posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 09:28 AM
The whole disclosure issue has me on edge, for there is a planned one world government, nwo, eugenics, depopulation of this world by 2012, maybe with
some disasters thrown in.
Vrill was imported from Germany and became NASA. The bases in the US such as groom lake and even in Finland, and on the moon too, have been
orchestrating a number of programs with abductions. These would be the controllers, ie. zetans, and possible the mystery silicon race talked about in
the UN meetings, with the long standing annanuki bloodline leaders. Its pathetic, out of control male energy. My friend often gets confused by the
two groups in his life. The confederation/federation contact he recieves that we share, from the positives. And then suddenly he brings out this
skinny, blond women he's had sexual experiences with who said they were raised on this. This massive tailering women and humanity to meet this ugly
twisted male ego control thing, and abuse of women and children.
I've been arguing this for a long time. And asking for help from the others. While both sides want to see a different world structure, and make
changes, one is freedom and advancement, the other nwo and corporate slavery.
What disclosure from the right forces of the galaxy will not look like is this: a one world controlling religion of any kind, let alone one that is a
bit like sharia law and incorporated in court systems with harsh punishments. That is Vrill/nwo. Banks, money, privileged wealthy coporate heads and
bankers, and royal famllies with puppet leaders. That is Vrill/nwo. Martial law. Vrill! Vrill! Vrill! Vrill!
Freedom: massive arrests. I've had visions of them. Though, even if I see arrests, there are 3 groups. Probably more, but.....there is Vrill.
There is a rather large body of renegades that may pass themselves off as the good guys, also very controlling and would like to use humans as
resources themselves. And then, there are the real freedom fighters. Its a bit like Star Wars out there in the Universe, with thousands of planets
fighting for their freedom and many planets with humans like us being used as troops, amongst other things.
So, I will keep my eyes on things here. I am still holding out for the visions of arrests I keep getting. Another friend has had dreams of this.
And I read about.