Originally posted by kerazeesicko
People call the skeptics and other people..sheeple..but in fact, it is the believers side I see as sheeple. I see you people watching obviously fake
videos, looking at fake pics, looking at pics of the moon or mars and seeing structures that aren't and reading other peoples accounts and blindly
believing everything you read /see because another believer posted them. I have opened my mind because it was closed, and now see that there is no
evidence for aliens. It is only theory.
There are many who believe and they all belive for so many reasons that to just lump them all together and lable them as sheep does them, you and the
whole search for the truth by all a great disservice in my humble opinion.
Let me clarify that statement.
At 21:00 (16/09/2009) I was out walking my dog with my wife when we saw something in the sky above our house at a height of about two thousand feet.
When it left it left with a swift diminishing of light and then zipped off like something out of a movie. We were not imagining it and my wife and I
were pretty excited though I have to admit I was all but jumping around and doing a jig.
From the stance you have taken in the things you have posted, we are either delusional, imagining this or are lying. I can say we saw what we saw but
because we took no photographic evidence (we were rooted to the spot in amazement) we cannot prove it. However the problem is that because you have
not seen these things you feel that you are qualified to call those who have seen these things liars or delusional idiots. You also exude a manner
that could be assumed to be a position of smugness because you are so certain that these things are not happening (because you have not seen them)
that anyone who says otherwise is to be derided as a fool?
Another example!
There was a sudden flash of intense white light off to the left of where I had been looking straight up. The flash of light was fast and lasted barely
a second but was very bright and got my attention fast. From the flash there was suddenly a tiny but bright satellite and it was taking a path that
would take it almost directly over my house.
At first I was thinking ‘cool a satellite’ but I was also perplexed about the intense white flash it had come from and the diffuse nature of it.
Things took an even weirder turn as suddenly the satellite flashed a rich blue and VERY defined cone of light aimed toward the north. The light was
intense and like nothing I had seen before. It was of such a highly defined intensity it was almost a solid triangle. The flash of blue triangular
light lasted only split second but I was looking straight at it so there was no mistaking what I was seeing.
In response there was a second flash of intense white unidirectional light exactly the same as the one that had got my attention focused on the
satellite. From this second light there was a second satellite closing in with the first one as it moved over my house. Their speed was similar and
the distance between the two I cannot say but I have seen enough satellites to know they were at extreme altitude, well beyond the height of any
aircraft. The distance from the two satellites would be blocked if I pointed my arm straight up and blocked them with four fingers.
The second satellite flashed a very intense red cone of triangular light at the first satellite as it closed the distance and the response was another
flash of blue light aimed at the second satellite. This then responded with a second flash of red conical light and then they merged with a flash of
white unidirectional light.
After the flash was gone there was just the first satellite moving now over my house and I had got to my feet by now without taking my eyes of the
scene even once. I backed up as the satellite started to become obscured by my roof and about five seconds after the merger of the two the satellite
started winking on and off a bright orange. I could go on and my story does go on for a while longer but I posted this just to give you an example
that people are seeing these things and yet we are classed as idiots because dedicated sceptics have never seen anything like this.
I am not a gullible type of man and at one point during this sighting I mentally questioned if I was hallucinating for some reason and looked away
briefly, swore a few choice words and then looked back at the sighting. The UFO was still there and its orange blinking was not a strobe, more a
sporadic lighting, on and off at twice the speed a man blinks roughly but at points it sped up and then slowed and repeated.
I cannot prove I saw this and without proof I am condemned as a liar or deluded because the event is so fantastical that without proof and because you
have never seen something like this then it cannot have happened?
You do not need money to see these things and the proof you seek will not be found on the internet because of the advances in CGI, it will be found
when you open yourself up to the possibility that this stuff is really happening.
Originally posted by kerazeesickomahtoosacks, you sound angry . I have met a few so called abductees and have travelled worldwide to so
called UFO hotspots ( because I have the money to) and interviewed people and have come to the this conclusion by doing my research. Tell me ...what
have you done besides read others accounts and then go online telling people they have no idea what they are talking about..because you have read
stories and are now an expert in the field. So what have you done?
You do not need to travel very far if you keep an open mind and actually do more than just travel with a mind that is seemingly closed to the
possibility that this phenomenon is occurring. I am not saying that you have a closed mind but from the manner of your posts it would seem to me that
you would rather assume believers are liars and deluded fools rather than take on board what they are saying and that what they are saying is coming
from a stance of honesty.
[edit on 5-11-2009 by SmokeJaguar67]