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Senior Merck Scientist Admits Cancer & AIDS Came From Vaccines

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posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 06:42 AM
Ran across this interview and found it highly interesting.

Just a thought to add to this. HPV is claimed to cause cervical cancer in women (obviously). This leaves no doubt in my mind that virus can cause cancer. Additionally I can remember an old Vet telling my father when we were at the vet with one of our dogs, back in the early 80's that vet's had known for years that cancers were caused by viruses in animals.
It begs the question, Just how many things have big pharma known for years and how much damage were they willing to do for profit and fame?

[edit on 063131p://10America/Chicago31 by Tinman67]

[edit on 063131p://10America/Chicago31 by Tinman67]

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 07:07 AM
solve one problems but make a bunch of others..... hmmm shouldn't play EL's role U MAN!!!!

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Amanuel

And the problems we cause are even bigger than the original. Virus that we used to not deal with crossing with the targeted viruses and becoming dangerous to humans.
The path to hell is paved w/ good ( or greedy ) intentions.


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