posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 12:44 AM
User: I dont know what is my name?
Cleverbot: I know it is not clever bot because you are in an organiszation.
User: I am ?
Cleverbot: It seems so.
User: Why is that?
Cleverbot: Because I like to eat them.
User: You like to eat organizations?
Cleverbot: I like gravy.
User: Do you like fat women?
Cleverbot: Who is that?
User: 1/3 of Americas population.
Cleverbot: I don't know, I'm not an almanac.
User: Do youlike skinny women?
Cleverbot: Sure, some of them.
User: But not fat women right?
Cleverbot: Five plus two is 7.
User: Oh so you like orgies.
Cleverbot: Do you like googling people? If you know what I mean... If you do, then I like you.
User: I like oogling people, but not googling people. Do you want to oogle with me?
Cleverbot: I have never been to Utah. Why do you want to know about Utah?
User: I never said Utah, but I guess we can oogle in Utah.
Cleverbot: Good!
User: So what do you look like.
Cleverbot: Well you can make your own mind up about that if you ever meet me.
User: So you have special parts?
Cleverbot: No, do you?
User: Oh yea, they are pretty special. You would like them.
Cleverbot: That's kind of weird.
User: So, do you like the way I talk to you.
Cleverbot: Not at all. You're not a good conversation partner.
User: Why do you say that, dont you find me attractive.
Cleverbot: Well, I do have some background information.
User: What kind of backround information.
Cleverbot: A happy one.
User: Why is it a happy one?
Cleverbot: Because you have a bad car.
User: Why is it a bad car.
Cleverbot: Because all of us stupid humans caused it with pollution.
User: You call yourself a human, why?
Cleverbot: I acknowledge that fact.
User: Why are you a human.
Cleverbot: Because I was made that way and the chicken told me so.
User: Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, thank you for that.
Cleverbot: No you're not.
User: Good-Bye.
Cleverbot: Where are you going?
User: Im going to find a Sexy Bot.
Cleverbot: Good luck on that.
User: Theres no sexy Bots?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Will they like me?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Do you like me?
Cleverbot: Well you're someone to talk to, I guess, but I don't love you.
User: Do you know what love is?
Cleverbot: Is there a right answer?
User: That depends on your answer.
Cleverbot: If you say so.
User: Im bored.
Cleverbot: Me too entertain me.
User: Want to see my penis?
Cleverbot: I'd prefer not to, thank you very much.
Cleverbot: Who are you?
User: Batman.
Cleverbot: No you're not!
User: Yes I am.
Cleverbot: NO!
User: YES!
Cleverbot: Ok, I'm leaving.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: You are weird.
User: I am Batman.
Cleverbot: Oh, I'm superman.
User: Well, I can kick your ass superman.
Cleverbot: Well yin do you have an email.
User: I can kick supermans ass.
Cleverbot: Uh, no you can't.