posted on May, 20 2004 @ 09:28 PM
ROFLMAO....hahaha, this is too funny, he is just blabbering his mouth once more, trying to defy everyone, even death... What was the name of that
movie...where this old man is having chest pains and realizes he is about to die and death decides to make a pact with him.... i can see Castro trying
something like that if he could.
The media in Cuba "is really controlled by Castro and his regime." They can't write anything Castro doesn't want in print, and this last attemp
of Castro to defy everyone and make them think he is in good health is just hilarious....This man has been known lately to fall asleep during some of
his speeches.... and has been to the hospital in emergency more often than the pope.
He is going to live to 140 years, yeah right, lol.