posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 10:19 AM
ATS Debate Tournament Roster
(Subject to change as more members sign up. Your name being listed here does not guarantee you a spot in the tournament)
1) americandingbat
2) schrodingers dog
3) nyk537
4) whatukno
5) neformore
6) souls
8) OzWeatherman
9) wormwood13
10) AllSeeingI
11) vkey08
12) Snarf
13) hangedman13
14) serbsta
15) dizziedame
16) ecoparity
(Waiting List...)
(If the tournament is expanded, the names listed below in the following order will assume the first vacant seats, if no other senior debaters cast
their name into the mix)
2) mblahnikluver
3) stereovoyaged
4) Agent-ATS
5) hyperion.martin
6) eazyriderl_l
7) Kryties
8) Phedreus
10) nikiano
11) MissMegs
12) Frankidealist35
13) Selahobed
14 Parallex
So this is an up-to-date list
in the appropriate order. If you feel I have made a mistake, please send me a u2u. I may miss a post in
this thread and by sending a u2u, any possible mistakes can be dealt with. The senior debaters take up the top seeded seats and the new members were
organized in the order in which they've entered the tournament.
Anyone with at least 1 "ranking point" is considered a senior debater and takes priority for a tournament. If you are a member that has debated but
has not earned a "ranking point", then you do not take priority. It's a simple formula that benefits of seasoned fighters but allows ample
opportunity for fresh faces to participate.
Get your name submitted by Sunday if you wish to participate. u2u's to selected members and judges will be sent out next week.
[edit on 11-11-2009 by chissler]
[edit on 11-11-2009 by chissler]