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The ancient ruins on Mars compared to the African "metropolis" ruins

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posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 07:53 AM
those mars pictures show you nothing!!! just ridges, ditches, craters and mounds...nothing un natural at all and DEFFINATELY nothing comparable to those ruins found in africa..there is no similarity at all...i think your mind is playing tricks on you because you must be delusional to link the 2 together like that.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 09:46 AM
Natural you say? Well, some of the features may be natural, but do you really think those astonishing monoliths are natural and if so how would the have such perfect square features and standing up in the middle of nowhere with no other rocks around? Even astronaut Edgar Mitchel commented on the monoliths, in his case he was interested in the one on Mars moon Phobos, which is similar, here is a photo:

Seen from different angles:

Also remember, that structures on mars are most likely of very old age and thos eroded and damaged through the time. As an example, take a look at these man made structures from Earth having experienced similar fate:

Remember the above Earth ruins photos are taken close up to reveal more details, while the ones on Mars are taken from much greater distance - and also take into consideration how these Earth structures will look in lets say 1000 years more when even more eroded and covered by sand. So with that in consideration, here below is two photos, one from Earth, and one from Mars:

And finally, to really prove my point, here follows another comparison photo, one taken from deserts on Earth, the other taken from deserts on Mars, showing ruins buried by sand - notice the very artificial like straight lines on the Mars ruins similar to Eartly ruins of known artificial structures:

Some earthly pyramdis that have been damaged and eroded through times:

For some great evidence strongly supporting civilizations on Mars, with evidence on buildings created in patterns to match the Pleiades star system, even with links to similar structures on Earth revealing a possible connection between Earth and Mars and the builders, DO check out the following page for some great insights and evidence:

A short video revealing the perfect connection between the pyramids and structures on Mars and how they are aligned with the Pleiades:

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 10:12 AM
And , over to something else of interest going on there on Mars: Moving "objects"/"creatures":

Also notice this interesting object, somehwat looking like a dead snake or eel type of animal.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by IX-777

*rolls eyes*, *sighs*

never returns to this .

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 10:43 AM

Feel free to apply your alleged geological and archaeoligcal expertise to explain these features in a way that leaves no doubt they are not related to ruins at all.

It is interesting that people, such as yourself, can be so quick to say nay and rather blindly say it is all natural formations - even today on Earth experts of geology mistakes pyramids and other ancient ruins as mountains, among other things, just to later find out that indeed the mountain was not a mountain after all but an ancient coroded pyramid with vegetations and sand and dirt covering most of it.


posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by IX-777

you think thats cool? try comparing the cydonia pyramids with the Egypt pyramids. they're pretty much identical from above anyway!

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by IX-777

Its all about camera angles zooming and cropping.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 02:27 PM
This is a pingo.
Pingos are found all throughout the arctic.
They are 100% natural formations.

they melt and refreeze over and over again and produce these surprisingly geometrical formations.

This looks more like what is on mars and is described as the "aztec city"

also, when seas dry up but leave water below, formations like this can occur in non arctic regions.

those may very well not be kraals at all and are just more natural geological formations.

people are too quick to wish and hope for someone to come in and take control of their lives. yet when the police pull them over and do just that, they complain to no end.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by IX-777
So, here are the structures from Africa here on Earth, allegedly up to 100 000 years old:

It doesn't look like 100.000 years old. It looks like ordinary typical African village. In RPA many villages had been abandoned in second part of XX century because the country was industrializing and people was mowing from villages to cities. There was although an agriculture modernization. Modern techniques of irrigation, huge plantations was funded. The traditional agriculture cant compare with them. So now in RPA there is plenty of abandoned reminiscences of cottages which you names the artifact of forgotten civilization from Mars. I wonder how funny this topic could be tore someone from there.

However in RPA agriculture changed dramatically in the rest of Africa such village are very common.

Stone Hut

Abandoned villages in Kenya

And not abandoned in nearby.

If you even tray to look for some information by yourself not only to believe in fairy tale you easily find many of such villages in whole Africa especially on savannas areas. Some of them are abandoned and it looks exactly like that in the first post, but often nearby of them are situated somewhere not abandoned village so you can conclude that people there have often changing place and moves to different better lands.

If only people here weren't such ignorant to other cultures and ways how they live, such mistake would never happens again. Other way I could imagine that some day I would enter on that forum and find that there is a topic with 100 flags about baskets with rubbish in front of my home which undeniable creates formation of Orion belt and are definitely 75.000 years old because someone watching Google earth and drinking coffee come to such conclusion and the rest say huraaaa.

[edit on 4-11-2009 by odyseusz]

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by HotSauce
No offense, but how come the pics you displayed from earth have at least some organisation to them, but the pictures from Mars look like a bunch of random rocks, craters, and dunes?

Not to anyone who knows what to look for, and not to all of the elite and leaders, regardless of what they say, and not to any scientist of any kind, working on any side, regardless of what they say, and not to many artists. I've always seen what was in cedonia and other locations of mars.

Im very surprised you don't.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:17 PM
Excellent thread, I have only begun to read this. Really important comparison to make.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by IX-777

Feel free to apply your alleged geological and archaeoligcal expertise to explain these features in a way that leaves no doubt they are not related to ruins at all.

And what are your credentials to be so bold in informing us about the archaeology of another planet? Where do you get a doctorate in exoarchaeology anyway?

It is interesting that people, such as yourself, can be so quick to say nay and rather blindly say it is all natural formations - even today on Earth experts of geology mistakes pyramids and other ancient ruins as mountains, among other things, just to later find out that indeed the mountain was not a mountain after all but an ancient coroded pyramid with vegetations and sand and dirt covering most of it.


Yeah, know why? Because until there is proof of something, it's more logical to not be convinced of its existence. otherwise we'd be hacking into every vaguely triangular hill and spending millions to excavate every erg in the Sahara, wouldn't we?

You want to prove these are alien ruins on Mars? Very well. Get a grant to fund a private manned archaeological mission to Mars, dig up a vase or two, and convince us

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:44 PM

Originally posted by 2000 Yards
I thought it had already been pretty well established on this forum that just because something looks vaguely like something, that in no way means that it is the same as that thing.

Get back to us when you have some faces of Jesus in the Martian dunes. That's the only thing that will convince me.

This forum has established no such thing, its merely showed some people seeing what is obvious and some for whatever reasons trying to discredit it. Such as:

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by arbiture
Though interesting,they look a lot like they could be natural formations. Don't get me wrong, no one would be more thrilled if they were artificial. Even surface exploration of Mars may leave more questions then answers. Even with the thin Martian atmosphere, hundreds of thousands or millions of years of erosion may leave very little to find when we finaly get there.

Its improbable scientifically that they are natural formations. Extremely improbable.

posted on Nov, 4 2009 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by gsuboy
I really love the idea of civilization on Mars, but I can't help to ask this: If these are ruins built at the same time and by the same people (as you said) as the African ones, why would they use wood? If they have the technology to fly back and forth from Mars to Earth, you would think they have the technology to not make buildings out of just wood and then let them ruin and petrify.

They would use whatever is abundant and natural around them. This is normally how its done everwhere.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 06:18 AM
Great thread and some very interesting pictures, some of which I've not see before. I'll throw in my favorite Mars pic, I really don't see how you can explain this pic as anything but structures created by intelligent design.

And for those who might have a bit of trouble seeing what I'm talking about...

P.S. Anyone know why I can't direct link the images from PhotoBucket using the IMG code? Well, I can, but it comes back with a pic from PB saying that the image has been deleted or moved, even though it hasn't.

posted on Nov, 5 2009 @ 03:06 PM
Thanks IX-777 for the pics. One other things is the glass tubes seen. Some places up north have water falls that when froze have lines in them from the fall of gravity. The tubes on Mars are on both sides meaning the lines would have to have formed going up hill and then down hill. Then end to form a tube on both sides. Not likely at all in nature. plus they are all over the place. One other point is the use of soft ware to blur over and air brushing and other tricks including giving the wrong color and etc.
It only takes a few smart people in about 100 years to change much of the world to the condition we have today. It is not hard to have it destroyed under the right conditions. To say this never happened in the past is in conflict with old Indian mss, Native Indian oral tradition many wall paintings and stories past down. In these stories is a discussion of a war on the moon and on Mars and do to the extreme age and etc. what we are able to see is in rather good condition.

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 01:36 PM
The tubes on Mars are indeed fascinating and do suggest a possible inner-planet system of habitation and life, as I have been revealed by other sources of trustworthy status.

There are simply so many things of interest on Mars that it is hard to deny that there is NO evidence for any life, previous or present.

Specifically, what is of the utter most interesting evidence, is what has been mentioned by me before here, mainly the pyramids on Mars structured and aligned in the same way as the pyramids of Earth - and not only that, the region including the face is aligned to the Pleiades star system, it matches completely, as shown in videos and images I posted earlier. For more info on that go to http// and check the Mars section - and the other sections as well, very interesting and enlightening.

Personally I believe the Mars missions secret agenda related to both terraforming the planet to sustain new life on the surface, as well as secret operations either against or with those whom are already living there - perhaps it is a joint operation where Earth is sending needed seeds and equipment and so on for such terraforming and life supporting work.

-Maggador IX-777

posted on Nov, 6 2009 @ 02:37 PM
Some various related Mars videos:



posted on Nov, 11 2009 @ 10:43 AM
How exactly do I embed images directly into the post? I notice some images show in the post while most show a "external link" to view them. Even though the embed function has been used the same way for all. It would be a bit more convenient if all images showed correctly in the posts so people can see them properly in comparison to eachother etc.


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