posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:19 PM
now as for child labor on foreign soil..thats well id ont know. I mean, it is providing jobs for poor people in poor countrys..but if its true, i
wonder if htose sweatshop kids are being treated like crap..i sa a documentary on this, HBO..some place in pakistan i think.littel girl was like 9 or
10, was 5 minutes late to work..they docked her money! The guy running the show, walked around wtih a bamboo stick, showing order. god is that
sickening or what.
I was shocked years ago, finding out jsut how things really work* american brands now being manufactured in sweat shops.the quality lacks now, as a
result. I bought a pair of shoes 3 months ago, form walmart..for work, they have dr.scholls heel cushions in em. Working in a faast paced retail
store, they did not survive 2 months* Buying them form Macy's, for $60 they can survive 6+ months. the walmart ones, were about $33.
Made in america used to mean so much, and it still does, to poelpe like me. It meant fine maufacturing, and suposrted local businesses. It jsut
seems, going overseas* is another desperate attempt, so the parent companys do not have to pay its own citizens a salary and benefits* as wella s to
conserve as much money as they can.
I cannot for the life of me, understand how america is sitlla round, business wise, and what kinda jobs are really out thier. GM/chevy gone,
overseas....woolwroths was a funa nd awesome place to shop till the one near me fodled up in january 1996.. their still around, but in england* : (