posted on Nov, 2 2009 @ 08:26 PM
As someone who has had a big interest in hiphop from way back in the day when it was fresh and hadn't been sucked dry by the white corporate masters,
I will tell you why and others regard Beyonce, Jay Z, and their lackeys as pied pipers for Lucifer/Baphomet worship.
Forget all this Illuminati reference - that word is way misused and overhyped. Jay Z and Beyonce plus others (Pink, Lady Gaga etc) are just messenger
boys and girlsfor the strong occultic influences at work in the entertainment industy.
Jay Z has screwed over other Blacks in the music industry whether they are execs or artists by sucking them dry and then #ting on them, snitching on
them to the powerful whites who run the business or screwing with their music projects so that they can't develop etc. He's the perfect slave for
them, he's got concessions that make him appear powerful but in essence he owes everything he's got business wise by doing what the massas say.
Yes, Luciferian worship is being pushed in videos, at the VMAs etc. Note that Beyonce, Rianna, Kanye and others makes sure they have the Baphomet head
around whether in accessories or pictures or whatever. I know there are many elements under the broad category 'occult' and I am not a Christian tho
I respect the New Testament as having a lot of good things to live your life by.
The VMAS pushed various occult symbology and rituals on mostly unsuspecting tv viewers and music buyers. My basic point is: If you're into it, come
out and say it so people will decide if they want to support you. If you believe Lucifer is a positive principle that is your choice but these people
we are talking about are doing the bidding of those in the background with dark agendas of control and the promotion of money and materialism as an
of the big problems I have with all these references is the Luciferian movement is tied up with those who wish to impose a new world order of mind and
other control. I do believe that Luciferian adherents are sick influences in the entertainment biz and unfortunately nowadays the entertainment biz
spills over into and connects with other aspects of society.
People who try to defuse this by talking about Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple or whoever are missing the point. Popular culture has become a huge influence
on so much in our societies and in some cases represents what is sick about them - the flaunting of money as being the measure of your worth, the
contempt for others, the need to control others, constant shallow messages that demean humans,
Led Zeppelin and co had a few endorsements but they weren't all over us selling high tech products, being everywhere, being pushed as role models,
being promoted in the media and on the net as THE people. Jay Z, Beyonce et are in our face constantly as are their Luciferian images.
The Red Hot Chilli Peppers thanked Satan at an awards show - at least they had some honesty. The Jay Zs and Beyonces etc have achieved a level of
fakeness and deception that has not been seen in popular culture. Sure we had fake, put together groups but they weren't promoting the Lucifer
Eminem has taken an especially dark turn - clearly he is a troubled person. However, if you're going to scream racism and double standards - think
again. His songs are sounding uglier and uglier, he is obsessed by the notion again and again of being possessed and unable to get out. The Jay Z and
Beyonce encouragement of all this is the user friendly, glamorous propaganda all over your tv, your magazines, in your face selling computers,
flaunting Luciferian symbols.
And while I am wary of attributing demonic possession to people (it's a highly contoversial area), there does seem to be an indication that the Rain
Man who Jay Z, Eminem and others reference is demonic. The alter egos of these people seem disturbed. Jay Z talks about letting 'god' in when he
freestyles but what that god is, is very muchopen to question.
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[edit on 2-11-2009 by dontbelievehype]