posted on May, 25 2004 @ 03:26 AM
Thankyou patrius for your imput.Let's take a moment to look at what you've said.
By using this message board, you agree to the following:
1.) You will not post any material that is knowingly false, misleading, or inaccurate.
First thankyou for mentioning our terms and conditions.The truth in this case is not known perhaps it will never be known therefore these posts are
speculation not knowingly posted as false.
What kind of sheltered and demented life have you lived to actually believe that the US Governmnet hand anything to do with this.
Interesting,Presidents don't lie? Nixon didn't lie over Watergate,Clinton didn't lie about sexual relations,G.W.Bush didn't lie about Iraq
involved in 9/11.What is more, deaths aren't covered up? Individuals aren't sacrificed for a "greater good".Your insistance that it didn't happen's unthinkable is naive in the extreme.It simply shows that the consequences of it being found to be true are too ghastly for
you to consider.
Given that most elite organizations require training in the traditional education arena, be they military or intelligence there is an ingrained
culture placed in those who operate in a clandestine fashion.
I'll be honest and say I don't understand this last sentence.I understand the content just not what you're trying to say.Is it that these
organisations are too smart to make such fundemental errors?
Peach in Turkish is a curse word. Alasmaladik sounds like I lost my dick in english when it is a salutation.
If you've read the entire thread you will have seen that there have been contributions from arab speakers pointing out alternative translations of
the comments made on the tape.The purpose of this thread is not to set out to prove anything just to discover the truth.
You guys are absolutely reaching. I don't come to this site but I am surfing at night doing research on the fanaticism on the website and I
hit pay dirt with this stuff.
An interesting topic to research I'm sure.The political/psychological make up of this board simply reflects the make up of society as a
whole.Occasionally,views might appear magnified that is because of the apparent coldness of written speech without the subtle nuances of physical
contact and conversation.
Go back to playing dungeons and dragons and get over being a social outcast in high school.
This final remark was unfortunate.Having shown that you've read the Terms of this site you then ignore one of it's most important points.
It also shows a great deal of ignorance on your part that you assume (wrongly) who you are conversing with.
Now,I've addressed every point you have made.I wonder if you will answer one question for me?
Have you actually listened to the tape provided in the opening post of this thread ?
Or are you just giving your opinion from a position of ignorance and assumption.