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Proof! Of previous Civilizations and Cataclysms!

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posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by aristocrat2
Since even a meteor cannot produce this, only a nuclear bomb, it would suggest that a nuclear bomb was detonated in Libyan over 10,000 years ago.

Cute story but it is nothing but meteorite impacted sand, your facts are wrong.

The glass from the Libyan Desert

According to today's scientific knowledge this in a pale yellow to green shining impact glass emerged from a collision of a meteorite with earth about 28,5 Mio years ago. In the glowing heat sand melted, splashed up in the air and spread over a 4000 square kilometers sized area in West Egypt. Like with sand, the essential constituent is silicium dioxide, a possible hint of iridium is a indicator for the extraterrestrial origin.
Already in palaeolithicum, about 10000 years ago, men discovered this glass. It was used as a substitute for flintstone, one can find artefacts formed as sharp blades and graters.

you can buy it all day long on ebay.

[edit on 8-11-2009 by joey_hv]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by PaulKCA

Now, I am not sure what part of thousands of feet under the ocean that haven't seen the sun before that your not understanding. You do understand that don't you? With all seriousness, are these mermaid cities or did this ancient civilization build really cool submerged cities on the ocean floor and somehow figured out how to combat against the immense pressure of the entire ocean from collapsing it?

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by sirnex
reply to post by PaulKCA

Now, I am not sure what part of thousands of feet under the ocean that haven't seen the sun before that your not understanding. Let's Ponder That maybe the "Title of this thread" or maybe the sea shells in the rocky mountains Sierra Nevada Range Cascade Range Himalayas and Andes were carried there by African Swallows."

You do understand that don't you. No actually never occurred to me!

"With all seriousness, are these mermaid cities or did this ancient civilization build really cool submerged cities on the ocean floor and somehow figured out how to combat against the immense pressure of the entire ocean from collapsing it?

Yes Mermaids.

Via Con Dios

[edit on 9-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

[edit on 9-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by PaulKCA

"Uh well gee Let's Ponder That maybe the "Title of this thread" or maybe the sea shells in the rocky mountains Sierra Nevada Range Cascade Range Himalayas and Andes were carried there by African Swallows."

Are you a young earther?

Uh, "picking nose" well! No actually never occurred to me!

Ah OK, I kinda figured you hadn't from the nature of your "evidence".

Now it is hard for me to believe that you would actually post a question like this here after questioning my intelligence, so rather than answer your question I am going to leave you to figure that out for yourself and ask you nicely once again to go along your simple ignorant way and stay away from this thread. Thank you and may you have a continually blissful existence!

I still stand by my question and I think I will stick around until I receive an answer that satisfies my curiosity. I appreciate the advice that I should stay away from the thread, but to be frank, shove it.

posted on Nov, 8 2009 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by sirnex
reply to post by PaulKCA

Let's Ponder That maybe the "Title of this thread" or maybe the sea shells in the Rocky mountains Sierra Nevada Range Cascade Range Himalayas and Andes were carried there by African Swallows."

Are you a young earther? Really? What Dimension am I in?

[quote No actually never occurred to me!

Ah OK, I kinda figured you hadn't from the nature of your "evidence."

Embody Bliss!

I still stand by my question and I think I will stick around until I receive an answer that satisfies my curiosity. I appreciate the advice that I should stay away from the thread, but to be frank, shove it.

Feel free to wait for an answer, and U First!

[edit on 8-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

[edit on 9-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

[edit on 9-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

[edit on 9-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

[edit on 9-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by PaulKCA

Hi paulKCA.

I appreciated your original post.
I support the genuity of the case.

But I strongly disapprove your attitude towards those who don't.

The aim and the originality of a place like ATS, we have the chance to enjoy, is to accept and encourage civil confrontation of ideas.

Your attitude is miles away from that.
And I would be insulted to be confused with one of your friends.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by orkson
reply to post by PaulKCA

Hi paulKCA.

I appreciated your original post.
I support the genuity of the case.

But I strongly disapprove your attitude towards those who don't.


The aim and the originality of a place like ATS, we have the chance to enjoy, is to "accept and encourage civil confrontation" of ideas.

Closely analyze above statement. You wrote it. Parameters met.

Your attitude is miles away from that. Judgement! And actually incorrect, humor unacceptable.

And I would be insulted to be confused with one of your friends.

Didn't know we were. Go in peace Live in Bliss.

[edit on 9-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by PaulKCA

You failed to answer the question. Are you a young Earther? Do you believe the age of the Earth is younger than the age that is given? Personally, I think you must be by your given statement, but I would rather hear it from you than to just assume it myself.

I still haven't figured out how you reconcile the fact that these "cities" are thousands of feet under the ocean and would have been crushed by the immense pressures involved at that depth.

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by PaulKCA
...there is nothing here...

The first sensible thing I've seen you post in this thread.


[edit on 11/9/2009 by Harte]

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:35 AM
As per my previous posts...

- Glass from the LIbyan desert that could have been from a nuke in ancient times.
- Egyptian pyramdis that could have been created only by advanced technology
- Human footprints made in the mud just hors maximum after a T-Rex.

Aliens is one possibility, but there is a second:-

Imagine a 2012 style disaster in the near future. Man cannot escape because of the Van Allen belts and we do not have the time or resources to save the human species - where is the only safe place for humans to escape to? Answer: use a time machine and escape to the past. It would certainly explain all the ancient seers.

If this is the case, then it follows that Atlantis etc are not necessarily ancient civilizations, but ones whose memory has been passed down from those who escaped into the past.

Look at it coldly and Atlantis bears a striking similarity to America of today.

Is Atlantis America?

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by aristocrat2

- Glass from the LIbyan desert that could have been from a nuke in ancient times.
- Egyptian pyramdis that could have been created only by advanced technology
- Human footprints made in the mud just hors maximum after a T-Rex.

All questionable assumptions and speculations without definitive evidence.

Imagine a 2012 style disaster in the near future. Man cannot escape because of the Van Allen belts and we do not have the time or resources to save the human species - where is the only safe place for humans to escape to? Answer: use a time machine and escape to the past. It would certainly explain all the ancient seers.

Until the day we can master our universe and reverse the motion of all matter moving it back to a prior state including any decayed atoms and such then time travel will never be achieved. Nor is 2012 real and it will be yet another uneventful Armageddon day, I'm surprised people still think the end of the world is going to happen when we've been told hundreds of times throughout history it was going to end before.

If this is the case, then it follows that Atlantis etc are not necessarily ancient civilizations, but ones whose memory has been passed down from those who escaped into the past.

That appears to be contrary to what Plato has written about Atlantis.

Look at it coldly and Atlantis bears a striking similarity to America of today.

With the given description of Atlantis by Plato, I would have to disagree and call that a bit of a stretch of imagination. Might make a decent sci-fi/fantasy novel, so develop it more and bank off it!

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 06:49 PM
Does anyone know the depth of the Ocean at the point where this artifact appears?

The Cataclysm that pushed up the mountains that had been sea bed before could certainly cause coninents or islands to sink as the whole Earth flexed.

"Among the fundamental geophysical effects experienced by Earth were a massive fracturing of the crust, a realignment of Earth's axis, elevation of new mountains, and widespread rearrangement of land and sea. These changes were accompanied by an appalling global conflagration, a gigantic flood, and what has been described as 'collapsed sky' conditions. A bombardment by debris from the disintegrated satellite of the destroyed planet added to the worldwide chaos.

Much of Earth's animal and plant life was annihilated by these frightful events. Remains were often buried hundreds of feet below and within vast new deposits which smothered huge areas, both on land and under the sea. Elsewhere they lay piled in caves, choked rock fissures, or were massed into veritable hills. Some havens and refuges did exist, offering shelter to various faunal and floral species from flood or fire - then to have to endure the appalling conditions which followed. These included intense cold, occasioned by chronic atmospheric pollution which severely restricted the solar radiation reaching the Earth, loss of vital resources such as shelter, tools and sources of warmth and nourishment. The extent of the damage was so great that the immediate survivors found themselves literally catapulted into what was, in effect, a new world."


Here are some excerpts from Velikovsky's "Earth in Upheaval".

And then there is the enigma of the Sargasso Sea.
Could this mark the location of Atlantis?" target="_blank" class="postlink">Sargasso Seaq=sargasso+sea& ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CB0QsAQwAw" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">Images-sargasso

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by OhZone

The extent of the damage was so great that the immediate survivors found themselves literally catapulted into what was, in effect, a new world."

And yet so forgettable. Why are there no myths or creation stories about this? At least none that I am aware of. Did all the scientists and teachers die during the cataclysm, perhaps all the adults died leaving only the children who would then be unable to restart civilization. Where is the proof for this worldwide cataclysm? Are scientists lying about the various ages for geological features around the world? For what end and purpose would every single scientist, archeologist and geologist have for lying to us?

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 05:22 AM
This is an updated version of the original post for those that need help with the data.

Due to so many people doubting that cataclysmic events have befallen previous civilizations here on earth and the myths and legends surrounding them. As well as the speculation regarding possible accuracy in predicting future events, proof will be offered here.

You will need Google Earth to view the following locations.

While researching site # 1 originally located by someone else and actually presented online, it became blatantly evident that there was much more to be found under the waters that cover the majority of this planet. Enjoy!

# 1

31° 9'14.90"N 24° 5'17.74"W

While looking at this site you can see that there is much more that is covered by sediment in the same basin. Many of the other densely populated areas that will be left for you to find, are covered by similar layers of sediment, most probably resulting from their initial destruction and concurrent effect of the seas over time. The ones presented here are some of the more evident examples that to my knowledge have never been identified before.

# 2

3°20'18.85"N 31°58'0.57"W

This one is over 300 by 180 miles. Please note that the vertical rift is offset by over 60 miles along the horizontal rift.

# 3

26°24'47.98"S 12°18'55.90"W

Another very large community with similar shear zones that apparently connect with others to the South.

# 4

17°57'4.07"S 110°23'54.79"W

Moving over to # 4 in the Pacific is most likely part of the Lemurian Empire that legend says existed for 40 to 50 thousand years, Easter Island home to the Moai is just South of it, however there is evidence of this civilization globally.

# 5

32° 8'26.75"N 122°42'31.64"W

While on the East side of the pacific plate # 5 shows signs of previous inhabitants though the entire Pacific basin shows the same signs, especially the area around the Hawaiian Islands and South of Micronesia again with heavy sedimentation.

# 6

26°53'42.57"N 69°54'20.59"W

Back over in the Atlantic basin number six is one of my favorites due to the geometric designs and the Bermuda Triangle legends.

The most common statement representing an attempt to invalidate what you are seeing is usually; "This has been explained before. It's not underwater cities, it's just the way they collect the sonar data from the ships mapping the ocean floor."

This understanding originates from the information at this link;

And further this article which appears to be disinformation as well and if analyzed actually validates the evidence;

They suggest that this is due to the way the data was acquired using a ship based sonar system and even reference this kmz file as a sonar scan and actually state it this way "You can see all of the soundings that produced this particular pattern";

However it bears no resemblance to an actual ship based sonar scan such as this;

And the truth is that the bathymetric data used by Google Earth for this picture as well as the others and the entire planet,is acquired from satellites, which can be learned about in depth here;

A more brief explanation can be seen here:

An actual ship based sonar scan of this and the other areas would be welcome!

By now it should be apparent that there is much more that we don’t know about the history of our planet than we do know. This should raise many questions about the validity of our knowledge and especially the lack thereof . It’s time to let go of the old and open to the new.

Now go and find your own places, and while this digital medium exists Learn as much as you can and if you have the means archive it for the future.Happy Hunting!


Engineering Balance.

[edit on 10-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

[edit on 10-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:44 AM
Not far from paulKCA's #6, there is this :


Please, notice the SQUARES at each end of the triangle.

I'll call it "Nares plain anomaly"

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by PaulKCA

By now it should be apparent that there is much more that we don’t know about the history of our planet than we do know. This should raise many questions about the validity of our knowledge and especially the lack thereof . It’s time to let go of the old and open to the new.

I'm still going to have to disagree here. You've failed to show how these civilizations exist under thousands of feet of ocean water and surviving immense pressures that even our most advance subs can't even stand.

Due to so many people doubting that cataclysmic events have befallen previous civilizations here on earth and the myths and legends surrounding them.

If your talking about flood myths, all of these myths are not from the same period of time nor do they depict the same story and if that isn't enough of a clincher, myth floods only exist for those who live around bodies of water. Your assertion that all myths include some type of cataclysm is bogus bunk and an outright lie unless your not actually aware that other mythologies exist without cataclysms. In which case, as seemingly evident so far, get an education.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 11:08 AM
Yet again you have been unable to grasp what is before you, at the same time implying that the data presented here is somehow false, and once again questioning my education. Your own words contain the evidence of your naivety which you are blissfully unaware of. And it will be allowed to continue here as long as it remains amusing.

Perhaps some one else will be gracious enough to explain your self deception/ misperception. If nothing else you most certainly are entertaining!

[edit on 10-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by PaulKCA
Yet again you have been unable to grasp what is before you, at the same time implying that the data presented here is somehow false, and once again questioning my education. Your own words contain the evidence of your naivety which you are blissfully unaware of. And it will be allowed to continue here as long as it remains amusing.

Perhaps some one else will be gracious enough to explain your self deception/ misconception. If nothing else you most certainly are entertaining!

And somehow throughout this crap spouting you still haven't explained with evidence of how these supposed cities are existent under thousands of feet of water resisting immense pressure that not even our most advance submarine can withstand. I accept that you 'think' *if that is even the right word to describe what is occurring here lol* that this is evidence of some advance civilization, but could you at the very least provide evidence for why you 'think' this is evidence? lol

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by orkson

Hello Orkson, Thanks for the latest pic, some of the lines that appear on the seabed will undoubtedly turn out to be from submarine cables, as can be seen here;

One can only imagine what inestimable wonders have been damaged by the sleds used to lay the cables, however their width in no way compares to or can explain most of what we see.

Not to say that your latest picture is from that, actually quite to the contrary due to the the amount of sedimentation in the same basin as picture 1 if scrutinized closely further definition can be seen throughout, the same hold true for the basin south of Micronesia and all around the Hawaiian Islands.

[edit on 10-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

[edit on 10-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 11:45 AM

[edit on 10-11-2009 by PaulKCA]

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