posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 08:20 AM
I like the idea of this.
That is a pretty decent video.
If I could add anything it would only be minor differences.
For instance, if anything like this is ever to work there needs to be an organization that you are linking the video to. Whether it be the disclosure
project or ATS itself. (don't know how those folks feel about such a thing, though)... At the end of the vid... < something
like that.
Also, I would go with the posters advice of a barrage of pics in rapid succession. The idea is to overwhelm the person viewing the commercial. Don't
even give them enough time to question the validity of the pics.
Also, there aren't any disclaimers needed here. This is a commercial, not a documentary.
One other thing you could possibly do is find a good YouTube video and get the video's author's permission of course and give a quick clip of that
video in the commercial. Preferrably one with multiple witnesses saying stuff like: "Wow! What is that?"
But other than that, it is a good start... S&F
Edit to add: Actually, I enjoy the Nazi UFO pics. What *I* would do is start off sorta slow with some of the photos you used and then speed it up to a
rapid fire pace with the final picture being the guy touching the Nazi UFO and hold that for effect... Then ask what the question about the Government
hiding things. Then push for disclosure and link to the organization that would handle the funding for the video.
[edit on 7-11-2009 by JayinAR]