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Fort Hood Conspiracy

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posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by antonia

Hasan, was… wait, is… a 39 year-old, 8 year veteran who enlisted upon graduation from high school. He is a lifelong Muslim who had recently converted to Islam.

This has to be one of the dumbest things i've read in ages. Read that line again.....

As for a conspiracy, I don't know. You might be able to chalk a lot of this up to misinformation.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by antonia]

He's pointing out the inconsistent ever changing Dr. Hassan's biography.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Aeons

I am aware of that.
2nd line

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by obamalivechat

It was reported yesterday, that the shooter didn't even like going to the shooting range, yet he single handedly shot all these people who where undoubtedly scrambling for their lives....i.e. running, dodging, evading his supposed volley of shots...seems to me that this scenario is compromised.

I am not quite convinced of a conspiracy but i am keeping an eye on it....there are too many unanswered questions.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by SaturnFX

Although that may be the case, do keep in mind we are talking about someone whom made it his profession to identify and deal with mental health issues...losing it would be more difficult for his specifically trained mind than the average person. This twist makes potential explanations a bit more complex than normal.

First of all have to say, Long time reader, 1st time poster.

But Protoplasmic Traveler is right. Physicians have a higher suicide rate per general population. And psychiatrists are close to the top of that. Dealing with everyone's problem all the time can take it's toll on even the "trained mind."

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:24 PM

Everything About Nidal Malik Hasan Screams “Patsy”

Shortly before the massacre, Hasan was caught on camera shopping at the convenience store located on the army base – laughing and joking. Is this the behavior of a man psychologically readying himself for the high-intensity horror of gunning down dozens of his colleagues, or someone unaware of what was to follow? We learn that Hasan “Showed no signs of worry or stress when he stopped at 7-Eleven for his daily breakfast of hash browns, said Jeannie Strickland, the store’s manager.” ” He came in (Thursday) morning just like normal,” she said, “nothing weird, nothing out of the ordinary.”

Another angle....let's see how this plays out.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:24 PM
500 bullets, enclosed open space.

You spray that many bullets around, and you're guaranteed to hit SOMETHING.

Since it is unlikely he cared about specific targets, but was merely targeting enemy combatants in general (his fellow soldiers) any hit would do.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by sylph16
reply to post by obamalivechat

It was reported yesterday, that the shooter didn't even like going to the shooting range, yet he single handedly shot all these people who where undoubtedly scrambling for their lives....i.e. running, dodging, evading his supposed volley of shots...seems to me that this scenario is compromised.

I could have done it myself with the standard duty equipment for a Sergeant during my Hellenic (Greek) Army time. G3A4 with 3 magazines X 20, plenty of bullets to saw mayhem. I never did! I fantasized about it and I threatened my superiors to do it, if they pushed me too hard to man weapons on alert exercises. So, if there was 4 of them with plenty of ammunition, I'd say no conspiracy theory needed. Just a bunch of crazy soldiers committing murder ...

Originally posted by sylph16
reply to post by obamalivechat

I am not quite convinced of a conspiracy but i am keeping an eye on it....there are too many unanswered questions.

Well, I'm quite convinced that there is no conspiracy theory needed here.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by WalterRatlos]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by sylph16

Everything About Nidal Malik Hasan Screams “Patsy”

Shortly before the massacre, Hasan was caught on camera shopping at the convenience store located on the army base – laughing and joking. Is this the behavior of a man psychologically readying himself for the high-intensity horror of gunning down dozens of his colleagues, or someone unaware of what was to follow? We learn that Hasan “Showed no signs of worry or stress when he stopped at 7-Eleven for his daily breakfast of hash browns, said Jeannie Strickland, the store’s manager.” ” He came in (Thursday) morning just like normal,” she said, “nothing weird, nothing out of the ordinary.”

Another angle....let's see how this plays out.

Yep. And people who have decided to suicide are often very friendly and having a good day when they do it.

I'd say that anyone who thinks "acting normal" is somehow usual probably doesn't have any understanding of the human mind.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:27 PM
I apologize if I offended anyone. Very touchy subject, obviously.Wrong forum anyway for the topic. I removed my posts.


posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:31 PM
Here's my take on it:

The guy snapped. It's happening all over the US. People find out things that change their perception of their world, and they snap. Personally, I think he had an epiphony, or something, maybe realized something that had a horrible impact on him. I don't believe that he was just a "disgruntled employee". Just doesn't ring true to me. Maybe HE didn't even do it at all....

Like the military/government wouldn't lie about something like this? That thought is unfathomable to me.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by UnityFT]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:33 PM
OP here, sorry guys. I have been at this thread for the past few hours trying to sift through the pages. When I went to bed last night there was a page and a half. Right now I am reading page 10.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:34 PM
The guy that started this thread is a friggin' IDIOT! Nobody ever blames poor reporters, and all this site is about is conspiracy! How pathetic, in a few hours this nitwit will have a video compilation connecting yesterday's events to 9/11.

The only conspiracy is this WEBSITE claiming everything is a conspiracy!

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by ARNETT 187

Well I guess when you realize our government is really out to get us, you do start believing in conspiracies. Anything goes, at that point.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by nethawk

An MP is no more a "crack shot" than most regular soldiers. I knew MPs that barely qualified pistol, but they had to be accepted as an MP because they passed. It`s just like any other profession in the military where if you pass minimum quals then you can do the job.

As for smuggling the guns on base, that would be easy to do. He had a base sticker and ID so they wouldn`t have given it a second thought when they waved him through the gate.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:50 PM


posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:50 PM
Question that needs to be asked is: Why did he not just hang or shoot himself instead of going through the hallway killing others?

Suicidal people generally hurt themselves, not others, unless they have some good reason (in their minds) for doing so (retaliation). If he was about to be sent to Iraq, it would make sense that he might snap and go shoot the man/woman partly in charge (and physically accessible to him) of sending him overseas for example. It would make no sense to take his rage out on ordinary soldiers.

From all that I've heard so far it is my opinion that he may have heard so many graphic horror stories from returning soldiers, that he snapped and turned against them. Maybe he was no jihadist, but he was a Muslim, listening to returning soldiers talk about killing people of his faith. Imagine yourself living in another country who declares war against another country predominantly of your faith. Imagine yourself listening all day long to Muslim soldiers describe how they killed men, women and children of your faith. Some might have found themselves enjoying it, others were repulsed by it, etc. etc. Those conversations must have been full of mayhem, fear, hate, sadness, disgust, and all the negative emotions I can think of.

Up to this point and based on the reports it would make sense to me if after a huge build-up of horror stories he began to hate his fellow soldiers and turned against them. That day he just had enough and went berserk.
I hope he survives not only to explain his actions so that we may learn from it, but also to pay for them.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by Commando717
Happyfeet. Your stupid. Know that.

You're as in you are not your, way to make yourself seem like the smart one.

[edit on 6-11-2009 by DraconianKing]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by sylph16

Everything About Nidal Malik Hasan Screams “Patsy”

Shortly before the massacre, Hasan was caught on camera shopping at the convenience store located on the army base – laughing and joking. Is this the behavior of a man psychologically readying himself for the high-intensity horror of gunning down dozens of his colleagues, or someone unaware of what was to follow? We learn that Hasan “Showed no signs of worry or stress when he stopped at 7-Eleven for his daily breakfast of hash browns, said Jeannie Strickland, the store’s manager.” ” He came in (Thursday) morning just like normal,” she said, “nothing weird, nothing out of the ordinary.”

Another angle....let's see how this plays out.

Not everyone that plans and executes a killing are babbling idiots before they do what they have their heart set on doing.
Dont fall into the society based stereotype that everyone that does something like this is "insane", thats mid 1900 based thinking.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:41 PM
I now believe you guys saying it's easy for a Major to drive onto an Army base with personal guns and ammo in his car and they won't check the car. I go along with that, but I think it is something they are going to have to change.

We are in a war in Afghanistan. In wartime, I think it would make sense to check all vehicles entering any military base for the possibility that any vehicle might contain weapons, ammo, or some kind of bomb, or a terrorist with fake I.D. and so forth. It really doesn't make any sense to me that they would just wave guys through the gate without inspecting the vehicle. If I'm wrong, what am I missing, here? Even if the gate guard recognizes the driver, could there not be a terrorist plot of some kind that includes instructions to the driver (of any rank) "act natural, show your I.D., smile, and no tip offs, just drive through as if nothing is wrong... or we blow up your car by cell phone." or something like that?

Speaking of rank, remember Kubrick's DR. STRANGELOVE in which the base commander goes berserk and the Army has to take back their own base using all kinds of firepower on both sides? High ranking dude mumbling "precious bodily fluids." Don't the military realize by now that some high ranking officer can go off his rocker?

A couple of other points...

I've just seen the video of Major Hasan at the 7/11 in his traditional muslim clothes. My first thought was, well, here we go, let's be politically correct and not profile a guy dressed like a muslim when we are at war with muslims. I'm not saying send all muslims to "detainment camps" like the Japanese-Americans in WWII. All I'm saying is, can we just use a little common sense? We know muslim extremists do suicide bombings. We know they are willing to do surprise attacks on installations. Here's a guy dressed like the Ayatollah and there's no profiling whatsoever. O.K., go ahead and tell me I should be more sensitive to other cultures! I still say, hey, a guy who is all into the muslim thing real intensively and you're sending him into the war where we are fighting muslim extremists... allrighty then, how about a little profiling?

Psychiatrists have total access to mind altering drugs. There are any number of anti-depressants that may cause suicide/murder.

Deep down, I think this really might be a black ops job. The connection to Virginia Tech is real troubling. Possible mind control, manchurian candidate? You betcha. The other very real possibility is that this guy was a complete patsy like Oswald and didn't know nuthin' til he was right in the big middle of it!

[edit on 6-11-2009 by switching yard]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:52 PM
If past similar tragic events are any indication, give them about a week to do some bogus investigation and come up with some idiotic story for the American Goldfish to swallow - hook, line and sinker. In fact, why even bother investigating this incident? Just have the disreputable and corrupt media plant a bunch of misleading lies and let the dumbed down idiots who hang on their every word draw their own conclusions, many of which already have.

And there you have it...mission accomplished. It kind of seems odd the more laws which are passed to protect us from these evildoers, the less safety and security there is. Welcome to the full fledged nanny state ladies and gentlemen. Enjoy your stay and always remember: your safety is our top priority.

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