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Fort Hood Conspiracy

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posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 01:42 PM

(From FB discussion on the topic.)
Fort Hood Shooter Army psychiatrist Nidal Malik Hasan was a graduate from VA. TECH. Remember the other VA TECH person, Seung-hui Cho who killed 32 people and wounded 25 others in the shooting rampage which has come to be known as the "Virginia Tech massacre".

Conspiracy !!! Atleast so it seems...

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Happyfeet

Hi all! I am new to ATS and wanted to weigh in on the two weapon claim. It is possible to re-load the weapon in about two seconds using a tactical re-loading procedure. When the last round is expended you release the magazine and slam home the fresh magazine. Of course to do this you must have your other hand free.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 03:31 PM
I hope this isn't too far off topic -
I was just reading that the 'shooter' felt that the Army discriminated towards his religion and was disresepectful of other religions and that he wanted out because of that.
Then I got an email from a large pagan group that said that Fort Hood had a number of pagans in the military down there that used this circle - 150??
That link has a picture of a Fort Hood Circle.
I thought, hmmm....the military itself MUST BE pretty tolerant at Fort Hood.
Anyway, just a tidbit...

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by The Mundane Egg

It wasn`t a civilian that took him down. it was a 5 foot nothing female Sergeant MP who wasn`t even assigned to that area. She was going to check on her car in the shop when the call came in and responded. She took at least three bullets stopping him, but put four into him.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Happyfeet
you can get ammo, but only at the range. you have to draw a weapon from the armory, and you usually only have a single armorer per company, if he doesn't live in the barracks or whatnot it can take an hour to get a rifle, let alone ammo...

I think you answered your own question there.

If it takes so long to get a gun, and if this Dr had 'acquired' one in advance, then it was a shooting gallery - little the victims could do but run and hide.

[edited for the schoolboy error of omitting the very word crucial to comprehension]

[edit on 7-11-2009 by McGinty]

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 06:52 PM
it could be just what it is being reported as: the guy snapped and unfortunately gunned down alot of poeple.

or, this could be used to snowball into a reason to attack pakistan or some other oil-rich middle eastern country.

the fact that the army, the president, and the media are really steering away from his muslim background doesnt lend itself to that theory though.

either way, its very sad.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Happyfeet

Since this story broke i have been reading this post a little at a time, and i thank you happyfeet for having created it, and i thank everyone who has contributed

- this event for me is the straw that broke the camel’s back.
As this tale unfolds its seemingly ticking ever-more boxes - giving me the feeling that when the curtains are fully drawn then the perpetrators true intentions ( on the most basic level) will have been so manipulated by the true people in power – allowing the damage to be inflicted much deeper and wider than originally possible

i hope this post is making some sense and that im not coming across as being to vague or conceited.

simply this tale is all over the place. as well as reading various web sites (AP, FOX, CNN, BBC, ATS & various links followed from blogs etc) - i've also had the news on the TV in the background while i've been at home (bbc,sky,cnn)

its not making sense - however this and other apparent news that’s continually fed to us throughout hours, days and over the years is becoming ever more suggestive, it’s easy now to say news is no longer there to inform but clearly to influence.

My eyes have been opening gradually since 9/11 and now i can say they are truly open.

this is my first ever post on ATS (and pretty much any forum) I normally check in twice a day, spending anything from a few minutes to several hours enjoying the thoughts and research that’s on offer.

i really don’t want to de-rail the thread any longer but please allow me to give thanks to everything and everyone that is ATS!

keep up the good fight & i hope to help when the time is right.


posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 07:57 PM
Well I read through the whole thread. My take on it is that some kind of project was going on at Fort Hood that broke down. These shooters were sent in to execute a cleanup operation, to get rid of a bunch of malcontents preparing to mutiny, or blow the whistle on this program. They had been confiding in Malik, as their psychiatrist and a Major, who was going to back them up. He must have been intensely surveilled at all times. He gave away his stuff the morning of the shootings because he knew he would have a small chance of surviving whatever plan of action they had decided upon. Multiple shooters in multiple locations and one convenient patsy - the head whistleblower and a Muslim. Someone on the thread said his company was informed of the shootings 30 minutes before the base was locked down (to allow the shooters to escape). There was also the report of a guy who was picked up hiding at a nearby golf course - a stray one - and a car filled with a bunch of suits seen at the location, directing the cleanup operation.

About the thread - there are a lot of individual comments by informed people who explain why the official story is clearly a load of bull and then leave. Then there are the ZioProp and MICprop agents who never leave - constantly gaming the thread to subtly shift it in their direction, seeking an advantage over your mind.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 08:20 PM
See, you can't beat people who you can't scare.

Lesson learned:

Don't fight with the Muslims.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by die_another_day
See, you can't beat people who you can't scare.

Lesson learned:

Don't fight with the Muslims.

Nah, the lesson learned at Fort Hood is fight harder.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by jerico65

what exactly is that lesson? .. anyone in america can be a gun weilding maniac, even if he takes his own guns into work .. .WHICH ALSO HAPPENED TO BE AN ARMY BASE!

i mean....... DAMN! .... what is the lesson? the us army is useless?? america is insane??

(i know, sorry, )

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Lazyninja
We can't just ignore the fact that any muslim could be a potential radical, or become radicalized to the point where this thing can happen

We just can't ignore the fact that any white Christian could be a potential KKK member, white supremacist or Nazi or become radicalised to the point where Negroes/Faggots/Jews/random minority group (delete as appropriate) are targets.

Tie them up and throw them in a lake, if they float they are guilty and if they sink... well, too bad - it's in the country's best interest.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 10:54 PM
If this is a conspiracy, he's going to die soon.

posted on Nov, 7 2009 @ 11:38 PM
An Army spokesperson said that Hasan was taken off the ventilator and is responsive, but can`t communicate. He`s still in serious condition.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:15 AM
Due to the insane amount of interest in this thread, and the amount of disinformation. I propose that we begin our own investigation into the Ft. Hood shooting. We begin by getting the official story straight, then move on to fact checking everything. We log all inconsistencies in the official story and show a list of the inconstancies in the official story. Lastly, we try our best to collectively piece the true story together.

if anyone is interested I have an IRC channel dedicated to this. #hood
A free wiki page would be awesome but for now I will be writing in pastebin.

I have uploaded a timeline the BBC made and am currently comparing this timeline against other news sources.

[edit on 8-11-2009 by Happyfeet]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 01:20 AM
Supposedly the guns used were a five-seven and a .357 revolver. The maximum number of shots in the revolver was seven.
How the hell does this guy get this many kills with a five-seven and a revolver? Why did noone rush this guy when he was standing around reloading his revolver? Remember, over 300 rounds were fired.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 02:11 AM

Christ, our very own member Beefcake has just posted something insanely disturbing. The shooter attended the same mosque as several of the 9/11 hijackers at the same time.

This story just keeps getting weirder as things continue to become uncovered.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by Happyfeet
Supposedly the guns used were a five-seven and a .357 revolver. The maximum number of shots in the revolver was seven.
How the hell does this guy get this many kills with a five-seven and a revolver? Why did noone rush this guy when he was standing around reloading his revolver? Remember, over 300 rounds were fired.

Okay so what's the conspiracy here? Are you saying the people shot themselves, or all the witnesses are all lying or something?

So far all we're going on is that it seems strange he could take down so many unarmed people with just two pistols. Doesn't seem that unlikely to me, if one of them is always loaded I doubt anyone would try and rush him. Also we have no idea where the guy was standing, he could have been on a balcony shooting into the ceremony room with a locked door behind him or any number of vantage points where he was basically shooting fish in a barrel.

The other strange thing here is that he was pronounced dead at first by the media. My guess here is that there was a bit of a jurisdictional squabble going on between the police and the army. I wouldn't be surprised if the army put out the statement that he was dead, because they wanted to put a few more rounds into him and finish him off, or possibly just let him bleed to death. And the police would want him taken to hospital and questioned. I'm guessing that the cops won the argument.

Again, not much of a conspiracy though. You seem to be suggesting that something profoundly different to the official record happened here. I'm not criticizing, but genuinely interested in what you think that could be.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

look into humanistic psychology & Carl Rogers.

you obviously haven't even taken psych 101 if you think all of psych is based on Freud & Jung, my friend.

[edit on 8-11-2009 by DuneMethane247]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 05:04 AM
Interesting quotes from the Independent..

Sgt Todd said that seconds after arriving at the scene, he saw a calm-looking Hasan, his gun drawn and his fingers pointing at people outside the Soldier Readiness Processing Centre. He then saw Hasan shooting at soldiers as they attempted to flee.


His family has described a man incapable of the attack, calling him a devoted doctor and devout Muslim who showed no signs that he might lash out with violence.

"I've known my brother Nidal to be a peaceful, loving and compassionate person who has shown great interest in the medical field and in helping others," said his brother, Eyad Hasan.

"He has never committed an act of violence and was always known to be a good, law-abiding citizen."

Call me crazy but quotes above really makes me think about mind control, MK-ultra or something. It has happened before but this time under the name of Islam to defame Muslim service men!

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