posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 11:40 PM
Be nice, now. Just because someone doesn't agree with you, doesn't make them "braiinless twits". They just don't believe the same things you
We all are presented with "facts" from various sources, but none of us has a practical way of actually checking these facts. We have to take what
we hear on faith - or reject it on faith, in some cases. We know that governments routinely like to their citizens (and everyone else). We know
something happened on 9/11. But none of us knows what really happened, except possibly some of the perpetrators.
So we get the government's "official" explanation, and then another one from some other source, that doesn't buy everything the government says.
Then others, which question most or everything the government says. The result is a whole spectrum of theories ranging from the orthodox government
explanation, to one which is somewhat critical of errors made, to one which may claim that the government knew about and *allowed* it to happen, to
the government caused it, to there were no planes, to there was never any World Trade Center to begin with. Whatever. Eventually you wind up with it
being the Rigelians using thought rays to knock down the buildings as part of their campaign of world domination.
The fact is, we don't know what happened. Not one explanation is satisfactory. Not one explanation covers all the facts without requiring some
mighty strange happenings - coincidences with astronomical odds against them, incomprehensible behavior, inexplicable timing of events, and so on. It
is no indication of stupidity for someone to choose one explanation over another, when there is no compelling reason to choose any. They all suck.
They are all inadequate.