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Martial Law In The Ukraine * President Announces Arrests Of Opponents Of Forced Vaccination And Quar

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posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 02:52 PM
Sad but if most of the population is already infected the swine flu vaccine will be even deadly to the infected, and for those that already had the flu and survive is going to be useless and will just put them in harm way.

How sad.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:23 PM
BTW, did anyone read the official link of the President of the Ukraine that I posted on the OP?

The conclusions of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, my numerous consultations with national and international experts show that.

First. Unlike similar epidemics in other countries, three pathogens of viral infections came to Ukraine at the same time: two of them are seasonal flu and the third is the A/H1N1.

According to virologists, such a combination of infections due to mutation may produce a new, even more aggressive virus.

That's why I have addressed the United Nations with the request to conduct a virologic examination in Ukraine and to establish the appropriate laboratory in order to take timely preventive measures.

Second. The A/H1N1 virus is easily mutating. It has travelled across half of the globe before coming to Ukraine.

This means that the virus has become particularly pathogenic.

This means that medical aid must be urgently reinforced by emergency, critical care treatment.

The third risk factor. It is generally known that the only way to prevent any infection is vaccination.

There are "three pathogens of viral infections" in the Ukraine at the same time. What a coincidence...

Then appart from calling most of their government as "criminals" and stating that vaccination is the only way to stop this, but of course only after seeing the doctors that the president approves. He also says this.

National Security and Defense Council should become the center of decision-making.

Failure to comply with its orders will immediately result in application to the law enforcement authorities.

I remind all the responsible persons and draw attention to all of my orders, made in Lviv four days ago. In three days the deadline for compliance with these orders expires.

He is giving only three days to comply to his orders, so by Saturday the deadline ends. Thats tomorrow, as the day he posted this was

04.11.2009 19:00
Press office of President Victor Yushchenko


[edit on 6-11-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 02:43 AM
so on top of the pneumonic plague,they want to force people to get the swine flu vaccination,which would leave them vulnerable to the pneumonic plague smh

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 02:50 AM
Aside from the issue of freedoms being removed from these people, I must say my first thoughts when I read this article, is that it IS IMPERATIVE that the officials get the shots, the importance of this matter to the government raises ,in my mind, the need to protect the officials lives, for service. Almost like saying 'we need you, take the vaccine or you will die' , out of a need to keep these officials alive for their service to the government. The threat of arrest is much milder than the threat of sure death, but, that is the choice, forcing the officials to take the vaccine and remain in service. This makes me want to go take the vaccine.

edit to correct silly spelling error

[edit on 7-11-2009 by space cadet]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 02:51 AM
Typhoid Mary.
Does that ring a bell?

Sorry for the short post.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 02:56 AM
Oh, dear. Is this how it begins? To all our Ukrainian friends, we wish you the best in this tough situation and encourage you to stay as calm and collected as the situation allows. Remember that your average citizens are your friends and you need to work together to restore peace and stability.

This could be the SHTF/Situation X scenario that many of us have suspected might eventuate over the last year.

Is this a test run? If it is, then the whole world could soon be in some very big trouble...

[edit on 7/11/2009 by Dark Ghost]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:15 AM
You couldn't make this stuff up. This whole swine flu fiasco is looking more and more like a movie every day.

Thoughts and prayers go to those people forced into this fascist vaccination. Can only hope that the problems it causes are visible enough to force other countries to either test their vaccinations or abandon them, instead of following this fascist agenda.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by lastmanstanding
How will they verify that you even got the vaccine? Ive always wondered that.

With a PERMANENT bracelet containing an RFID chip.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:53 AM
I wonder if the Ukraine has tonnes and tonnes of BLACK PLASTIC COFFINS stacked up strategically around the countryside all ready for use. I think the Ukraine is just the testing ground for the UN/NWO/WHO to see how the whole scenario will play out (worldwide) as they introduce the next "biologically engineered-in-the-lab" killer disease onto the general populace.

var VideoID = "8191"; var Width = 585; var Height = 370;

Link to whatreallyhappened website video, not sure how to do the embedding thing sorry. This is all just my humble opinion after 25 years of watching what goes on and researching different theories, and behind the scenes activities by the Control Forces (Illuminati/ Bush etc)

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:10 AM
And so it begins.... For real.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:25 AM
Ukraine is the test balloon, and those in the shadows are watching with eyes wide open to see just how well this might work somewhere else.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

Possibly. But officially they will verify your vaccination through VAERS, vaccine adverse event reporting system.

When you get your vaccine, they make you fill out your info "so that they can follow up on you to make sure you're ok". So, it probably won't be very difficult for them to know who doesn't get the vaccine.

On a related note, here is what your swine flu vaccination card will look like.

This pdf is from
They state:

This year, some patients may be confused about which influenza vaccine they received. It is important that providers give patients a patient-held Influenza Vaccination Record as a way of keeping patients from receiving extra doses of vaccine. In addition, use of the Influenza Vaccination Record can help ensure that providers observe a minimum interval of 28 days when administering both the live attenuated H1N1 vaccine and the live attenuated seasonal vaccine to a patient.

This Influenza Vaccination Record card is identical to the card that will be included in quantity with shipments of H1N1 influenza vaccine. We are making the card available here for the use of healthcare providers who have NOT received H1N1 influenza vaccine, and as a result, do not have quantities of the Influenza Vaccination Record cards that are packaged with the vaccine. Such providers should vaccinate patients with seasonal influenza vaccine (unless contraindicated) as soon as it is available, record the vaccination information on the Influenza Vaccination Record card, give the card to the patient, and encourage the patient to keep the card and bring it with them when they receive H1N1 influenza vaccine. (Once they receive a shipment of H1N1 influenza vaccine, providers should use the Influenza Vaccination Record cards included with the vaccine.) Patients who receive H1N1 vaccine before receiving seasonal vaccine may already have been given an Influenza Vaccination Record card. If so, they should bring it to their seasonal influenza vaccine provider.
Instructions for printing: 1. For durability, it is recommended that you print on card stock (you may want to practice on copy paper, so you don’t waste card stock). 2. Open the pdf of the record card. Print out at 100% of page size, do not use page scaling. 3. The card is double-sided, so print on both sides of the card stock. 4. Trim the card along the trim lines indicated on the back side. (Hint: cut the long way first, dividing the piece in to two long sections, to avoid losing the remaining trim lines.) This will result in 6 cards, each 3 3/8" x 4 1/4". 5. Fold each card so that the front panel reads "Influenza Vaccination Record."

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:31 AM
well, i'm russian, and all i can say is that either the en translation is VERY distorted, or the ru version has been filtered and smoothed to prevent panic.
in the ru version i haven't found words "martial law", "arrest", etc.
just an ordinary populistic article, from my point of view.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:58 AM
So do you think this is how they are planning on microchipping everyone, through forceable vaccinations.
Ukranians should do what Max Igan did, and take the documents that are online into the police station and press charges against the vaccine makers, then they cannot forceably inject anyone by companies under investigation. People need to do this everywhere!

He talks about it at the beginning of this one, I think, but it may be the later parts where he explains it more.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 02:04 AM
Dosnt it make you sick, to hear how they wnat a global communtiy? Well, here are their true intentions..martial law and forced vacinations in doing so and following. sickening

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 02:35 PM
exuse my french, but what this bul# means to do??? Scare a fellow americans, to what???
THERE IS NO TRUSTABLE SOURCE THAT SAY THERE IS AN MARTILA LAW IN UKRAINE< NOR IT WILL BE. I have ckecked all official and non officila ukraina news, red them in russian, and nothing.
I contacted my kolleges in Kiev, and yes, tthey scared, yes they make precausions, yes people are litle bit in panic, but only because they dont know what causes the deaths! Stop this nonsense, warmongering to people who can get whole picture!!!!

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by kuchumovn
well, i'm russian, and all i can say is that either the en translation is VERY distorted, or the ru version has been filtered and smoothed to prevent panic.
in the ru version i haven't found words "martial law", "arrest", etc.
just an ordinary populistic article, from my point of view.

Could you expound a bit further and perhaps provide a synopsis of the contents?

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by swesais
exuse my french, but what this bul# means to do??? Scare a fellow americans, to what???
THERE IS NO TRUSTABLE SOURCE THAT SAY THERE IS AN MARTILA LAW IN UKRAINE< NOR IT WILL BE. I have ckecked all official and non officila ukraina news, red them in russian, and nothing.
I contacted my kolleges in Kiev, and yes, tthey scared, yes they make precausions, yes people are litle bit in panic, but only because they dont know what causes the deaths! Stop this nonsense, warmongering to people who can get whole picture!!!!

I wouldn't get too upset over the views here. They live for this sort of thing. Many would do a happy jig if true martial law was initiated even in some backwoods tiny third world country. They WANT chaos and war and confusion and government breakdowns.

Why? Who knows. Bored, usually. Want something new and "exciting" I think.

But again, another sensationalist, unproven "martial law" article. It's not worth getting worked up over, seriously. It's commonplace around here.

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by fleabit
I wouldn't get too upset over the views here. They live for this sort of thing. Many would do a happy jig if true martial law was initiated even in some backwoods tiny third world country. They WANT chaos and war and confusion and government breakdowns.

Why? Who knows. Bored, usually. Want something new and "exciting" I think.

But again, another sensationalist, unproven "martial law" article. It's not worth getting worked up over, seriously. It's commonplace around here.

Wow...and you are actually that naive that you think that?....

I don't live for this, this is only an excuse by people like you who for some reason don't like this sort of post...

BTW fleabit, if you do not like this sort of information DON'T READ IT.... Am I pointing a gun to your head?.... and as I prove below I am not making this up.....

BTW, those two members who claim to be Russian, and claim there is no mention about anything similar to martial law.... Is this link, WHICH I GAVE IN THE OP AND A SECOND TIME, not an official link from the president of the Ukraine?... yes it is in English, but IT IS an official source...

This is part of what can be read in the above link...

We must change the system. We must change the entire system of government in Ukraine.

But now, in this moment there is no time for waiting or remonstrance.

National Security and Defense Council should become the center of decision-making.

Failure to comply with its orders will immediately result in application to the law enforcement authorities.

I remind all the responsible persons and draw attention to all of my orders, made in Lviv four days ago. In three days the deadline for compliance with these orders expires.

With my decree I put Minister of Health and Chief Sanitary Inspector of Ukraine into the Council for National Security and Defense.

I am conscious of my responsibility.

I express deep condolences to the families and relatives of those who have died.

I express my deep appreciation to doctors, who are saving our people risking their own lives. I am moved by this sacrifice. Such a commitment means that the epidemic will be stopped.

I appeal to all of you, dear fellow citizens, to show solidarity, mutual support, and strictly adhere to all the safety regulations regarding protection of your health and lives.

For not a single moment you will be left alone by the state.

Thank you for your attention.

The Ukranian president is using the flu pandemic as an EXCUSE to change the government of the Ukraine..... IT CLEARLY SAYS SO IN THE OFFICIAL LINK....

Then it CLEARLY states that if they don't comply it will result on the application of law enforcement, which means people MUST do what the president claim otherwise they will be incarcerated, or whatever else they want to do...

That link IS AN OFFICIAL LINK from the president of the Ukraine.. I did not make this up, and yes this is martial law when the president states "National Security and Defense Council should become the center of decision-making."

He is giving power to the National Security and Defense Council, which means whatever check and balances the Ukranians had to stop an authoritarian power from taking over the country, is not allowed to interfere, and that anyone who doesn't comply with the orders, which include not being able to assemble in any manner "Failure to comply with its orders will immediately result in application to the law enforcement authorities".

Humm...I wonder what it means when the President of a country states that all government will cease to exist except what he wants, and he is giving power only to a certain group within the government, and failure to comply to these orders, and some others, will result in the application of law enforcement....

[edit on 14-11-2009 by ElectricUniverse]

posted on Nov, 14 2009 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by andy1033

Its like bush when he was president, wanted every american to have a brain scan, for illness. How would they know, who has had it or not.

I suspect that there are easy ways already that track who has taken the vaccine -
certainly there is no question in the schools who has had it -
Anyone get a vaccine at their local pharmacy?
Did they take down your information?

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