posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:21 AM
The plague has been in the US for many years and we have about 20 to 30 cases a year.
Do to the fact that hygiene is a lot better in the US and we have better medical facilities its seldom a problem.
Pneumonic plague is a very aggressive infection requiring early treatment. To reduce the risk of death, antibiotics must be given within 24 hours of
first symptoms.[1] Streptomycin, gentamicin, tetracyclines, and chloramphenicol are all effective against pneumonic plague.
Antibiotic treatment for seven days will protect people who have had direct, close contact with infected patients. Wearing a close-fitting surgical
mask also protects against infection.[1]
Without treatment, the mortality rate from pneumonic plague approaches 100%.[3]
Most forms of the plague require a animal or insect vector to infect humans.
but the pneumonic form is transferred by the air person to person and requires no vector.