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Public school nurses give swine flu vaccine to kids without parents' OK, sends child to hospital

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posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 09:28 AM

School nurses mistakenly gave the swine flu vaccine to two students who didn't sign up for it - including a Brooklyn girl with epilepsy who wound up in the hospital.

"I was outraged," Naomi Troy, 26, told the Daily News after her 6-year-old daughter, Nikiyah Torres-Pierre, had a possible allergic reaction to the shot.

Officials at Public School 335 in Crown Heights called an ambulance to take Nikiyah to SUNY Downstate Medical Center when she fell ill following the arm jab.

"My stomach was hurting, and I was itching," Nikiyah said after she was released from the hospital.

And these shots are supposed to be safe??

How many children are being given the shots without the parents' knowledge or consent?

If your neighbor has expressed his intent to buy your cow and you have agreed that soon you'll sell her, and then one day you go out to the barn to do the milking and find your neighbor there taking the milk, you would think he had overstepped his boundaries. "You do not YET own this cow, neighbor," you might say.

The schools in the story linked are intending to own your children. The teachers know it. The administrators know it. The government knows it. If a few of their less-intelligent lackeys, such as school nurses, forgot themselves and go about acting as if they were already the owners and forgo some of the proper rituals of paperwork then they are simply showing their future intent.


Mod edit: Fixed link for member.

[edit on 11/2/2009 by AshleyD]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 09:35 AM

Troy said the nurse - a Department of Health employee - tried to get her to sign a consent form, after the fact.

I missed this part of the article during my first read.

So, the nurse tried to cover her butt after she put the kid in the hospital.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 10:33 AM

"The Health Department does not expect any future adverse medical effects for these children, but we are working to determine how this misstep occurred," said spokeswoman Jessica Scaperotti.

"We will develop additional safeguards to prevent similar instances in the future."

She added that the vaccine is safe for kids suffering from epilepsy.

I have been thinking that we would start seeing this and more incidents like this in the near future. It said more than half of the parents didn't sign the permission slips to let their kids get the shots, so WHO is going to stand over there through this whole fiasco to make sure the teachers and DHS nurses are doing their jobs properly?? It seems that at least half of the parents present themselves as being more educated than the school officials and the nurses!! Complete idiocy!! Fearful situation for all parents who have kids in school.

[edit on 2-11-2009 by SoLittleTimeToRead]

[edit on 2-11-2009 by SoLittleTimeToRead]

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by SoLittleTimeToRead

"The Health Department does not expect any future adverse medical effects for these children, but we are working to determine how this misstep occurred," said spokeswoman Jessica Scaperotti.

"We will develop additional safeguards to prevent similar instances in the future."

She added that the vaccine is safe for kids suffering from epilepsy.

I have been thinking that we would start seeing this and more incidents like this in the near future. It said less than half of the parents didn't sign the permission slips to let their kids get the shots, so WHO is going to stand over there through this whole fiasco to make sure the teachers and DHS nurses are doing their jobs properly?? It seems that at least half of the parents present themselves as being more educated than the school officials and the nurses!! Complete idiocy!! Fearful situation for all parents who have kids in school.

[edit on 2-11-2009 by SoLittleTimeToRead]


And they still insist it's safe for kids with epilepsy.

All they care about it promoting the vaccine.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 11:22 AM
reply to post by Jessicamsa
Yep. I think all parents should be outraged even homeschoolers and private schoolers. Unfortunately, the beast has many enablers and willing victims who go along with it in hopes the beast will throw some boones their way.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Jessicamsa

"School nurses mistakenly gave the swine flu vaccine to two students who didn't sign up for it - including a Brooklyn girl with epilepsy who wound up in the hospital.

"I was outraged," Naomi Troy, 26, told the Daily News after her 6-year-old daughter, Nikiyah Torres-Pierre, had a possible allergic reaction to the shot.

Officials at Public School 335 in Crown Heights called an ambulance to take Nikiyah to SUNY Downstate Medical Center when she fell ill following the arm jab. "

If they had injected my grandkids without permission, there would not be a rock on this entire planet big enough for them to hide under. I'm really surprised at the lack of action by the parents of the victims.

posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by praxis

Star for you. I would do the same, I would get the collection of all vaccines given to children nowadays and inject the nurse and the school administrator with them. Can you imagine the amount of poisons given to children these days? It is for their own good. If you can people, get your kids out of the Federal Department of Re-education. Public schools are a collection of political correct speach and have nothing to do with education.

I would like to see someone on this thread trying to say that the vaccine is ok.


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