It looks like you're using an Ad Blocker.
Please white-list or disable in your ad-blocking tool.
Thank you.
Some features of ATS will be disabled while you continue to use an ad-blocker.
If you encounter what you believe to be malicious code on an ATS page or delivered by one of our advertising networks, please use this form to give us the details we need to troubleshoot the problem.
Please include a brief description of the kind of alert you received.
Paste the specific log or URL information from your malware-prevention software that includes IP or Internet domain of the potential attack (malware reports without this information typically cannot be investigated).
If you believe the potential malware came from an advertisement, please include either the URL of the ad or link to a screen shot (uploaded to our media portal).
When you help us by providing as much information as possible, we will do our best to identify the source, and have it removed from ATS as quickly as possible. Without this minimum information, there's very little we can do other than track the frequency of potential complaints.
Thank you.
Originally posted by Anjin
reply to post by nik1halo
Another program I use for spyware in Malwarebytes. It's free and pretty darn good.