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Swine flu, is scaring alot of people.

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posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Finalized

Forget the mercury in the vaccine. It hasn't been tested. My problem is that I don't want my kids to be part of the human trials. There's also the get out of jail free card the gov't gave the manufacturers. They can't be sued, should people get sick or die? That translates to "there's a chance your kid will get sick, or die, and the maker of this vaccine, who created it, produced it, packaged it and sent it to your physician, cannot be held responsible if it simply doesn't work"

If someone said to me "here's a brand new car, it's yours, but, should it blow up, you can't hold us responsible," I won't drive it.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

The most concerning part about the vaccine manufacturers getting immunity is when I tell people that, they look at me with that blank dead look of the Proles in their eye.

Then, they spew off something about, well I've always gotten a flu vaccine and never had a problem. Every time I try and convert someone to the truth, I'm getting trumped by the MSM.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by Finalized

The mortality rate really isn't the problem. Most people will just get ill, some really bad some not so. The problem is with the fact that MOST will get ill. If the number of ill at once exceeds some percentage of the total population, the economic consequences could be devastating. How many? Hard to say right now, depends on where and who precisely. But to diminish the the potential of this bug is foolish bravado. You needn't be an end-timer to have a healthy respect for bad possibilities, not all of which are medical.

Here's some numbers on current weekly prescription levels anyway, for those who wish to get a perspective and to help keep track:

Some places have jumped significantly in the number of new prescriptions, but nothing too alarming overall.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Finalized

Actually this is exactly what happen in 76, the swine flu pandemic back then was call "the pandemic that never happen" and the CDC person in Charge that along with the WHO and big pharma created the pandemic was fired.

History repeat itself.

Swine flu never went away it just became part of the regular seasonal flu through the years.

Ever wonder why sometimes flu season seems to be longer or earlier and more deadly in some years than others?.

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