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Atheism...the new Christianity

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posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:11 PM
Far be it from me to deny that there are religious zealots every where. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, etc...each religion has their own sector of robot-minded idiots who seek to tell the rest of the world how to live their lives else go to hell.

I agree that this is happening

But i see this very same thing from snot-nosed Atheists as well.

Touting intellectual superiority...wearing their IQ on their sleeve...trying to bully around people who believe in God.

I mean seriously - why is it so crucial to your mental stability that you must go shout it from the mountains and throw it in the faces of anyone who has religion?

Because 10 years ago, someone did it to you?

Don't you realize that by the standards of the philosophy you choose to follow, you are defeating your own cause?

And in the end, it really boils down to this:

(yes, i believe in God, just in a slightly different way) and my Beliefs do not force me to require proof of existence in order to believe and be happy. I have faith.

Your belief structure, however, does. You require proof in order to believe something to be true. But with a complete absence of proof, you believe that God does not exist, and you go shouting it from the mountains. All without a single shred of proof.

Belief in something without proof is called faith.

So i guess Atheists have faith too, after all?

And in closing, i don't align myself with any official religion of today. I believe in God, i believe in Christ, but i don't call myself a Christian. I don't attend church, and i think televangelists are the devil in disguise.

But i don't know if you'll go to hell for not "believing". I think as long as you're a good person, you're fine. Far be it from an Atheist to allow me to think that way and leave it at that, however.

So Christians and Atheists are a lot alike.

Modern Christians (and Jews, and Muslims..etc) will tell you that you're going to hell for being queer.

And Modern Atheists will tell you that you're a knuckle dragging retard for believe in God.

Neither side of the coin, in this case, has a damn clue what is really going on.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by Snarf]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by Snarf

But i see this very same thing from snot-nosed Atheists as well.

I've just blown my nose. Thanks for the heads up.

Originally posted by Snarf
Your belief structure, however, does. You require proof in order to believe something to be true. But with a complete absence of proof, you believe that God does not exist, and you go shouting it from the mountains. All without a single shred of proof.

Not shouting, more like quietly simmering....other than that your portrayal of me is all wrong.

Originally posted by Snarf

But i don't know if you'll go to hell for not "believing". I think as long as you're a good person, you're fine. Far be it from an Atheist to allow me to think that way and leave it at that, however.

I have no problem with this.

Originally posted by Snarf
And Modern Atheists will tell you that you're a knuckle dragging retard for believe in God.

No I don't. I find it odd to believe in that sort of thing, but I also realise that some people will find my 'beliefs' odd. I think it would have been more appropriate to have written 'some' when talking about atheists rather than using a blanket statement.

You really seem to have a beef though. I suggest breathing slowly and calming down.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
...each religion has their own sector of robot-minded idiots who seek to tell the rest of the world how to live their lives else go to hell.

Yes, I've been 'new-ager-bashed' and 'atheist-bashed' and if I wasn't already a Christian, I'd probably have been Bible-bashed several times as well.

What is it with some people that they can't handle the thought of someone else believing different things to them?

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:53 PM
What I can't handle is the diffusion if corrupt and degenertaing ideas such as organized religion does i.e the people who spread it.

If you are mentally ill and believe in those fairy tales, keep it to yourself. If not, I reserve my RIGHT to mock and ridicule!

[edit on 4-11-2009 by Jauqx]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Snarf

i dont think anyone has the right to judge, no one on this planet knows the absolute truth so how can they claim they do, every single religion that exists could or could not be true, no one can say they absolutly know 100% that god does exist and no one can say 100% that god dosnt, so i say why not call a truce?

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 05:27 PM
IMO the reason people get irritated by religious and non-religious people is because the faith is shaky already and they don't want new ideas to influence their shaky ground.

If they believe in something you don't then so be it you don't need to cause more problems for either of the parties involved. If you have unwavering faith the you don't need to worry about proving your religion.

I hope everyone can realize these problems and fix them. So that we can get along better and be more aware of other peoples feelings.

Just my two cents worth of information.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 05:36 PM
you sound like one of thos snot nosed atheists youre railing about.

atheism doesnt require faith. its a lack of faith.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
And Modern Atheists will tell you that you're a knuckle dragging retard for believe in God.

No not really. No one calls children "knuckle dragging retards" for believing in Santa Claus.

Faith in Zeus requires not knowing what causes lightning, once you grow up you don't need Zeus or whoever you believe these days to cause lightning.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by tungus]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Jauqx
What I can't handle is the diffusion if corrupt and degenertaing ideas such as organized religion does i.e the people who spread it.

If you are mentally ill and believe in those fairy tales, keep it to yourself. If not, I reserve my RIGHT to mock and ridicule!

[edit on 4-11-2009 by Jauqx]

So, what you are saying is, all of those billions of people of faith are mentally ill?

Personally, I believe none of the religions have got it right. I'm like the OP, I believe in God and Christ, but I'm not a traditional christian. I don't go to church, I don't tell people they are going to hell. I certainly don't like being labeled. I do keep my faith to myself, how about you guys keep yours to yourself. Like not plastering signs all over new york city about lving without God, because quite frankly, I don't give a rat's ass about what you don't believe.

And I am sure the feeling is mutual. Science seems to be the new religion, who do we trust to give us accurate information? I think atheists trust their own judgement a little too heavily, as if humans are the end all be all. Arrogance is the essence?

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest

atheism doesnt require faith. its a lack of faith.

wrong. It requires faith. Every atheist i've ever talked to says "i dont believe in God because there's no scientific proof"

And there's no scientific proof to disprove God either.

So you're either all in, or all out.

You either use "science" to pan out your beliefs, or you don't.

Faith is defined (basically) as believing in something without proof

You don't believe in God, that's believing ins omething

you have no proof

you have faith.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Snarf


Not ALL atheists fit this bill, but a lot of the most vocal/zealous ones do.

Along with this, are the many many people who have now taken up scientific consensus as a religion. Instead of recognizing science as a tool, and people as people, these people will follow their pet conception of the "scientific community" like a church and take current knowledge as dogma.

Yes, it takes faith to believe that, since we currently do not possess evidence of something, therefore it must not exist. Evidence may not exist. It doesn't mean the thing in question also does not. Simply that the evidence does not. Then how can you prove it? You can't. At least not in that way. Deal with it.

I was "agnostic" for a long time, which simply means I either didn't know or didn't care (a little of both). An agnostic is just an atheist who has the guts to admit to himself that he doesn't have any proof that a "God" doesn't exist, either.

Since then, I've awoken to enough other knowledge to form different ideas about the universe, but these are personal.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:18 PM
It would be better if we could eliminate all dogmatic verbal systems. Pipe dream, I know. I have no use for religion or some supernatural "God", but if it helps someone get through the day, fine. We all need better coping skills.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Snarf

each religion has their own sector of robot-minded idiots who seek to tell the rest of the world how to live their lives else go to hell.

curious - if you know this - then why the thread?

why come down specifically on the atheists for the same behavior?

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by Snarf

I believe in god, yet I never seem to have a problem with Atheists attacking my beliefs. Occasionally I'll get the odd comment about it being an irrational belief, being without evidence - which seems to me more a statement of the obvious than any sort of "attack". A few honestly curious questions here and there as well, but I seem to notice a definite trends in keeping a personal faith personal and not projecting it onto my statements of objective reality or other people correlating to their objection to my faith.

See, unfortunately we live in a world where people's subjective personal beliefs are all too often the driving forces between banal and ignorant attacks on the science which we depend upon for our prosperity and livelihoods, maneuvering our politics and policies, as well as flat out murder. I agree with the atheists that, considering they share this world with the faithful - and the faithful's actions can have direct and profound impacts on their own lives, that the beliefs of others are very much their business and should be checked when projected (even sub-consciously) upon those with no desire to be subjected to those beliefs.

And when you make statements as ignorant as "Atheism requires faith" because you think it sounds good, regardless whether made from lack of research or lack of acceptance, it doesn't say much for your opinion or your beliefs.

Atheism is a form of faith, like Zero is a number. While it can be seen as a position in the theological argument - it signifies absolutely nothing, making neither positive or negative statements on the existence of god. Statements can only be made in light of evidence, whether positively affirmed or negated. There is no evidence for or against god, resulting in a null position of 0... absence... atheism. Claims by religions about reality, however, CAN be falsified or verified - resulting in positive or negative affirmation based on evidence (Existence of Cyrus the Great and Noah's Flood being two examples of + & -) giving the illusion of a positive position/statement of "no god".

No Evidence =/= No God. It only means no reason to believe in one. I accept and understand this analysis, which as a believer, makes my positive statement of belief in god without evidence - entirely faith based.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by Lasheic]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:40 PM
There is use for religion.

It is a veil. A veil over an allegorical truth (or Truths.... r as close to truths as the universe comes).

This veil is there for very good reaon. The Truth is dangerous, and must be slowly integrated subconsciously, and then, using different (thosands, maybe more.... you could prolly find a way to use Barney the Puple Dinosaur in an allegorical way to represent it) methods of physical and mental exersizes, it is slowly revealed to the conscious mind...

But if you just shot somebody in the face with a gun... that's kind of how the Truth feels, except you're still alive even after your brains seep out... metaphorically, of course.

The veil is also used because the Truth bestows "great power" upon the individual capable of harnessing it... and only someone devoted to a Higher Purpose of living may weild this Holy Weapon responsibly.

Because... like a reflection in a mirror... what of this purified energy you use for "profane" purposes will reflect back at you in reverse.

This is why messing around with things like Magick.... that guy stating he makes aliancew with entites and stuff.... is highly irresponsible unless sanctified by Higher Authority.

It's so simple, yet so complicated....

Atheism is just a path. I joke and call the "profane" pigdogs, but if you've paid any attention to ALL of what I've wrote... I have stated that we all blossom eventually... even if we start out as dirt, eventually dirt gets transmuted into energy which gets transmuted into living matter, which gets transmuted into a seedling, which produces a bud, which eentually blossoms into a beautiful flower.... has it's time in the sun.... and then fades back into the soil from whence it came...

Whatever you're doing, your goal in life.. do it with religious devotion.

We all get there. Those who choose to follow science religiously have made some incredible breakthroughs... many times with the help of pet theories proposed by hermetic tradition centuries ago.... the atom is one example... but I'm sure if you asked a standard hermetician or holy man how to create an antigravity device, they might have some really wild theory, but they'd be stumped as how to go about building one.

You can learn something from everybody. It's all different perspectives.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
reply to post by ELECTRICkoolaidZOMBIEtest

wrong. It requires faith. Every atheist i've ever talked to says "i dont believe in God because there's no scientific proof"

And there's no scientific proof to disprove God either.

There's no scientific proof that the cookie monster doesn't exist. But that doesn't make it any less wrong to believe in it. However, there is proof the Christian (particularly Catholic) God doesn't exist. It goes against reason and natural law. Transubstantiation is logical nonsense. Prophecy is nonsense. But that's beside the point. It's still irrational to believe in a God when there is no good evidence for the belief.

According to your definition, it would be acceptable to believe that there is an evil all-powerful deity who sends every man, woman, and child to hell for all eternity. Why? You can't prove it doesn't exist. Again, the burden of proof lies on the extraordinary claim.

As for the Atheists bashing Christians, I think it is morally wrong to instill hatred in others, which is precisely what I believe you are talking about...the Atheists who mock Christians and believe that they (the Atheists) are somehow 'better.' Knowing the truth doesn't make anyone better than another. I know that the world is round but that doesn't make me better than anyone who lived a thousand years ago. 'Better' is a moral term, and personal beliefs aside, anyone can be morally good or morally bad.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by Alexander_Supertramp


knowing the truth is what got Adam and Eve kicked out of the garden...

metaphorically speaking

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Alexander_Supertramp
There's no scientific proof that the cookie monster doesn't exist. But that doesn't make it any less wrong to believe in it.

It's not "wrong" to believe in something that has no evidence going for it. The belief may not stand scientific scrutiny, but neither does the claim that a current lack of evidence is proof of non-existence.

"Wrong" is not even a scientifically quantifiable statement, so don't even go there. Morals also are not scientifically quantifiable. Social patterns and behaviors are barely quantifiable. You have to resort to statistics and odds in the best cases. Many scientists don't even consider psychology and sociology real sciences.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 08:04 PM

Originally posted by Snarf
Touting intellectual superiority...wearing their IQ on their sleeve...trying to bully around people who believe in God.

I mean seriously - why is it so crucial to your mental stability that you must go shout it from the mountains and throw it in the faces of anyone who has religion?

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Perfect statement, imo.

The issues surrounding belief/unbelief in a 'God' is personal... something each of us has to work out in ourselves. This takes half a lifetime to even get to a point where the belief/unbelief establishes itself as a POV. Once you've made your decision, it's fine to state it, but really uncool to push it onto others and ridicule them for a differing POV.

It's rude.

I used to think that Atheists had no faith, but now I'm not so sure. What's up with all the billboard campaigns? They're pushing an ideology just like any other and they surely BELIEVE in it, but can't prove it.

Me? I'm agnostic. I believe that there is something to spirituality, but It isn't part of any religion. It's just the belief I've come to love.

Look up the roots for 'belief'... it means 'to love'. Atheists love to not believe, which is an oxymoron.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by Spiramirabilis

why come down specifically on the atheists for the same behavior

because atheists always have a way out

"I dont believe in God!"

and some how they're allowed to keep on going calling the rest of us idiots and morons.

I call them out because some of them are the doing very thing they're out there bashing.

"Spreading their faith"

I don't bash them for doing what they want to do, or believing what they believe.

But they (most of the ones i've talked to) think that it's okay to call me a moron for believing in God, but not for me to say "just shut up and ill believe what i want to believe"

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