posted on Nov, 1 2009 @ 12:07 PM
First of all, i would like to extend a warm greeting to every member of
I would also like to express my gratitude to the webmasters of this site for providing the world with a forum dedicated to the promotion of free
thought, something that is desperately needed during these tumultuous times. The same goes for the moderators of this forum, the people who are making
sure that this free exchange of ideas occurs without the presence of personal assaults or the use of inappropriate language. Furthermore, I would like
to apologize in advance to the later for any incidents that may be caused by my involvement with the site in the future.
I have been visiting the site for several years now. Unfortunately, I have never had the time to post anything or take part in any discussions. Not
until now, that is…
In my first post (the first of many I hope), i would like to thank all of you for allowing me to be a part of the family. I am
certain that we will have many fruitful discussions in the future.
PS: Please excuse my English. It is not my native tongue. I would appreciate it if you could point out any obvious mistakes I may have made. Also,
pardon the silly joke in the title. Those of you who have had any experience with programming know what I mean… Thanks again!