posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 09:15 AM
I have suggestion for ATS boards:
It could be fair to begin a policy, where every thread that is titled in a way, where there is no direct correspondence between contents of the thread
and the title of the thread, would be either deleted or re-titled by moderators.
I think that I am not only one to notice that recently (well and as long as I've been on ATS) there has been threads titled completely misleading
manner. One of the main purposes for this behavior must be solely the intention to get as many people to read the "message" as possible.
I object this kind of heading into extent that I don't anymore even open posts that aren't titled properly. I would post few examples here, but I
refrain from insulting anyone personally, so I make few "imaginary" examples from thin air.
Example 1:
Title: An incredible event, everyone must see!!!11!
Contents of thread: Perhaps something funny, gross, perhaps even entertaining, but hardly anything that would interest anybody else than the
poster and few other persons.
Example 2:
Title: To believe is bollocks!
Contents of thread: Criticism towards religions, faith or other metaphysical conception, while poster is simultaneously advertising other
beliefs, basically poster's own ones.
Example 3:
Title: Everyone is generalizing!!1!
Contents of thread: As the title refers, something that is falsely generalized to the matters that has nothing to do with them.
In my opinion, it would be preferable that title reveals to the average reader the contents of the thread, even in ambiguous manner. In any scientific
work, this is mandatory. I know internet debate forums are hardly scientific, but this manner is observed to be good, a more reader friendly solution.
You rarely see a book called Pigs, then it's all about cows.
I apologize if this has already been suggested. I did quick search with keywords (topic, title and thread) and found no relevant threads on the first
few pages of results.
In the end, if this is not adopted as official ATS policy, I would kindly ask the thread starters that they would kindly consider the reader instead
of themselves (their points, stars, flags, flames whatever) and use consideration when giving a title for their threads.
Thank you,
[edit on 3-11-2009 by v01i0]