posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 12:50 PM
I was just watching London Tonight which has a live backdrop of central London, just above the presenters head was a pinky red ball of light that was
pretty big that looked to be near possibly to St Pauls.
At first I thought it was a reflection but as the bit of that programme finished they pull the camera back in the studio and dropped the lights and
you could see it plain and clear, was a sort of tear drop shape that seemed to be a central glow with a softer glow around the edges.
Sadly I can't see Central London from my area, for all I know it could be a crane, I rule out a blimp as it was rock solid.
Could anyone have a check for me to see if there is indeed a crane of somesuch in London that you can see from the South Side of the Thames where the
ITN studios are.
Also, what I did did see coming from London towards me in Northolt was what looked like a huge ball of light that was fading in and out, as it got
nearer I could see the red and green of a planes safety lights and the sound but it seemed wrong to me as it was coming at a pretty low height
directly across the path of inbound planes to Heathrow, it literally flew over another plane and for some reason was pulsing the front lights
(definitely pulsing them, not them being blocked by something, they were dimmed and then on full again), also it was lit up by quite a few lights
underneath, so much so I could not make out a proper shape.
It sounded like a plane but was on a totally different flight path than all the Heathrow or Northolt airport traffic ever take.
Between that and the ligh on the TV it's a weird night..
Sorry, no photo's, I do have a camera but its needed charging for a bout a week and I've forgotten to do it every night.
So did anyone else see the London Tonight thing, it might still be there as I type..