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Swine flu, is scaring alot of people.

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posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:29 PM
My dad recently came in the hospital with bad pink eye(puss pouring out). He later called me and and said that it was horrible. People were all waring masks out to the end of the emergancy room. Some guy was barfing outside on a wall. The nurses were waring masks with sheilds over them. It seems to me that the propaganda is getting way to out of control. Or is it really that bad?

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 07:54 PM
My two youngest kids, ages 5 and 13, have both had it. It wasn't any worse than the regular flu. The media is who is scaring everybody

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:02 PM
Did they get tested for swine flu?

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:08 PM
The thing is, that H1N1 seems to be following a progression similar to the 1918 "Spanish" flu --

* both were initially a very normal seasonal flu
* both began out of standard flu season
* both attenuated and then reemerged as a more virulent flu
* both involved a mortality primarily rooted in a cytokene storm
* both had genomes of both avian and swine flu

There are other concerning factors. For one thing, in 1918, while airplanes existed, there was no commercial air travel, and for the most part, people lived further apart than they do today. On the other hand, we now have better medicine and health care than in 1918 (or most parts of the world do.)

Still, the parallels between the two are disconcerting. I think that preparing for the worst may cost a bundle of money that can't really be spared in these tough economic times, but in the end, we have to know that we've done the best for our fellow humans, right?

My wife and I have studied H1N1 since its inception, and have come up with our wellness strategy, so we aren't worried -- for us. Our own immune systems, augmented by some natural compounds, will keep us alive or they will not. Nothing else to fret about. No, my concern is for the world processes, lives and infrastructure.

I think there is some media-drived hype to sell vaccinations, but that's not to say that I think there is no danger, that it's ALL hype. Look at the situation now in the Ukraine and neighboring countries. Time will tell how this progresses.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by spacecase7717

I’m with you spacecase, my two grand kids (2 and 5) as will as my son in law all had it and it was no worse than having the normal flu. To me this all seems to be blown way out of proportion.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:47 PM
Wow puss pouring outta his eye, I'da liked to see that. I am not scared. 80% media induced by the vaccine makers.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by Vendric

Then you got to take into account the people who dont have any immune or asthma problems, that get sick and die from swine flu. Does it have to do with our DNA? Who knows

posted on Nov, 9 2009 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by Maddogkull

My daughter the 13 year old did. My son the 5 year old did not. The doctor said there was no need to test them both since they had the same symptoms. The doctor also said it didn't really matter which type of flu it was, that they are treated the same way.

Many people in my area have had the h1n1, but for some strange reason it seems to be mainly the kids. Ages 15 and younger. I am a type 1 diabetic who catches any and everything in a 2 mile radius, but for some reason I did not catch it
I am not complaining or anything, it just seems odd. Also my wife and my oldest daughter 16, neither one of them got it.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:41 PM
Perhaps it's just my area that isn't too scared
I took one of the munchkins to the doctor today since he was sent home from school, the doctor told me that the schools are being ridiculous for sending all these children to the doctors office, for simple illnesses. We got onto the subject of the vaccine, and he straight up said that he was not advocating the vaccine at all (for the many reasons already discussed here and elsewhere) and that the general population was being treated as guinea pigs for God only knows what. My kids school was offering the vaccine as well, and the vast majority of parents said no (it was administered after school, so there were no worries of accidental vaccination, the parent had to accompany the child). The doctor made me laugh though, and it made wonder if he hangs out here
. And no we do not have the flu, just a random respiratory infection.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by Maddogkull

While I don't doubt that many people in the emergency room does have the swine flu or seasonal flu now, most people are not, taking into consideration that hospitals are not longer encouraged to test for swine flu they will treat anybody that show or tell that they have flu symptoms as the swine flu.

Here in my neck of the woods in GA the swine flu has died down, the long emergency crowds at the hospital are not there any more than usual, and so far I have not meet a persona that can tell me that they had the swine flu.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 02:00 PM
I'm not scared in the slightest of swine flu in it's current form. I do have concerns for what it may mutate into. Especially considering the fact that vaccinations make it much more likely for mutations to take place. The only other concern I have has to do with Baxters contaminated shipment back in February. If they tried it once, what makes people think they won't try it again?!

That's my only real concern at this point. As for all the idiots who buy into the propaganda, well it may be heartless to say, but they get what they deserve. If what I hear is correct, squaline in the vaccine boosts the parts of the immune system which causes the cytokine storm. If there is another more lethal virus released. Seems like eugenics to me. The stupid get a large chunk wiped out. I have no comment.

[edit on 10-11-2009 by unityemissions]

[edit on 10-11-2009 by unityemissions]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by argentus

There are other concerning factors. For one thing, in 1918, while airplanes existed, there was no commercial air travel, and for the most part, people lived further apart than they do today. On the other hand, we now have better medicine and health care than in 1918 (or most parts of the world do.)

While this is true, one point that is often ignored regarding the 1918 flu is that it largely mutated and gained ground in the trenches of WWI. No sanitation whatsoever and thousands of people living in extremely close quarters helped the 1918 Spanish flu to mutate much more rapidly and more frequently than it would have otherwise.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by argentus
For one thing, in 1918, while airplanes existed, there was no commercial air travel, and for the most part, people lived further apart than they do today.

As I understand it, one of the major reasons for why the 1918 flu was so deadly had to do with the Great War. Envision what hygeine would have been like in Europe in the fall of 1918. Corpses everywhere, food scarcity, total disruption of all civil services.

Now consider the conditions in hospitals, on troop transport ships and trains...wounded and dying men, people with open wounds not getting the care that they need.

To me it sounds like the absolute perfect setting for a flu pandemic to cause maximum damage.

None of those things exist in the developed world today, but we DO have new challenges like travel, pollution-related conditions like asthma, and new illnesses.

That said, seems like the palest of shadows to the carnage in which the 1918 flu came about.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
I'm not scared in the slightest of swine flu in it's current form.

You should be. Healthy people are dying and many more are being hospitalized.

Especially considering the fact that vaccinations make it much more likely for mutations to take place.

Fact? Or opinion? Source please.

As for all the idiots who buy into the propaganda, well it may be heartless to say, but they get what they deserve.

Definitely heartless. Cruel and insensitive as well. What happened to you in your youth that you care so little for your common man? Or maybe you've never had to deal with true misery so you don't know what it means to let it happen to others.

The stupid get a large chunk wiped out. I have no comment.

If I were you, I would definitely want to have a comment about stupid people being wiped out. If I were you. Definitely.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 03:00 PM
I take it you're either not familiar with this or not concerned about it:

Over 1.1 million out of 46 million population sick right now in the Ukraine from 39,000 sick on October 29th.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by argentus

The last report I read was that 186 people had died in the Ukraine out of about 1.1MM infected, that's a mortality rate of 0.0169%... too me, that's not too scary.

With a world population of 6,796,192,084 and a 100% infection rate (which wouldn't happen), that would put the worldwide dead at 1,148,556. While sad, it's not scary.

That's just going on the latest #'s, obviously, it could change, but I'm saying that so far, this "scare" is 100% media driven with no facts to back it up.

[edit on 11/10/2009 by Finalized]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 03:15 PM
the problem with the this bug is that nobody is reporting anything of value to us and everyone is so hung up on either overplaying or downplaying it that we don't get any real answers.

I took my daughter to the doctor today (strep) and I asked the pediatrician about the vaccine and the cases. 19 in the last week. I asked if they were confirmed and her response was exactly what scares me.
"not confirmed. the test is only 50% accurate. they had type A and the symptoms were severe so we are treating those cases as H1N1."

In other words, there could have been 50 cases of the bug but only 19 were severe enough to require tamiflu. Or, there were 19 cases that they misdiagnosed as H1N1.

Then there's the pathetic vaccination program. My daughter's school offered up the shot to all students. Here's how it works. You sign up and your child gets the shots or the mist, depending on availability and the child. Per the documents provided, the shot will come in two installments, the mist in one.

The pediatrician told me it's two rounds of mist as well.

Are the schools under vaccinating? Was the documentation wrong?

All I know is they gave the shot to kids who didn't sign up for it so I told my daughter she is not supposed to get a shot and if they try to give her the mist or the shot, she is to tell them to call her father.

The case counts are wrong. The pediatricians aren't testing for it because it's pointless. They're doling out tamiflu based on severity, not confirmation. This could result in a shortage if the bug gets real bad when the season hits.

The vaccinations and mist supplies are running low. The pediatrician told me my soon to be 7 year old was in the 4th level for the vaccination and they doubt they be able to obtain it for her. My son, at 4.5 is in the 3rd level and the likelihood of him getting one from their office was only slightly better. She said the free vaccines at school is more likely to produce an available dosage for the kids.

Great. What about the overstocked vaccines as a result of only 22% of the kids in NYC public schools signing up for the thing? Where are those going?

Sounds to me like they're trying to create a false sense of demand for something that might work as a means of building your immune system in its fight against a bug that might be severe and is not, exactly, confirmable and, if you do have it, there might be nothing left to treat it unless the company who makes it ratchets up production even further.

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by ImplausibleDeniability

The mercury in vaccines is mutagenic.

I care for my fellow man. So much that I've been researching and attempting to tell everyone I know of what I've learned. What do I get? Rejection. Labeled crazy, insane, etc..That's why I say, "They get what they deserve". It's their own ignorance that perpetuates this insane world we live in.

I realize the broader implications of us being bombarded with layers of conditioning and toxicity. Talk about this a lot on ATS. Thing is, most people have heard of these things at least once in their life. In the end it comes down to what most others have said. Selfishness and apathy. They want to be ba$tard people? Let them burn.

[edit on 10-11-2009 by unityemissions]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 03:34 PM
Swine eleven

Well I found this.

Then this.
hook up

[edit on 10-11-2009 by randyvs]

[edit on 10-11-2009 by randyvs]

posted on Nov, 10 2009 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Crakeur

I think the accurate #'s can be found in the thread that Zykloner was doing when the Swine Flu first hit back in the spring, you can see the evolution here.

What I think happened is that they thought it was going to be real bad, and when it wasn't, they stopped reporting accurate #'s. I'm fully convinced now that this whole "scare" was a "bailout" for the pharma's.

Obviously, it's up to you to decide whether or not you get your kids vaccinated for the flu, but if you haven't done the research, then I urge you to take a look at the mercury levels in the flu shot as well as the squalene adjuvant. The mercury alone is concerning considering it's a toxin to humans.

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