reply to post by Sonata
1. Re: inclusive society. Are there also exclusive societies and could you name some?
Originally posted by Sonata
All you really need to know (1) is one thing but that would be to simple for words.
the oneness of yourself.
What exactly does it mean: oneness of yourself?
Can you further define it?
'Cause to me it looks like New Age mumbo-jumbo with profound
word usage but no real meaning behind those words.
Re: spelling and numbers being pointless. While I respect your opinion, I do not share it. Spelling and Grammar are the rules and regulations of
language. Like in a well-functioning society there are laws, rules and regulations for all to abide and live by, there are also rules and regulations
to language. In the context of posting your profound New Age mumbo-jumbo with nice words, but no real meaning behind those words to a world-wide forum
and provided that your first language is English, I can only encourage you to use a spell checker and spell check your posts. If because of your
beliefs you will not do so, be my guest, but don't expect me to take you serious. See for me English is my third language and I do use a
spell-checker and edit my posts usually, until I have erased all spelling, grammar and syntax errors.
Originally posted by Sonata
One symbol for all communication one free to be used in any form of communication needed to survive.symbols combined with disgtinguisher letters. in
essence dubbling the human capacity at oral communication. Basicly information contained in a sentence would be doubled. would be called a form of new
speak. Spelling is pointless ideas are endless.
See, here's another example of mumbo-jumbo that has absolutely no meaning whatsoever. No, spelling is important, unless it does not matter to you
that I, for example, think of you as an illiterate person. Also, try convincing the world wide society of Linguist that spelling is absolutely not
important. Honestly try it!
Originally posted by Sonata
Symbol would represent all ontilogical possibilities complete entropy in all existence
unifiers. the supreme necessity cohesion inversion atrix(means anything that 'is' also 'must' at the same time). the never ending necessity of
itself. The makings of the sphere of (ultimate = reality) or the anything distinguisher or ultimate power(deitism,realism,truism,mentaling-ist
Symbol would represent all ontological possibilities complete entropy in all existence? What does that really mean in plain terms? Can you explain it
further? And what symbol would that be?
Alpha, Omega, the Christian Cross, what? Enlighten me!
Oh, and do you make that stuff up or do
they teach all that nonsense in the brotherhood?
As for the rest of the quote, I leave it there as another brilliant example of what I call New
Age pseudo-scientific mumbo-jumbo that sounds nice, but doesn't mean anything.
And then we have this nice gem:
Originally posted by Sonata
black hole is a single particle fountain.
Science begs to differ: black holes are something that sucks stuff in, even light, and grows thus ever bigger. There are some scientists who propose
that black holes have white hole equivalents, where everything that the black hole has sucked in gets spewed out either in another part of our
universe or in a parallel universe. So, in short a black hole cannot be a fountain, that would be the white hole, if that even exists.
As for super-massive quasars, I don't know, never heard of them. Do you have a link to some credible mainstream science site about them. And
super-massive red stars are not dead they are in their death-throws, but they are not dead. They die when they explode in supernova not while in the
red giant phase.
[edit on 1-11-2009 by WalterRatlos]