posted on Feb, 22 2003 @ 06:05 AM
I was just wondering what you guys think this "War on Terrorism" has accomplished so far for the United States and her allies.
In my opinion, and again it only subjective, I think this war on terrorism has only created more terrorists. Within the US, this war has just lead to
the degradation of the Bill of Rights(Patriot Act), and a higher threat of terrorist activity. Our govt. has said we are at more of a threat.
We ousted the Taliban out of Afghanistan, but haven't executed Osama Bin Laden yet. What ever happened to the head hunt for him? I know we
killed/imprisoned a few of the higher leaders, but we still don't have them all.
Is it possible most of the Taliban soldiers still exist, and have just joined smaller terrorist groups like Al-Queada?
If so, then have we accomplished anything?
And, I thought it was Osama Bin Laden who bombed the United States(Sept. 11). Not the Iraqi leader.
[Edited on 22-2-2003 by stanky]