posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 02:52 PM
There have been a couple more reports recently in my local area of orbs in the sky. I'm trying to contact several witnesses. One of which actually
works near me. I have also contacted my sister who recently let off 'lanterns' as a mark of respect on mothers day, this date doesn't coincide with
my sisters lanterns release.
It's not to say that the witness didnt see lanterns. But I wanted to check it wasnt the same dates.
I'd like to see if theres any noticeable difference in witness sightings, maybe if the manchester area could cease the use of lanterns for 6 months
just to see if the sightings die down, or in the very least stop altogether. How that would be worked i'm not sure. It would just be an interesting
experiement to see if the orbs still appear even after 'cease of use' on the lanterns.
It would rule out the explanation for what we are seeing. I intend to step up my research into the local area i live in, and do plenty of skywatching
during the clear nights. I'll repost any info I have here as and when i find it.
Here is the witness report that was submitted to ufo-uk
ufo-uk - orbs