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You have been nominated President ... Tell us your solution!

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posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
The fact that some people are even "joking" about such a topic is very unnerving. You can't be serious stating that we must kill 2/3 of the world's population just to preserve our planet. Two wrongs never make a right!

Well, think of it this way then. You are the Captain of the ship, and it's sinking, fast. You have 1500 souls on-board, and room for only 500 in the life boats. Your orders, please, Captain, we haven't much time left.

Remember, our fate rests upon your action or inaction. Would you have us all go down with the ship?

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 02:33 PM
Project Mayhem.

And then we celebrate with beer and fist fights

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Divinorumus

Nature has a way of taking care of itself. If too many people exist and are bleeding the eco-system to death then unfortunately some will die due to lack of resources; not enough water, food and shelter. The same is true in the animal kingdom.

But that doesn't mean we must take preemptive measures. Its probably too late for that anyways...assuming the world is over-populated!

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by felonius

You came pretty close to what I believe in, with some exceptions. Here are some basics I think would solve the problem.

1. Return corporal punishment to schools. Advise parents, who sign to agree. OR If the child is out of line, he/she is turned over to parents for punishment. Second time, authorities and special education.

2. Allow Christianity back into schools and government. Stop the separation of church and state baloney --- it was touted by Jefferson to prevent the state from getting into the church, not the church from getting into the state. Our government needs moral guidance. Nurture high standards of morality and ethics. Encourage honesty, hard work, fidelity, teamwork for the good of the planet.

3. Flat tax of 40% on everyone. Return money to the poor to keep a good standard of living. Make employment mandatory. Provide a network to associate jobs with job seekers for rapid job replacement. Encourage start-ups of business that have a reasonable chance of success, with counseling by experienced business persons. Provide free education through university level to any level desired, one time for one degree, unless special circumstances dictate (career path disappear, health deteriorates, etc.)

4. Make justice fair. The law is for the wealthy. Make it fair for everyone.

5. Universal health care. Our nation is sick internally, which reduces productivity.

6. Tariff goods produced out of country by American businesses.

7. Create citizen oversight committees, who can inspect at random any accounting, social, legal, or other government actions. Make their authority the final word. Allow access to all government functions, including black ops.

8. Improve city housing to make it desirable, human friendly, safe, and environmentally correct. Provide spaces for living, such as gardening. Remove homes from arable land, concentrate cities in non-arable areas. Create life zones of substantial size and design so farmers and wildlife can coexist and thrive.

9. Find solutions to the peace in the world. Create universities dedicated to political science, foreign relations, and the art of diplomacy in order to wage peace.

10. Improve military defense to unquestionably high tech levels so no enemy would dare attack.

11. Provide for the expansion of the human race into the universe. Create propulsion systems and safe vehicles for long trips. Populate the infinite planets that exist, unless already populated by highly intelligent lifeforms.

12. Enforce the Bill of Rights. Allow any citizen, with a few exceptions, to carry a concealed weapon for self protection. Require all to be associated/trained annually for militia to preserve freedom. All youth spend 6 months in military training after high school.

13. Develop desalinization processes for converting sea water into drinkable water on a mass scale.

14. Develop safe nuclear energy, safe from bombs, leaks, and terrorists.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Blueracer

.... Leave the UN and kick them out.

That is a good start.

Get out of WTO
Get out of NAFTA
Get out of Bush's agreement to harmonize law with the EU

Get rid of the Commercial Clause and all the red tape it spun such as OSHA, EPA, NAIS....
And return those powers to the States where they belong

Get rid of as many taxes and as much red tape as possible that is strangling business. Get out of the way of farmers who want to grow food for the Nation by prosecuting Corporations who have practiced monopsony against our farmers under the packers and stockyard act

Rigorously enforce the anti-monopoly laws and break-up the business cartels

Reinstate the Constitution

Reinstate JF Kennedy's Executive Order 11110

Reinstate Congressman McFadden's House Resolution No. 158: Articles of Impeachment for the Secretary of the Treasury, two assistant Secretaries of the Treasury, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, and the officers and directors of its twelve regional banks.

Place the liability for loans by the Fed and its officers and banks back where it belongs - on the BANKS and not on the American Tax payer.

Open up selected areas to mining and logging

Rigorously pursue safe nuclear power (see French model) this includes fusion as well as fisson

If needed make small business loans and help available to start-up entrepreneurs

Reform tort law to bring down medical costs and the cost of doing business.

Get rid of professional lobbyests and the corporate/Washington bureaucrat revolving door.

Wear a bullet proof vest at all times and dodge the death traps set by the banksters

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 09:56 PM
stupid double posts

[edit on 7-11-2009 by silver tongue devil]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by Jim Scott

. Find solutions to the peace in the world.


Can you elaborate?

What is your solution Mr. President??...

[edit on 7-11-2009 by silver tongue devil]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:14 PM
A lot of great ideas to fix the economy, society, families, etc. But, the planet is still dying.

What we need to do is force a minimalist lifestyle upon everyone, or else we, or our descendants, are doomed. 6.666 billion Earthlings can't keep living this existing lifestyle. The developing nations need to be stopped from developing, and the developed ones need to be scaled way back. If we kill the rain forest and the oceans, we're all dead. Any solution must include a minimalist lifestyle if that many people are to remain on Earth, because right now we're on a path headed for certain doom.

So, forget about the economy, forget about international politics, forget about unemployment, health care, equality, all of that stuff. Mr/Ms President, the Earth is dying, and unless that is stopped, nothing else will matter. I know it's a tough decision, but it's one that must be made, because to do nothing will result in an ecological disaster that will doom us all.

So, what do we do? Drastically reduce global population, or force everyone to live with only the bare minimum essentials, or nothing and let everyone die? (bare minimum essentials is described on my original post .. and I mean minimal to the max!)

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by Divinorumus

A lot of great ideas to fix the economy, society, families, etc. But, the planet is still dying. What we need to do is force a minimalist lifestyle upon everyone, or else we, or our descendants, are doomed.

GEE where have I heard that before?? I know MAURICE STRONG!!! Oh, Yes I know what type of information you are pushing for, the UN Agenda 21 and the Wildlands project (see map below)

Even the people at Radio for Peace at the Peace University saw through Maurice Strong and his ties to big business and big banks! Can't you spot a wolf in sheep's clothing with a hidden agenda by now???

Maurice Strong and Radio for Peace International

The university's administrator, Canadian Maurice Strong, came in on a wave of influence based on the promise of Ted Turner's foundation to give a billion dollars to the UN. His connections to the Turner foundation, the World Bank, and to those environmental groups you hear criticized for allowing domination by big business, are just the tip of the iceberg.

Anyone searching "Maurice Strong" on the web encounters a very interesting array of entries. (To quote Lewis Carroll, the story becomes "Curious and curiouser") If we can believe even 10% of the story of his ascent to power and influence, an astonishing tale of subterfuge emerges, consistent with his attack on RFPI. Beyond the fig leaf of NGO's that he uses for cover, Strong's real alliances are with the enemies of the UN, which they are busily "reforming".

First where does Maurice Strong stand as a CO2 emitter. Well if you think Al Gore was bad, Strong has him topped by a mile as the biggest source of CO2 emissions in Canada!

...Ontario Hydro, an industrial concern, headed by Earth Summit secretary general Maurice Strong, which is the biggest source of CO2 emissions in Canada. This corporation is currently selling nuclear reactors to Argentina and Chile....

The UN is pushing Agenda 21 and farming regulation along with the World Trade Organization (WTO) So look at the real UN/WTO agenda for Agriculture. WTO, The UN and ISO came up with the “Guide to Good Farming Practices” The Green State, California gives a real life demonstration of how implementing those practices really works:

Food Safety’s Scorched Earth Policy
In the verdant farmland surrounding Monterey Bay, a national marine sanctuary and one of the world’s biological jewels, scorched-earth strategies are being imposed on hundreds of thousands of acres in the quest for an antiseptic field of greens. And the scheme is about to go national.

Invisible to a public that sees only the headlines of the latest food-safety scare – spinach, peppers and now cookie dough – ponds are being poisoned and bulldozed. Vegetation harboring pollinators and filtering storm runoff is being cleared. Fences and poison baits line wildlife corridors.

Dick Peixoto planted hedges of fennel and flowering cilantro around his organic vegetable fields in the Pajaro Valley near Watsonville to harbor beneficial insects, an alternative to pesticides. 
He has since ripped out such plants in the name of food safety, because his big customers demand sterile buffers around his crops. No vegetation. No water. No wildlife of any kind. 
“I was driving by a field where a squirrel fed off the end of the field, and so 30 feet in we had to destroy the crop,” he said. “On one field where a deer walked through, didn’t eat anything, just walked through and you could see the tracks, we had to take out 30 feet on each side of the tracks and annihilate the crop.” 

If that doesn't horrify you look at the Biodiversity Treaty that steals third world seed patents it and the UN/WTO/EU agenda to promote banning of farmer saved seed.

Then there is Strong's life long ties to oil: First he worked for a Rockefeller oil company in Saudi Arabia, then at age 29, he became president of Power Corporation, he has served as president of energy companies such as Petro-Canada and Ontario Hydro, and on the board of industrial giant Toyota. In 1981 he had moved on to Denver oil promoter AZL Resources. He is also a huge political donor, not just in Canada, but in the USA to both the Republican and Democratic parties.

Strong sits on boards with the Rockefellers, Mikhail Gorbachev and chairs private meetings of CEOs, including Bill Gates. He hobnobs with the world's royalty, with dictators and despots. He does business deals with people like arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi,

Strong had a history as a conman and swindler long before his involvement with Obama, Gore and the Chicago Climate Exchange Strong has also been caught up in a series of U.N. scandals and conflicts of interest not to mentions several insider trading scams such as the AZL Resources Lawsuit, the food for oil scandal and the Molten Metal Inc swindle involving Al Gore, tax payer money, lawsuits and a House Committee Investigation

There is even lawsuits tying Al Gore and Strong to the development of a new type of saboteur bomb! (9/11 anyone??)

".... belief Gore hired Canadian privy councilors in 1994 to develop molten-metal bomb, hot enough to demolish steel-framed building or vaporize evidence of murder, arson and reinsurance frauds."

Not only does Strong have ties to the Rockefellers and the World Bank, Maurice Strong introduced Edmund de Rothschild on the Fourth World Wilderness Conference in September 1987, held in Denver and southern Colorado: "One of the most important initiatives that is open here for your consideration is that of the Conservation Banking Program. As mentioned this morning, we have [inaudible] here the person who really is the source of this very significant concept. He was/is one of the trustees of the International Wilderness Foundation which sponsored this meeting. He was at the first of these conferences. His conversion to the relationship between conservation and economic development has been a pioneering one... Many of the energy developments that we have seen have come from his early anticipation of our energy needs... And I'm just delighted to have this opportunity of introducing to you, Edmund de Rothschild."

Strong has always courted power - but not through any shabby election campaign.... Journalist Elaine Dewar, who interviewed Strong, described why he loved the UN. 'He could raise his own money from whomever he liked, appoint anyone he wanted, control the agenda,' wrote Dewar. 'He told me he had more unfettered power than a cabinet minister in Ottawa. He was right: He didn't have to run for re-election, yet he could profoundly affect lives.' Strong prefers power extracted from democracies, and kept from unenlightened voters." Source

It is therefore not surprising that another hat that Maurice Strong has worn is that of Treasurer, now Fellow, of Lindesfarne, New York, whose founder, William Thompson, conceived it as a medieval village into which the remnants of humanity might be herded as a feudalist "concentration camp," once genocidal eco-facist policies of the sort advocated by Maurice Strong had taken hold. And, for good measure, Strong is the president of the World Economic Forum, the Davos, Switzerland annual summit of the world's private bankers'.

This article appears in the January 29, 1999 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.
Maurice Strong Discusses His Pal
Al Gore's Dark Age `Cloak of Green'
by Scott Thompson

So yes I know exactly who put the earth is dying ideas in your head through his UN directed NGOs.

You may wish to become an impoverished slave to the Rothchilds, Rockefellers and other Banksters, I however do NOT

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Divinorumus

Only extremely gullible people will believe your line of thinking. That is WE "THE GOVERNMENT" WERE SO INCOMPETENT THE LAST CENTURY that we must now resort to killing people to maintain a healthy enviroment.

Does this really make ANY SENSE AT ALL to you? Unbelievable!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by sadchild01
reply to post by felonius

all your ideas will end in death at the hands of NWO, or destruction of USA in the hands of Russia the great

[edit on 7-11-2009 by sadchild01]

You are sounding like a broken record. Remember, once TRUTH is engaged and moving forward, it can NEVER BE STOPPED!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by crimvelvet

The same people pushing for a so called "sustainable earth" are the same ones destroying it. They create the problems and then sell us solutions!

Nice find btw! But to be honest I don't even need to know who maurice green is to understand how big the deceit is. Another popular analogy is how governments literally destroy the entire public sector so they can have a convienent excuse to privatise. In fact the world bank refuses to lend money to any nation unless it first sells out any and all national enterprise. This is not so common in the USA since everything is already private to begin with, but travel to any of the poorer continents and you will see exactly how this plays out. Disgusting to say the least!

When, if ever, will people wake up? Mainstream media is doing an absolutely "great job" of deceiving people and will be the most responsible imho when the shtf. It is/was their job of looking out for peoples' best interest when governments "go south" but unfortuntely THEY ONLY SEE DOLLAR SIGNS in their eyes.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:53 AM
If I was elected to the Office of President of the United States?
Well the first thing I would do is go through the different Presidential orders, (These not needing congress to approve or disapprove) and start there. But here is a few ideas on what I would do:
1) It would be illegale for all lobbiest, big companies, and other special interest groups to have access to any of the federal government as a private entity. For too long they have run rough shod over the policies and laws of the people. They would be banned from having access to the government at large.
2) I would not promise to raise taxes, cause we all know that is a promise every elected official makes and does not keep.
3) I would want a listing of all money that the government spends and sends out. I would say 90% would be cut immediately.
4) I would then make it an executive order that we go back to energy conservation, all vehicles would have to have a certain gas milage.
5) The insurance companies would lose their monopoly status, and that all insurance and big pharma would have to operate on the free market system. In short it would level the playing field across the board.
6) A review of the medical insurance policies, in particular the medical malpractice insurance, and if a doctor feels they do not need that insurance, well they would not be required to have it. Too many doctors are spent worrying about such, and not enough time on hospitals.
7) I would tax all companies who are based out of the US, but produce product outside of the US. That means some products would be very expensive, why should they get the benifits of producing stuff outside of the US.
8) Set goals for the direction of the US to follow and to become a world leader.
9) Our Foriegn policy would be no longer to get involved in the problems of the world, rather the focus would and should be on domestic problems, as they have been ignored for far too long.
10) Health care for all, maybe, but it would have to be carefully studied.
11) And don't send me pork. Any bill that the comon man can not understand and comprehend, and any bill that contains unnecessary spending, would get a large VETO written across it.
Time the government does what it is suppose to, and that is focuse on the country, and the people who elected officials to office.
12) If we are to be weaned off of fossil fuels, it would then be one that would hurt yes, but at the same time would serve the country right away.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:01 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
Only extremely gullible people will believe your line of thinking.

Well then, you better hope and pray then the sheople don't vote an extremely gullible leader into office as your POTUS.
... ... Oh wait, too late!!!!

I've seen a few more good ideas here that have lead me to come up with some possible alternatives. I'll expand upon them later as more thought is needed.

To be honest with you, I don't really care about anything socially related, the woes of man aren't what's bothering me. Our planet IS dying, and countless plant and animal species are going extinct every year. (yeah, they keep finding new species that we didn't know about before, but that has nothing to do with the great die-off that's going down now other than they too are inline for extinction) And these species are not independent, and neither are you humans (I almost said humon again, ha). Everything is inter-connected. It won't matter if all the other links in the chain are strong and solid, because all it takes is for one to break it all up. Dominoes, you ever play that unofficial version where you line them up like monoliths to see what happens when one goes timber?

People that say "nothing to worry about here folks" when there should be great concern could turn out to be doing more harm to society than Hitler could ever have imagined. We all need to care about what is happening to our home planet, this isn't something that one can just hand off to the POTUS. How many here trust the PTB with the care of their home world? Do you trust them with your health? Funny, so many distrust the government over this swine flu shot .. why is that? And, if you don't trust them with your health, how can we trust them to oversee the health of the planet?

Status quo can't continue, the dominoes have already begun to fall. This frightens and concerns me a lot, especially when I look around and notice nobody cares .. they are all plugged into their iToys and reality TV and their little woes and whatever else turns their crank, unable to see beyond the end of their nose. Funny, while I believe the ecology should be our greatest concern, too many more are worrying about themselves, jobs, not having enough money to party party party, ha. Reminds me of the time I witnessed this cute hot chick putting on make-up in the mirror while cruising down the freeway having a grand old time ... until she rear-ended a semi-tractor-trailer truck and severed her head. I saw it laying in the back bed of the pick-up truck as I cruised on by (I had been driving along side her in another lane when it happened).

The Titanic is sinking and not enough people in the world seem to be concerned ENOUGH to actually want to do anything about it. They are worried about how they are going to pay their cable TV bill tomorrow .. or whether they should upgrade to Windows 7, ha .. or ... ... BHAM!!!

[edit on 8-11-2009 by Divinorumus]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

What is very funny about the whole topic is China with their one child policy has a birth rate (BR) of 1.4, the USA has a BR of 1.3 and the EU nations as low as 0.8. It is the third world nations who have birth rates of 5 or so. WHY??? Because they need the kids as free labor on their low energy "sustainable Ag" Farms

When, if ever, will people wake up? Mainstream media is doing an absolutely "great job" of deceiving people and will be the most responsible imho when the shtf. It is/was their job of looking out for peoples' best interest when governments "go south" but unfortuntely THEY ONLY SEE DOLLAR SIGNS in their eyes.

Actually the Mainstream media (newspapers) was bought in 1917 so they have had 90 years to screwup the USA!

U.S. Congressman Oscar Callaway. 1917 stated on the Congressional Record: In March, 1915,

the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interests, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world, and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press of the United States .... They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. The 25 papers were agreed upon; emissaries were sent to purchase the policy, national and international, of these papers; ... an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers [and to suppress] everything in opposition to the wishes of the interests -served. The Bankers Capture the Money Machine

I am ashamed to admit I was taken in while I was in college. I was a member of Greenpeace and Sierra club and WWF. I can remember wishing other people had the same respect for the earth that I did. I even did my thesis on analysis methods for determining pollution in rivers!

Once I was earning a living and had to deal with government red tape I started to wake up. Some how I always got stuck escorting the FDA, OSHA and EPA agents around what ever plant I happened to be working for. Nothing like dealing with idiotic officials and their ridiculous questions to bring home how much of your tax dollar is wasted. The real problems were never found and info turned in never got investigated.

When I read in the Wall Street Journal (April 1994?) on the back section of course, that papers found in the Kremlin showed the KGB not only "funded but lead" our activist groups here in the USA, everything finally came together. You will note that little gem of information never made it into the mainstream news, and is nowhere to be found on the internet. The closest I have come is this.

The ‘Innocents' Clubs’:

“...During the 1920's and most of the 1930's Münzenberg played a leading role in the Comintern, Lenin's front for world-wide co-ordination of the left under Russian control. Under Münzenberg's direction, hundreds of groups, committees and publications cynically used and manipulated the devout radicals of the West....Most of this army of workers in what Münzenberg called 'Innocents' Clubs' had no idea they were working for Stalin. They were led to believe that they were advancing the cause of a sort of socialist humanism. The descendents of the 'Innocents' Clubs' are still hard at work in our universities and colleges. Every year a new cohort of impressionable students join groups like the Anti-Nazi League believing them to be benign opponents of oppression...”

With luck the OP will wake up although the thread and comments remind me a bit of the delphi technique. The USDA tried the technique on farmers to "build a consensus" that we wanted Animal ID. The out come was rather funny. 90 -97% said Not just no but He!! No, I will not comply!

I have concluded the USDA and its henchmen really do believe we are all stupid. I have come to this conclusion after months of reading the misinformation, the disinformation and the outright lies the USDA has put forward in an attempt to force the implementation of the National Animal Identification system and the companion land grabbing piece, Premises ID.

... Its possible Vilsack & Team USDA figured if congress didn't read the bills, we probably wouldn't either. Wrong!

As every state in the Union mounts a campaign to halt the implementation of any of these international agreements and Codex Alimentarius mandates, rules and regulations, USDA was forced to conduct a "listening" tour. Of course…..there was never any real intent to listen to anything. These are staged meetings where control of the crowd, content of the dialogue, is all determined before hand. At least that's what USDA team leaders thought would happen.

To make sure (they thought) they could limit the commenting, limit the statements and prevent most of the audience from participating at all the USDA employs the Delphi Technique. This is the technique of dividing and conquering. ……anyone attending was more than likely separated from those they came with and sent to a room with a corresponding color coding.

... Who ever might be in opposition to the conclusions, policies, or programs the facilitator is advancing is quickly singled out and actively shunned.

The biggest goal of the facilitator is for him/her to be perceived as part of the group. Once this is done, the facilitator asks for ideas and opinions, leading the group carefully to the pre-determined conclusions and leaving them believing it was all their idea. Only it didn't work this time. The farmers and ranchers, the cattlemen and horse people stood their ground. The only people shunned and shut out of the meetings were the facilitators.

Toward the end of the afternoon breakout session, an 11 year old little girl (from an independent diversified farmstead in south central PA) determinedly held her hand high for a tiring three minutes, before being recognized by one of the facilitators. She stood up to say, after a minute or so of looking for and finding her shy little voice, "I will not participate in NAIS. I have my rights. I have the United States Constitution at my back." The room was silent for a moment, then applause

Wendell Berry, also wearing a nice suit, said that the problem N.A.I.S. was supposed to solve was a problem caused by agricultural industrialists themselves, who now intended to use that problem as a pretext to further marginalize and limit the possibilities of small-scale agriculture. He said it was insulting to rural Kentuckians that USDA had hired policemen to be present at this listening session. He noted that USDA's fear of the people they were supposed to be serving made it clear what N.A.I.S. was all about. And he said that if NAIS were implemented, USDA was going to need far more than a couple of policemen to deal with the resistance and civil disobedience that would result. Naming Henry David Thoreau, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. as honorable examples of the tradition of non-violent non-compliance, Berry said he would absolutely not comply with N.A.I.S. As an older person, he said he had little to lose by going to jail for the sake of the younger generations whose lives and livelihoods would be threatened or eliminated by such oppression, and who still did have much to lose.
full comment here

Ralph Packard, another CFA member farmer, said that like Wendell Berry, he too would prefer going to jail than obey a program as harmful, intrusive and unconstitutional as N.A.I.S. Ralph Packard, agreed with Wendell Berry, that the government will need its guns if they make the program mandatory and require people to register their farms and animals

R-CALF CEO Bill Bullard of Billings, Mont., was among those who blasted USDA for allowing cattle imports from Canada, despite its outbreak of mad cow disease; from Mexico, despite its problems with tuberculosis and fever ticks; and from Argentina, despite its problems with foot and mouth disease.

Bullard said the U.S. cattle industry has been shrinking since 1996, losing 19,000 ranchers a year.

"Our markets are broken. Our industry is broken," Bullard said. "It's happened because USDA has turned its back on us livestock producers."

Bullard drew a standing ovation.

I wish I could have seen the faces of the USDA types. One said hello and got off the stage fast, the lone Corporate Shill spoke in a shaky voice and then headed out the door fast to chorus of catcalls and boos.

Unfortunately it does not matter. It does not matter that the Australians now have millions of phantom cattle in their system and so does England, We are going to get not only Animal ID but the Scorched earth crap shoved down our throats. I figure I am headed to jail. As Wendell Barry and Ralph Packard stated I WILL NOT COMPLY!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Divinorumus

Our planet IS dying, and countless plant and animal species are going extinct every year. (yeah, they keep finding new species that we didn't know about before, but that has nothing to do with the great die-off that's going down now other than they too are inline for extinction) And these species are not independent, and neither are you humans (I almost said humon again, ha). Everything is inter-connected.

This statement makes me think you are rather young.

We now have more trees in the USA than we did when I was in school. The rivers and lakes are much cleaner. The @#$# black flies (who must have very clean water to breed) are alive and well and biting. As I said the USA and EU have a birth rate below that of china's 1.4 The replacement rate is 2.1 so our population is shrinking. a Higher standard of living is VERY effect in causing a population decrease. The best thing to do in the third world countries is to leave them alone. Primitive AG = high birth rate = high mortality rate from disease etc. Dumping food and medical supplies on them WITHOUT raising the standard of living is actually cruel and counter perductive so just leave them alone for their leaders to deal with their problems.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:55 PM
From the desk of President Fromabove....

My fellow Americans, as of today I am declaring an economic state of emergency. Under executive order XXXX I am suspending all income tax for one year to all persons earning 100 thousand dollars or less per year until further notice. Additionally, under executive order XXXXX I am reducing capital gains tax to 15 % across the board for all companies residing within the United Sates, and for all foreign companies employing 5000 US citizens or more.

I am instructing the United States Armed Forces to establish permanent border security along the Mexican and Canadian borders. All persons caught entering the US illegally shall be detained for a period of 1 year for the first offense and shall receive a microchip implant known as veri-chip that will allow GPS monitoring of said persons.

Also today I have ordered the arrest of the former leaders of the House and Senate, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reed, as well as former president Barack Hussein Obama for Treason and failure to perform their duties under the US Constitution. Additionally, 40 such other persons known as "Czars" are also currently under arrest for various violations of US law.

My fellow Americans, while we should endeavor to care for our planet on which we live, current science is insufficient to prove that a climate crises exists, therefore I am withdrawing the United States from the treaty.

And lastly, I am reaffirming and putting on notice to all rouge nations seeking the harm of the United States and or it's citizens that we shall no longer tolerate hostile acts of terrorism, death, and destruction. Henceforth if attacked, the response will be immediate and swift. Parent nations of any such terrorist plot shall know and understand the cost of it's actions. To this end, missle defense shields shall be placed in Poland, and Georgia.

And this is just the beginning.....

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by Divinorumus

Our planet IS dying, and countless plant and animal species are going extinct every year.

So go after the USDA and Monsanto. Did you know that a USDA agent was the one who stole the terminator gene from India and the USDA is funding the development of spermicidal corn??? The Ag Cartel does not give a $h!& if they wipe out our planet's plant life, heck they are responsible with contaminating Mexican corn (original home of corn) with GMO. Why do you think they are setting up seed banks???

Now they find the GMO genes are jumping species! My concern is not just the farmers but how the Transnational cartels are screwing up our plant life.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by crimvelvet
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

What is very funny about the whole topic is China with their one child policy has a birth rate (BR) of 1.4, the USA has a BR of 1.3 and the EU nations as low as 0.8. It is the third world nations who have birth rates of 5 or so. WHY??? Because they need the kids as free labor on their low energy "sustainable Ag" Farms

Great observation! You can tell when an nwo shill is at work because he/she conveniently mispresents the data to suit his/her selfishly evil agenda.

Instead of specifically stating *we have an over-population problem in africa and asia because of x, y reasons* they make it appear as though its a global issue and "must be dealt with 'immediately' or 'total destruction' will be immiment" nonsense.

Originally posted by crimvelvet
I am ashamed to admit I was taken in while I was in college. I was a member of Greenpeace and Sierra club and WWF. I can remember wishing other people had the same respect for the earth that I did. I even did my thesis on analysis methods for determining pollution in rivers!

We DO HAVE a pollution problem in many countries, including america!

Lax "government" laws have allowed corporations to get away with murder. The industrial complex doesn't feel the urge to properly treat sewage and toxic waste before releasing it into the eco-system. Why do you think so many people are dying at a pre-mature age? I doubt it's just chemtrails and vacciness...

Originally posted by crimvelvet
Once I was earning a living and had to deal with government red tape I started to wake up. Some how I always got stuck escorting the FDA, OSHA and EPA agents around what ever plant I happened to be working for. Nothing like dealing with idiotic officials and their ridiculous questions to bring home how much of your tax dollar is wasted. The real problems were never found and info turned in never got investigated.

Thats because the US government is being run AS A CORPORATION for the illuminati, rather than representing the people as they should. The same can also be said about the Federal Reserve.

Originally posted by crimvelvet
When I read in the Wall Street Journal (April 1994?) on the back section of course, that papers found in the Kremlin showed the KGB not only "funded but lead" our activist groups here in the USA, everything finally came together. You will note that little gem of information never made it into the mainstream news, and is nowhere to be found on the internet. The closest I have come is this.

SOME of the leftists may have been communist sympathisers, but despite this inconvenient fact, they were the only organised group to actively protest against america's far-right policies. If it wasn't for them a lot more people would be dieing in unneccessary wars, pollution would run amok and corporations wouldn't even need to lobby.

Most were socialists...western european style. That means government controled major industry while allowing private ownership of everything else. Nowadays socialism is dead and the funny thing is that many people still think it equates to either facism, communism or a little of both. They have no idea what socialism is because this concept has been used and overly-abused by everyone with a secret agenda.

[edit on 9-11-2009 by EarthCitizen07]

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by EarthCitizen07

We DO HAVE a pollution problem in many countries, including america! Lax "government" laws have allowed corporations to get away with murder. The industrial complex doesn't feel the urge to properly treat sewage and toxic waste before releasing it into the eco-system. Why do you think so many people are dying at a pre-mature age? I doubt it's just chemtrails and vacciness...

Believe me as a chemist I am well aware we had a major pollution problem before EPA. What no one seems to remember is lawsuits about pollution as "criminal trespass" were toss out of court because we were told the pollution was "the price of progress"

If justice was implemented correctly in the first place we would not have had the pollution problems. Heck the CHEMICAL company next to the first place I worked brought a "criminal trespass" suit against C--- Chemical and WON! This was before OSHA, EPA and Maurice Strong. (oops I am showing my ancient age)

I am certainly for protecting the environment, what I have a problem with is laws being twisted to protect the guilty and push the innocent out of business.

sanchoearlyjones stated

I remember for years my brother chose not to see the light of day, and it was his very employer who should him. He worked for the EPA in oil field site inspections. Consistently he was tasked with fining, and shutting down mom, and pop outfits, but consistently was ordered to leave the big boys like Exxon Mobil alone.

And this type of favoritism is repeated through out all the bureaucracies in the USA. Once in place there is no way to get rid of the little hitlers and the out right dishonest.

Look at what happen with the deliberate cover-up of tainted food by the USDA - two Congressional investigations, no one in jail and now we get Not what the American people ordered – HR 2749, martial law and the enslavement of our farmers HR 2749 gives the corporate cartel complete control of our food supply down to the rights "“prohibiting or restricting the movement of food or of any vehicle being used or that has been used to transport or hold such food within the geographic area.... HR 2749 would empower FDA to regulate how crops are raised and harvested. It puts the federal government right on the farm, dictating to our farmers...." and the scuttlebutt is Monsanto's pet lawyer Mike Taylor will head the program

If you change your prospective you can see we can have fewer laws, more freedom AND better protection of the people and the environment if we go back to the basics of the Constitution.... YOUR freedom ends at my property line!

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