posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 06:26 PM
I support the use of binaural beats wholeheartedly. It’s a safe, legal way to alter your consciousness.
But you have to remember that the effects are limited. They are supposed to nudge (entrain) your brainwaves toward the desired frequency. I believe
they are also supposed to help synchronize the two hemispheres in the brain.
But it’s not like pushing a button and getting automatic results. The effects can be subtle.
There are several manufacturers that offer extensive programs claiming various effects, but they can be quite expensive. Definitely try some free
recordings first. To get the binaural effect, a quality recording is a must, as are headphones. Try to get a cd or a loss- less (uncompressed) audio
file. If you use a MP3 file, get the highest bit-rate that you can. That tends to mean the least compression, and the least loss of quality.
You should investigate what states of consciousness tend to be associated with various brainwave frequencies, but be skeptical of claims that one
frequency or another will give certain specific results automatically.
My experience is that the results fall into two broad categories: helping you concentrate or helping you relax. Then, with your mind nudged in a
particular direction, you decide what to do next. Concentration can be good for learning, paying attention, or refreshing a tired mind. Relaxation
is perhaps more interesting, and can be used for many things: meditation, creativity, stress reduction, or just getting ready to go to sleep.
Relaxation may also be helpful for hypnosis, meditation, out-of-body experience, visualization, insight, or spiritual experience. Use the recording
along with your usual procedure for the chosen activity.
If you use these recording in the daytime, give your brain some time to return to its normal state before doing anything potentially dangerous, like
going out for a drive.
You will find other threads here on ATS about this topic if you can get the search function to work.
Also try Google. Here are some key-words:
Brain Sync
Dr Jeffrey Thompson
The Monroe Institure
Paul Scheele
Binaural Beats
Isochronic Tones (This is a slightly different form of audio brain entrainment, but with similar results)
Try combining key-words: “free binaural beat MP3”
Good Luck!