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Y-12 WWII & Manhattan Project

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posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 12:00 AM
Stumbled across this while checking current feeds. Seems very interestng and I am familar with the background of thiese programs mentioned.

Whar catches me offguard is the obvious references.
Seems almost like baiting, check the quote to see what I mean;

Construction of Y-12 started in 1943 as part of the World War II Manhattan Project. The early missions of the site included the separation of uranium-235 from
natural uranium by the electromagnetic separation process and the
manufacture of nuclear weapons components from uranium and lithium.
Today, as one of the DOE NNSA major production facilities, Y-12 is the
primary site for enriched uranium processing and storage, and one of
the primary manufacturing facilities for maintaining the U.S. nuclear
weapons stockpile.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by ADVISOR

Just what are you getting at? They enriched uranium then...they enrich it now...I don't see exactly what you want us to see.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 12:08 AM
Do we have any conspiracy theories on the atomic bomb hoax
by Los Alamos.
Starting with German plans in 1939.
How did we get the plans.
Stuff like that.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Do we have any conspiracy theories on the atomic bomb hoax
by Los Alamos.
Starting with German plans in 1939.
How did we get the plans.
Stuff like that.

You ever notice that most "thermo Nuclear power plants" are smack dab over the center of a fault line?

I have one....the "bomb" never existed and still doesn't.

I find it funny that the only country to have had the New Clear bomb dropped on it, was cutting deals in the 50's to traffic "nukes" through their country to be aimed at Korea.

I see it like this. Up at the top a deal was made. We give them a perceived win to the public at Pearl Harbor, in exchange for us being able to "New clear" bomb those cities which had been subject to about 3 weeks of bombing raids prior to 8:15am 1945 and were mostly burned to the ground already. PH got us our bid in WW2 and we finished it with the "bomb".

Big bombs...yes, New Clear....about as real as 19 hijackers and 4 planes.

We somehow always miss those planes attacking us....OPPS.....At least the administration members who had stock in those companies producing all the war goods had a good laugh.


posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 12:53 AM
Hahaha...nuclear reactions are phoney baloney. Tell that to all the lives maimed or prematurely ended by the government's early roughshod experiments and tests.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 01:17 AM

Originally posted by honkusbobo
Hahaha...nuclear reactions are phoney baloney. Tell that to all the lives maimed or prematurely ended by the government's early roughshod experiments and tests.

I can't, they don't exist.

Otherwise I'd tell them to clean up their yards, paint their houses and make darn sure they buy a bomb shelter from me....

I can lock them in by saying, "better safe then sorry"

The carrot is in front of the mule.


posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Apparently you have no knowledge of the plutonium tests on retarded kids...the successful lawsuits brought by the "downwinders" or, of course, anybody in Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by honkusbobo
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Apparently you have no knowledge of the plutonium tests on retarded kids...the successful lawsuits brought by the "downwinders" or, of course, anybody in Hiroshima or Nagasaki.

I didn't say plutonium isn't real. As for retarded kids, they are real.
"Corky you can't have a pig in the bath tub"....

Isn't it weird that most "nuke" test sites....straddle fault lines?

In Fallon NV. where "top gun" is held, people were getting cancer from the drinking water because the government was dumping agents into the ground that sept into the water table.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki, besides both having active volcano's that exploded were not destroyed by "the bomb", rather fires and the bombing raids done on them 3 wks prior...those cities were already toast, and the numbers completely over exagerated.

People live there today for god sakes. Hiroshima looked no different then any town in france, because they were done the same way....continuous bombing raids and not a big "magnesium flash".

It's a tactic that is not new. The new clear bomb used to be called "God" in old times...Both are figments of the imagination.

"This is called my boomstick"...Ash...Evil Dead

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 01:46 AM

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand

Originally posted by honkusbobo
Hahaha...nuclear reactions are phoney baloney. Tell that to all the lives maimed or prematurely ended by the government's early roughshod experiments and tests.

I can't, they don't exist.

Otherwise I'd tell them to clean up their yards, paint their houses and make darn sure they buy a bomb shelter from me....

I can lock them in by saying, "better safe then sorry"

The carrot is in front of the mule.


And try telling these people nuclear power plants are a hoax, they seem real.

Chernobyl disaster

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Hm. Clever if not a bit disingenuous. I GUESS if you bend over backwards those could maybe be alternative explanations.


Why go through all the trouble to mine the yellowcake? What is France's power grid running off of, if not the 70% nuclear that any mainstream source will cite?

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by ThaLoccster

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand

Originally posted by honkusbobo
Hahaha...nuclear reactions are phoney baloney. Tell that to all the lives maimed or prematurely ended by the government's early roughshod experiments and tests.

I can't, they don't exist.

Otherwise I'd tell them to clean up their yards, paint their houses and make darn sure they buy a bomb shelter from me....

I can lock them in by saying, "better safe then sorry"

The carrot is in front of the mule.


And try telling these people nuclear power plants are a hoax, they seem real.

Chernobyl disaster

Come on now, I didn't say Nuclear power plants don't exist, but I do find it funny that they are almost always situated over fault lines and thin crustal areas of the earth.

We all know nuclear plants just produce Steam now right? The power generated comes from steam not "nuclear" material. That is used as the "coal" for our locomotive, but the pushing power comes from steam.

Been to Yellowstone lately? It sits on a Caldera. I'm surprised they haven't thrown a plant up in yellowstone, but that would make it to obvious.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand
Come on now, I didn't say Nuclear power plants don't exist, but I do find it funny that they are almost always situated over fault lines and thin crustal areas of the earth.

We all know nuclear plants just produce Steam now right? The power generated comes from steam not "nuclear" material. That is used as the "coal" for our locomotive, but the pushing power comes from steam.

Been to Yellowstone lately? It sits on a Caldera. I'm surprised they haven't thrown a plant up in yellowstone, but that would make it to obvious.

I never stated you didn't believe they exist. But you are implying they are a hoax, and that they use steam from calderas or faults instead of nuclear power.

I think my statement is relevant.

What caused the Chernobyl disaster and the affects of it? Radiation contamination? The pictures I posted, etc...?

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 02:04 AM

Originally posted by honkusbobo
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Hm. Clever if not a bit disingenuous. I GUESS if you bend over backwards those could maybe be alternative explanations.


Why go through all the trouble to mine the yellowcake? What is France's power grid running off of, if not the 70% nuclear that any mainstream source will cite?

Or just make a film to show to the public of the yellowcake being made. Much more cost effective, plus it keeps the natives from getting restless.

Same technique used in the Roy Disney films we all grew up with made for the CDC.

It just doesn't exist.

Power plants exist, but like I said, over thin crusted zones of the earth and fault lines. Where would you say that "heat" is coming from at such areas? Graphite Rods? Zion? Well, the atom is a Star of David veiled as science.

Like I said, they used to call it God. Damn they are good story tellers and entertainers.

"There's no war but ours my friend"...Deniro...Wag the Dog

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by ThaLoccster

Originally posted by letthereaderunderstand
Come on now, I didn't say Nuclear power plants don't exist, but I do find it funny that they are almost always situated over fault lines and thin crustal areas of the earth.

We all know nuclear plants just produce Steam now right? The power generated comes from steam not "nuclear" material. That is used as the "coal" for our locomotive, but the pushing power comes from steam.

Been to Yellowstone lately? It sits on a Caldera. I'm surprised they haven't thrown a plant up in yellowstone, but that would make it to obvious.

I never stated you didn't believe they exist. But you are implying they are a hoax, and that they use steam from calderas or faults instead of nuclear power.

I think my statement is relevant.

What caused the Chernobyl disaster and the affects of it? Radiation contamination? The pictures I posted, etc...?

The plant blew up. It killed 4 people and the whole town was told to evacuate 36 hours later.

I'm not sure how those children could have birth defects like that having a host parent who had only been exposed for a max of 36 hours. No one ever went back, of the people that lived there.

Easy hoax...tell everyone that area isn't safe and we will keep you out.
Generate sympathy for the failing soviet union, plus Ronny and Mikael were good buds. A little saving face for Mikael at the mercy of Ron.

They took one for the team. Look at what was going on politically. It was 1986 3 years before the fall of the berlin wall and the dismantling of the Soviet Union. It is located in the Ukrane which after the fall of the Soviet Union became "the ukraine".

Overhead is bad for business...

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Interesting letthereaderunderstand.
I'll have to read the rest of your posts.
My quick pass association read you as letter of understanding.

I've head atomic bomb theories from being German to both being
Uranium type set down on parachutes to flying a loop to push them
out the plane.
Imagine the B-29 never unloading the A bomb.
And you see in photos that the Fat Man was half outside the bombay.

We didn't see film footage from Trinity site but did later on during
atomic testing.

The Trinity site bomb was too far away from being an airborne weapon
and yet in a few weeks bombs were dropped. Which then you might
consider German testing and precision. And as for years of testing,
were the land explosions ever dropped by planes or rockets. Land
based testing was perhaps with towers and underground.

So perhaps no atomic explosion on land ever came from an aircraft
or missile.
The risk was too high. The Illuminati (NWO, tptb) lie and only get results
from verified sources. So far crazed mind controlled and wasted effort
kamikaze type efforts seem excluded for the well calculated lie are supreme.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by ThaLoccster

Radiation victims are tortured by the Illuminati with unwise power generation.
The safety power switch test at the Russian plant was unwise using
regular electricity and not the pressure wave wireless of Tesla.
In fact the refusal of the Illuminati to use the atomic power generation
used by Tesla in his many generation plans causes us to result to the
dangers of nuclear catastrophe.

A few are explosive and may contaminate yet many are electrical
wonders and forbidden for us to see.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Why waste the steam.
Just drill for it and send it to the cooling towers.
Using oil drills most likely so more profits for them as well.

The uranium industry gets to sell and keep their money flow.

Might I say a quote from Tesla, as related in the Chaney book,
that the press touted the pilots of the airborne age as kings
of the sky yet the real king of the air was John D Rockefeller
with all his fuels being used. Sort of a conspiracy centric mind
was Tesla or did he have an alternative flight method and fuel.

The king of power is still steam used on all ocean liners and
nuclear ships and any fuel supplying Rockefeller by that name
or another.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand

Another reason not to use a live pile of uranium but the do.
Perhaps for uranium enrichment.
Do we want Chernobyl type reactors.
Well they are all like Chernobyl, none are different.
Best for us perhaps the controls are set not to be tampered with.
Yet Three Mile Island says we really can't monitor all that is happening.
Geo steam is there, why not use it and take down the uranium plant.

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 04:56 PM
I thought the point was that they are declaring themselves a target?

The book 1945 by newt gingrich (yes that newt) was an interesting idea in supposition.

You think they might use this as an excuse for an "accident"?

posted on Oct, 31 2009 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by Seiko
I thought the point was that they are declaring themselves a target?

The book 1945 by newt gingrich (yes that newt) was an interesting idea in supposition.

You think they might use this as an excuse for an "accident"?

Has Newt been ask these conspiracy angles during his merry interviews.
All these disaster writers should know that they might contribute to bad
behavior whether planned or otherwise.
They have nothing to contribute to society.
There are ways to save humanity but their stupid warnings are not the way.

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