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What do you think of him?

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posted on May, 21 2004 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by US.SecretService
I would like everyone to give Bush a satisfactory rating, with 1 being the worst, and 5 being the best.

Please also state the reasoning for the vote.

I'd give him a 3...

1 for freeing Iraqi citizens
1 for making more strict abortion laws
1 he's from Texas


umm...i'll give him a 1 for freeing the iraqi citizens, he handled it poorly and killed too many thousands of innocent people in the process

0 for abotion laws. partial birth abortion is the most important to keep legal when it comes to keeping women alive when there babies are going to die anyway. no woman would decide after 6+ months of pregnancy that she doesn't want to be a mommy, and no doctor would perform that kind of abortion if it wasn't a matter of life and death. the partial birth abortion ban is the biggest load of cr-p i've ever heard. that ban is a death sentence to women simply for being pregnant, but then again, we all know bush's stand on the death i don't think ANY man should pass jugement on a woman's right to choose...if you can't be supportive and you didn't do the impregnating than keep your opinions to yourself. it's not a man's issue

1 for the texas part, i've been living in texas for over a year now(not because i wanted to), and i have met intellegent people here, so he has no excuse!

[Edited on 21-5-2004 by teenagehousewife]


posted on May, 21 2004 @ 11:45 PM
I would give him a 4.

I agree with AmericanMadMan's reasons.

A) Got rid of saddam
B) Partial birth abortions
C) Is actually willing to stand up for what is important for America, and not just be the UN's bitch.
D) Since 9/11, no attacks on US soil

And, well, I'm from Texas also.

posted on May, 22 2004 @ 08:47 AM

posted on May, 22 2004 @ 11:30 AM
Women's rights

Women have it just as good (if not better alot of times) then men. I applaud bush for not giving them more rights.

posted on May, 22 2004 @ 06:12 PM
I think he deserves, oh.......
is there less than 1?
I just read that he spent $126,000,000.00 on the "campaign", so far!
And we, in the U.S. have homeless and starving people, that include children.
Not only that, his "opponent", Kerry; "brothers" (Skull-n-Bones) has spent close to $80,000,000.00!
Please......there is something SERIOUSLY wrong in this GREAT country of ours.

posted on May, 22 2004 @ 06:18 PM
It's their money, I say they can spend it how they like.

[Edited on 22-5-2004 by US.SecretService]

posted on May, 22 2004 @ 06:26 PM

It's their money, I say they can spend it how they like.

So, in other words, you don't mind having your vote "bought"?
Does, all the TV advertising, make a difference in the way you vote.
Does all the "stumping" matter.
Would it make a difference if they came to your town, and shook your hand?
I just think that with fuel prices approaching $3.00 per gallon, that the money could be spent otherwise.
And, btw, some of it is my money, as a taxpayer, so I believe I have a right to say how it's spent.

posted on May, 22 2004 @ 07:25 PM
music playing in bckgrd: W.A.S.P - Trail of Tears

Originally posted by specialasianX
I'd give him a 5 for not being the president of my country... and god am i thankful for that. ...

hahaha ROFL, LOL

banging head against the wall :bnghd: :bnghd: :bnghd:
I would give him a lower-case f-. The americans that bombed that wedding ceremony in Iraq, now that was low. It doesn't get worse than that.

I also can't believe Israel isn't being stripped of its WMDs. The Israel's see themselves as liberators, yet they fire missiles into peacefull rallies. The Americans weren't even that stupid during Martin Luther Kings march. The pictures of all those dead children were in every major Canadian Newspaper. Like WTF Israel is becoming a dangerous place, a bunch of nomads supported by Bush's America. It's like removing WMDs from established countries and giving them to hippies(Which is what the Israel's are).

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by US.SecretService
Women's rights

Women have it just as good (if not better alot of times) then men. I applaud bush for not giving them more rights.

Please describe for me how women have it so good. Women receive about .71$ for every $1 that men make. As a full 50% of the population, why are women not represented as such in positions of leadership in business and government? Explain these and the myriad of other inequities in truthful unambiguous terms.

Consider yourself challenged, other than in a mentally deficient sense.

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Jonna
I will give him a z because he doesn't deserve a number nor to have the letter capitalized.


I laughed so hard when I read this.

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by scottsquared
Please describe for me how women have it so good. Women receive about .71$ for every $1 that men make. As a full 50% of the population, why are women not represented as such in positions of leadership in business and government? Explain these and the myriad of other inequities in truthful unambiguous terms.

Consider yourself challenged, other than in a mentally deficient sense.

The womans rights are good right now! - BUT not the men's mind. They don't treat them fair enough and respect them like they respect a men as a business parter. Basically because they fear them because they are better in most disciplines.
At least nearly everything but sports which is naturally unavoidable.

My sister-in-law has a representative job at a bank thats just given to women. Not because it's only men she is talking to but as a woman she is a shining star in the slimy-always-smile-business and reflects trust.
I assume she won't get a better payment though

[Edited on 23-5-2004 by shoo]

posted on May, 23 2004 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by American Mad Man
C) Is actually willing to stand up for what is important for America, and not just be the UN's bitch.

Hey, how about the UN not trying to be USA's bitch either!
Wouldn't that be cool, if both sides of an alliance do everything in their power not to be eachothers bitch?
I'm sure the average Al Queda idiot really apreciates that kind of tough-talk, but I'm afraid such an attitude will not lead us anywhere.

[Edited on 23-5-2004 by Jakko]

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