone riddled steak then I don't see what it matters I know it was probably grown using hormones, but it is oh so yummy.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by HotSauce
reply to post by rapunzel222

I think to each his own. If I want to chomp into a big peice or hormone riddled steak then I don't see what it matters I know it was probably grown using hormones, but it is oh so yummy.

If people are gonna have steak tho, why not demand from their governments tougher regulations so that they know its as healthy to eat as it can be and also had a happy life as well?

If i was gonna eat steak id much rather it was that way than how it is right now.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by rapunzel222

Well I understand where you are coming from, but I would rather not pay extra for my non hormone riddled chunk of cow flesh unless it is proven that it is actually harmful to me. Most of the studies I have seen says the hormones are no longer present by the time I start chomping.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:36 PM
I have to wonder where the Food Watch Dogs are.
Well, we do know that they are likely getting paid off by the Chemical companies that sell all this stuff to the farmers.

Don't you wonder how farmers ever raised food animals before?

Animals grown in these crowded conditions that cause them great stress must change their chemisty. So besides the chemicals and hormones, you are eating stress chemicals created by the poor animal. NOw that is more likely where the Cancer comes from.

And as if that is not bad enough the meat processors are now washing/soaking the meats in a Citric Acid Bath. The citric Acid contains MSG, a known Neurotoxin.
Now add them up; Chemicals, Hormones, Neurotoxins. If you don't get Cancer you may well get something else.

Want to know more about the Citric Acid/MSG?
MSG and Cancer--following article has other info also.
MSG and Cancer

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by HotSauce
reply to post by rapunzel222

I think to each his own. If I want to chomp into a big peice or hormone riddled steak then I don't see what it matters I know it was probably grown using hormones, but it is oh so yummy.

To each his own?

That would mean that those who don't eat bloody, rare, thick steaks would have to mind their own buisness.

We all know that won't happen.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by rapunzel222

As long as people demand such cheap meat the way in which they raise animals will continue down the same path, will no doubt even get worse in the future. I agree with you though, i stopped eating fast foods and only buy meat that i know everything about. It is more expensive but i simply cut down the amount i eat. Wasn't hard at all.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Bored To Tears

ha ha. i was wondering when the meat lover freak out/back lash would start.

Im not actually trying to tell people not to eat meat. i still eat fish anyway altho i plan to stop if i decide its not necessary/good for me.

Im just offering HEALTH advice to people about how they might like their meat PREPARED before they eat it... assuming they dont want heart disease or cancer or something.

and some suggestions that cruelty to animals isnt necessary even if you want to eat meat.

i find it bizarre the angry reaction that these posts attract from people who eat meat.

im talking about the conditions the animal is kept in, not whether or not its ultimately killed for food.

What upsets people so much about me suggesting that animals shudnt be tortured or kept in bad conditions before they are killed for food?

whats so bad about saying that?

a bit scary if people object to that, i think.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by rapunzel222

No insult intended but I don't care how they raise farm animals, because they were only born to be turned into food in the first place. I say do it effecient and feed as many as you can with the resources you have.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by rapunzel222

I don't get my meat from the stores anyways so it don't make me no differance.

Are you offering health advice or are you sticking up for animals?

As far as their conditions, I'm not a Peta member or any other animal rights activist so you are trying to get sympathy from the wrong guy.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Bored To Tears
reply to post by rapunzel222

I don't get my meat from the stores anyways so it don't make me no differance.

Are you offering health advice or are you sticking up for animals?

As far as their conditions, I'm not a Peta member or any other animal rights activist so you are trying to get sympathy from the wrong guy.

Both. I am offering health advice and sticking up for animals. Their interests happen to coincide with yours as far as health goes.

Not trying to get sympathy from anyone. well, i am trying to get it from EVERYONE for animals.

clearly two people here i have not succeeded with.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by rapunzel222

We are all grown so what makes you think that people on ATS needs to see another thread about the inhumanity of slaughter houses and the health risk associated with growth hormones?

By the way, are you a medical doctor?

If not then why are you offering health advice?

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by HotSauce

well, like i said,

this society that is fed from eating so many animals, everyone will get sick, will get heart disease, and cancer, from eating so much animal meat, which is not needed by the human body to survive.

it is probably karma for killing so many animals that dont need to be killed. fewer could be killed and kept in better conditions, and no humans wud starve at all.

in fact, instead of wasting land on feeding cattle that we dont need, land cud be used to farm vegetables like soy, that can feed MORE people with less land, reduce starvation, conserve resources, and lead to healthier people. You can get plenty of protein from largely plant based diet.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by rapunzel222

did you ever think that maybe a lot of people don't want to eat vegetabes. I really dont care if eating meat gives me heart disease or anything else for that matter becaue I love it. I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so I go for quality of life not quantity.

I respect your right to eat vegetables all you want, but as for me and my house we will serve the meat.

[edit on 7-11-2009 by HotSauce]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Bored To Tears
reply to post by rapunzel222

We are all grown so what makes you think that people on ATS needs to see another thread about the inhumanity of slaughter houses and the health risk associated with growth hormones?

By the way, are you a medical doctor?

If not then why are you offering health advice?

alrite. ive been pretty nice, and you've been pretty rude, and i dont really care about the consequences.

eff off. if you dont like my thread dont come on it.

and i think you need to see as many of these threads as you can, cuz clearly its still not getting thru to people, and animals are suffering.

and if you want to stick your head in the sand, be my guest. but you can refrain from coming on my thread and insulting me for no reason.

also, on a personal level, i find your attitude to animals disgusting.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by rapunzel222

What attitude would that be?

I raise and kill my own meat. They live happy lives right up til the end.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by HotSauce
reply to post by rapunzel222

did you ever think that maybe a lot of people don't want to eat vegetabes. I really dont care if eating meat gives me heart disease or anything else for that matter becaue I love it. I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so I go for quality of life not quantity.

I respect your right to eat vegetables all you want, but as for me and my house we will serve the meat.

[edit on 7-11-2009 by HotSauce]

that is people's choice. i dont really care if you eat meat or not.

i am just passing on health advice to anyone who might want it.

and i can provide studies to back up what i say if anyone wants to see them.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by rapunzel222

Yes I would love to see your studies. IT is always good to learn about our health. Thanks in advance.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Bored To Tears

i think it might have been hotsauce who said they dont care how animals are raised then, looking back. but you did say youre not an animal rights activist and i gathered you were implying you didnt care about animal rights.

anyway, i didnt start this thread to enter into a bunfight with meat lovers, but rather to get people who might be interested in what i am saying to think about it.

if i decided to change, there may be others out there who wud decide to make similar changes if they thought about it. this thread is for them. not for peopel who are happy doing what they are doing. i do not expect to be able to change everyone's mind and if my post didnt convince you thats fine. you're entitled to your opinoin.

Re: hotsauce. i will post the studies when i get a chance. may not be today.

[edit on 7-11-2009 by rapunzel222]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:35 AM
why dont the animal haters on here try reading black beauty, or some jack london books. it might allow you to put yourself in the shoes of anmals more and feel some empathy for them. otherwise i really feel sorry for you.

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