posted on Nov, 3 2009 @ 07:29 AM
Originally posted by GW8UK
reply to post by Jomina
How long can one of these things take to fix? i doubt it is manufactured in bulk as it is for sun teloscopy, therefore unless it can be repared they
will have to wait maybe up to a month for someone to make a new one and get the calibrations rite.
This is regular maintenance done to evaporate away water vapor that collects on the CCD (the image sensor part of the camera).
SOSHO was "baked out" prior to launch in hopes to evaporate aff ony water or hydrocarbons that existed, but some remained. The CCD is usually kept
very cold while in operation (-67 C), so from time-to-time, this water and hydrocarbons condensates back on the CCD. They warm up the CCD to about
-16 C to evaporate this condensate, and the camera needs to be offline to do this.
The process takes 2 or 3 weeks.
This "bakeout" procedure is already being discussed on another thread here:
By the way, there are no contingency plans to manufacture new parts for SOHO and take them there for repair. If SOHO breaks down, then its done.
[edit on 11/3/2009 by Soylent Green Is People]