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Was Murdering Muslim Turncoat Major Brainwashed?

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posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:03 PM
I agree, in some part with both ThaLoccster and Fromabove. My thread is about mind control. But Fromabove makes a point about Radical Islam, Jews are considered monkeys and the rest are subhuman. Radical Islam is about mind control. How else would you get a healthy young boy to blow himself for a pretended harem of virgins

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:10 PM
Haven't we all been brainwashed?

Listen, just think about this for a moment. Had you been swapped at birth with the baby of a muslim extremest, and you were raised as a muslim extremest, I'd bet that ranch that you would be shouting death to the infidels today. We're ALL programmed and brainwashed to be exactly who and what we are. Only a very few people ever realize this and are able to deprogram themselves. I am one that was able to deprogram myself.

CERTAINLY that idiot that killed these people today was brainwashed. And so have all of you. Few people have any idea how easy it is to program a humon to be whatever you want one to be.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Fromabove

Then you have not read the Quran... and yes, it was mind control. It always is mind control...

The same things are in the bible, where is your criticism of it? It often tells to kill your brother, stone someone etc....

Exodus 32:27

27And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour.

We can go back and forth all day, you can post a passage from the koran and I can post one from the bible.

It won't do anything.

Islam as a religion does not put forth the message you claim it does any more than christianity does. True some people within the religion's may twist the books' words to suit their agenda's. But neither religion preaches the violence you claim it does.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by rainfall

Of coarse,

The criminal cabal known as the military industrial complex (a tentacle of the treasonous corporation known as 'united states incorporated') have used this technology for many years...

I have no doubt that this is another brilliant job done by the same masterminds that brought us 9-11....

This sounds extremely ignorant to me. Maybe you are the brainwashed one. the media and conspiracy sites has gotten to you. You don't know why he did what he did don't blame his service record this is why we have the problems we have now. We are conditioned to hate servicemen and women, open your eyes man.


posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Fromabove

No, not racist, I've read the Quran.. have you? It tells you how to make war and make your enemy think you're his friend while you plot and plan his death. All one has to know is that someone is Islamic and then you stay alert and keep a good eye on them. If racist means to distinguish one race over another, then that's not me. But if one race of people (Islamics) have as their creed "Kill the infidels..!!!!" and I never trust them because of that, then that's me. I'll keep a wary eye on them thankyou. And no, I will give them no trust. Taday is an example as to why that is...

[edit on 5-11-2009 by Fromabove]

Yes I have read the Koran, but I think you misunderstand the teachings. Do you happen to know any Muslims today? Did you even considered asking them how they feel when they hear people like you and the things you say about them.

So this makes everyone who practices Islam a "killer of infidels" as you say? You have your right to your own opinion and I'm not knocking you. Honestly, I really don't care what you think because those are your beliefs, who am I to say any different.

I'm just saying that having an open mind on a subject like this would displace a lot of your "hate" towards these people. And this incident only happened today and we really don't have many details on it. Be you are entitled to your opinion.

Thank you for replying back, I'm not trying to start any beefs myself I just like to have intelligent arguments and like to see why people think they way they do. Try not to take offense.


posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by ThaLoccster

Exodus 32:27

27And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour.

We can go back and forth all day, you can post a passage from the koran and I can post one from the bible.

It won't do anything.

Islam as a religion does not put forth the message you claim it does any more than christianity does. True some people within the religion's may twist the books' words to suit their agenda's. But neither religion preaches the violence you claim it does.

You talk about Christianity like you know? You are quoting the old testament. Show me in the new testament these horrible things? Why are you not saying Judaism? Do you even know what the NEW testament means? wow.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 08:57 PM
reply to post by ThaLoccster

I'm not talking about the Old Testament nor Islam.
My discussion included Radical Islam.
Allow me to state this a little differently.
Radical Islam includes the hatred spewed by O"slabin Da Nobbin.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69

This sounds extremely ignorant to me. Maybe you are the brainwashed one. the media and conspiracy sites has gotten to you. You don't know why he did what he did don't blame his service record this is why we have the problems we have now. We are conditioned to hate servicemen and women, open your eyes man.


Eh, I don't know, bud. I had the same thoughts while at work, listening to the story on CBC1. While I cannot say one way, or another, we can safely say that both options are on the table. He was vehemently opposed to the war which he was due to be shipped of to - however - he was an army physician - a psychiatrist, and this behaviour seems far-out for someone of his intellect and position.

We can wait and see. Speculation like this is rather useless.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 09:07 PM
The AP story I read said nobody knows the religion of the shooter. He was born in USA and has a middle eastern type name. He was a psychiatrist which tells us more about this individual than his name. Talk about mind control! Typically shrinks are unbalanced.

I agree with others posting here that we have not enough info yet. The media typically inferred his middle eastern heritage only by his name and inferred thusly he is a terrorist. He could have done much worse being on base.

Now let's look at the repercussions of a alleged terrorist inside the military and how that could affect all of us. Another reason for martial law? They are hiding everywhere. Can't wait to see what the media does with this one!

Lot's of reactionary emotions here...all a result of media indoctrination. Do you remember when it was the communist threat? There always has to be a war. There always has to be a threat to our beloved freedom...this is how we are controlled.

Please do not fall in with the ranks of the Controllers by judging this as jihad right off the bat.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Kargun

Originally posted by ThaLoccster

Exodus 32:27

27And he said unto them, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour.

We can go back and forth all day, you can post a passage from the koran and I can post one from the bible.

It won't do anything.

Islam as a religion does not put forth the message you claim it does any more than christianity does. True some people within the religion's may twist the books' words to suit their agenda's. But neither religion preaches the violence you claim it does.

You talk about Christianity like you know? You are quoting the old testament. Show me in the new testament these horrible things? Why are you not saying Judaism? Do you even know what the NEW testament means? wow.

Only one of two things can happen.

Either your church/religion NEVER quotes the Old Testament, that includes creation, Noah's Ark, the 10 commandments etc... Or they do.

If they do, then your argument is null and void. You can't pick and choose which parts of the bible you want to follow and agree with (alteast not per my understanding of religion).

So if you can use the old testament, then I also can use the old testament.

My understanding of your statement is that you believe in christ and his teachings, but not god and his.

But this is all very off topic, I've said my part and will be the last time I address this issue in this thread.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by laketh

Live Fox News currently broadcasting a audio conversation with his cousin. His cousin states that he is a Muslim.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by rainfall

That is a cowardly response, no one know why this ARMY MAJOR did it, he could have been secretly working for a terrorist group or really had enough. No one knows why he snapped, there is no need to jump to conclusions yet. and FYI 9-11 was not an inside job, until you "Truthers" prove otherwise you are all crazed and demented. Just like the “Birthers”.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Violater1

Murdering Muslim turncoat U S Army Major Nader Hasan

All for innocent till proven guilty aren't ya Violater1?

Ya might be happier if you post over at Stormfront.

[edit on 11/6/2009 by whatukno]

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 12:59 PM
the amount of racism and bigotry on ATS is getting out of control.

How very mature and big of you to assume that since the man is a big scarey muslim, that is why he killed people.

But if he was just a white guy, his religion would never be considered.

The man served a tour in Afghanistan. He counciled returning war vets. He was about to be deployed again.

All he sounds like is a counselor who should of received counseling himself and went off his rocker.

He was also a graduate of Virginia tech.

Maybe that is your connection.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox

He was also a graduate of Virginia tech.

Maybe that is your connection.

Hmm interesting, could be nothing could be something.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 03:26 PM
Sadly all this story has served to do on ATS is bring all the racist and ignorant people out of the woodwork.

What a shame.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by abandonednation
This sounds extremely ignorant and racist to me...

In your quote you stated in a reply that it was 'racist'. Can you please explain how stating all Muslims should be removed from the military as racist. Ignorant yes, highly, but racist?

Wish people in this country would stop throwing around a now useless word that applies to anyone who shows a judgmental attitude.

The correct word usage would be bigoted, not racist.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 06:55 PM
Explanation: It is my delusion that he was ALREADY DEAD way before this incident took place....He was KIA [along with his 3 cohorts] during an ASTRAL assualt on a recently [re/]emerging powerful astral entity. I was an observer to this incident but since it took place THERE and NOT here, I am extraodinarily hard pressed to provide any evidence other than this self confessed diatribe [please consume with large lump of salt OK].

So there I was calmly worshipping Achlys [my goddess] and making suplications for various hungers and desires to be fulfilled and she suddenly commands me to go be in servitude to her grandson..Apollo [all you bible thumpers go look up Rev 9:11 [funky numbers huh!]]...and she informs me on how to contact him etc. I immediately perform these duties/rituals and basically 1/2hr later I am basking in the presence of the Sun/Son God and recieving "wisdom". I noted that his astral abode/temple was quite spartan and that I was his only indentured servant/student in the time and p[a]lace. Suddenly and without warning, Apollo was attacked by what appeared to me to be FOUR astral assailants intent on subduing him. Apollo acted without hestitation and brutally slew them by severing their silver cords. It was like dropping a very large stone into a very shallow and small pond and the psycic "backlash" of such an extreme event literally "blew me away" and dumped me quite unceremoniously out of the Astral plane and into a quite unprepared meditating physical shell.

When I had recovered enough to regain my senses, I again reached out and made contact with Achlys. She strangely refered to me as Hermes and told me that Apollo had unleashed Aries at his enemies.

Later on that night, my G/F came over after work to my place and was interrogating me [I have not been mentally well for quite a while now and this is a transparent issue with friends and family] and I was quite reluctant to inform her of what I had witnessed, but she pressed the issue and I informed her of the 4 slaughtered astral entities that Apollo dispatched. She was horrified [she a bit of a witch and clearly understood the implications] and became distressed when I informed her that Apollo had unleashed Aries!

I eventually go to bed and I have one of the best nights sleep I have ever had. It recharged my whole being and I strangely dreamed that I was a huge growing ear of corn with wings? basking in the sun! There were 2 snakes coiled around the stalk and were facing each other!

When I woke up and got up I immediately did my morning "Get informed" bit and what do I get a massive dose of from the MSM. Four shooters suspected at Ft Hood. Suddenly it is revealed that the "DEAD" shooter was a Major and a Dr of Mental health with a biochemistry background from Virginia Tech who was single etc.....Then it struck me...could these 4 perpetrators be the empty shells of the Astral assailants that attacked Apollo? Could Apollo have unleased Aries to allow him to possess them and perform this horror of horrors. Were these puppets actions the result of a FAILED black ops mission that was carried out upon the astral plane and resulted in their deaths and this BLOWBACK?

Personal Disclosure: So MKUltra brainwashing..yep and its far more likely than what I'm putting forth. But don't count out the fringe theories just yet OK.

P.S. S&F!

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 07:19 PM
I don't believe he was brainwashed. I do think that M. I. missed, cause what I am getting off of the news, and from the internet he was already being watched for things that he posted. But what it never ceases to amaze me is the people who go into the military and then find out that they have to go fight, or kill. During WW2, german americans did kill Germans, Japanese Americans did kill Japanese. There is, from what I could recall, during the induction and through all of the paperwork, that asks if you are a pacifist, or object to killing another person.
If he did not want to go to Afganistan, he should have resigned his commission.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by ThaLoccster

So true!!

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