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Vatican condemns Hallowe'en as anti-Christian

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posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:16 AM
Just shows how low the stupid religious idiots in the vatican can stoop. And they have a Nazi Pope!!

We could swap the sweets for crucifix's and bibles!!!

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by x2Strongx
terror, fear and death".

Such unabashed hypocrisy! Were these three words not linked for example to the Teutonic crusades against Lithuania, Poland, Prussia and the republic of Novgorod?

I am chucking in amazement and without any humour at the abyssal depths of ignorant hypocrisy coming from the Vatican.

Live and let live I say!

The power to “command” in the name of religion is on the wane in the west; welcome to a growing age of spiritual enlightenment my lords (hah). One day they will be preaching to themselves unless they move with the times.

The words issued with such arrogance from the Vatican more and more show them to be divorced from reality. Next the Vatican will be saying that celebrating Halloween with the kids is bad for the soul and against god... Oh wait!

A disclaimer to my catholic posters: I am fuming at the hypocrisy spewing from the Vatican and have no beef with your religion or any religion that stays out of my way.

I have great respect that you have faith but sometimes I cannot hold my tongue when words are issued like they are commands to be blindly obeyed, issued by people who still think they are on high towers and these are still the bloody years of the holy crusades.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 10:45 AM
Anyone forgetting that halloween is called what it is because it's the day before all saints day? All hallows eve yes?

Also, st. valentines day, christmas, easter all pagan holidays.

Valentines = lupricalia
Easter = Ostara
Christmas = yule, winter solstice whatever

Bad move on their part, I'm not going to go hating catholics for this, but not smart for the vatican.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:06 AM
Since when was Hallowe'en evil and anti-Christian? Didn't people wear costumes and masks to hide from demons and scare spirits back into the afterlife? Wasn't the candy also meant to apease the deamons so they'd leave you alone also?

And maybe Hallowe'en promotes terror, fear, and the idea of death but all in good harmless fun (although some take it too far).

And since when were the pagans bad? What was the worst thing they did? Orgies? Please, these people warshipped nature, not some prick of a god who forgot about his creations long ago.

Anyway, Hallowe'en is harmless fun, and i will not let some wrinkled old man in his castle acrossed the pond tell me not to have fun on Hallowe'en. And if he don't like it, TS.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by x2Strongx

Vatican condemns Hallowe'en as anti-Christian

This has to be one of my original peeves with Christianity. Halloween is not, by witness to generations of youngsters who grew up with it, anything at all unChristian.

It is a phobia, I think, that all faiths and religions suffer; that their primary theological enemy will somehow gain a foot upon them through some innocent observance that doesn't have the proper deity attached to it.

Christianity, Islam, Judaism... they all suffer from this complex. And it really is a good argument against 'organized' religion. Of all things in a world bent on self destruction, greed and violence, to make a stand against something as simple and harmless is utterly ridiculous.

But still and all, I hope that we can rise above our petty faith-based jealousies and someday, do the world some good.


posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
Christmas is entirely a Pagan holiday!! Easter is appropriate, but not Christmas! the Vatican a victim of pop culture? There is actually no such thing as "Halloween," there is "All Saints Day" and it is preceded by "All Hallows Eve."

So, is the church condemning All Saints Day????

This is it .

The Church `appropriated ` and assimilated many pagan dates and rituals .

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:25 AM
I can see their point though if you open your minds eye a tad...dressing up as a ghoul, ghost or devil sparks interest in the impressionable young minds eyes, which then can lead to other acts of interest in the occult and practice of thereof, including witchcraft, the Ouija board (which really does work by the way but I do NOT condone or recommend messing around with it), and of course, satanism.

I laugh at anyone who says there is no God or devil. There is and if you believe otherwise, you must educate yourselves or you will be a pawn in the BIGGEST game of all.

I'll leave the other pagan rituals such as Christmas for another time, as this is about the Vatican and Halloween.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:27 AM
Ah, the yearly condemnation of Halloween by the Vatican...I don't necessarily think this is "breaking news" since they make this statement every year. Maybe they should take a look at themselves...with those outrageous, flamboyant outfits the Pope and the Vatican guards wear.

Just my 2-cents

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:27 AM
this disgusts me to my core. r they so barbaric to think halloween is evil? is this why my small town barely does any triock ortreating anymore? cause the local preists and evangelical pastors have decided halloween is evil... makes me wanna puke..
the pope is a moron

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by OneNationUnder


It is a curious thing... faith, that is. It is not whether there is a god or not, but rather, how we came to believe there is.

We will not find truth looking in the angry words of those wronged by society and organized religion because those are manmade things.

To look for good, you must go where man is not... into the most simple, vital and otherwise useless things that exist.

I seek no confrontation but I do suggest that if you seek god, you will find him. But if you deny god before looking, yours is the loss.

My best

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:35 AM

Originally posted by OneNationUnder
I can see their point though if you open your minds eye a tad...dressing up as a ghoul, ghost or devil sparks interest in the impressionable young minds eyes,

So does: Comic books, cartoons, movies, plays, storybooks, video games, mmorpgs, board games, etc...

Originally posted by OneNationUnder
which then can lead to other acts of interest in the occult and practice of thereof, including witchcraft, the Ouija board (which really does work by the way but I do NOT condone or recommend messing around with it), and of course, satanism. anyone interested in anything not sanctioned by the christian...exploring the spirituality of the universe = satanism if they dont have a dead man on a cross in front of it.
This is basic scare tactics...
follow what the church says completely, else you will end up following satan, which means you will end up in hell, which means you will suffer eternally by flesh eating demons and neverending pain and celine dion music!


Originally posted by OneNationUnder
I laugh at anyone who says there is no God or devil.

its all good, we laugh much longer and harder at those whom do believe in great sky ghosts and center earth cave all equals out.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by SaturnFX]

[edit on 30-10-2009 by SaturnFX]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:37 AM
Yeah, I get what seems to be the concensus thus far, and no I do not agree with banning halloween, it's one of my favorites. But I have noticed a huge change from when I was a kid. Back then we dress up in our costumes, usually a ballerina or a princess, and usually the boys were something a little more scary. The past few years though, it has been SUPER tramped up, even childrens costumes could double as hookerware, my girls wanted to be princesses and witches and it was a bit of a task to find an outfit that covered the booty and the chest, and these are childrens sizes!!!!! For some reason, our town also moved trick or treating to 12pm to 4pm, so that the kids will be home before the adults come out, I guess. I guess my point is in the past few years there has been a shift to it actually being more about the adults now.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by TheCoffinman
the pope is a moron

THANK YOU! I'm glad someone else is saying it too. All the popes are morons, but i gotta say, this new guy takes the cake on this. Seriously, why does anyone listen to that bag of bones.

Oh, and btw, who's the evil one now? I mean, just look at his face. Disturbing isn't it?

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:50 AM
As though the Vatican has any right to speak on celebrating pagan holidays.

Easter. Just what in hell do rabbits and eggs have to do with the death and resurrection of the Christ?

Easy. It was a pagan fertility holiday (rabbits, eggs) that the Catholic Church amended with the death of Christ - to enable celebration of the two. Since there was no date for the death of Christ, the pagan holiday date was used.

Christmas. Same thing. The Catholic Church bastardizing the warm-weather birth of the Christ with a Winter pagan holiday.

So they have a problem with holidays and how they originated? Hell, the Vatican itself is built on a pagan Roman temple.

I don't think they have too much room to talk.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by x2Strongx

And May day, and April Fools Day.....

And the idea of the sabbath....

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:51 AM
Holy Shniekees!!!

Now THAT is scary!

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 11:52 AM
That is so stupid, it could very well have come from another religion.

Get a life people, it is about going out and getting candy for kids and going out to parties for adults.

Also, I was always taught, you should dress up as the opposite of what you are..
( a nice guy as the devil, a nice woman as a witch....)

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Any proof?

Just to make a point here

Easter Sundays and mondays arent (Easter Bunny holidays)

There meant to be a day where the family can share blessing with Christ and pay him the respect.

Who ever thought of the Easter Bunnie needs a new brian.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by Agent_USA_Supporter]

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
reply to post by getreadyalready

Any proof?

Just to make a point here

Easter Sundays and mondays arent (Easter Bunny holidays)

There meant to be a day where the family can share blessing with Christ and pay him the respect.

Who ever thought of the Easter Bunnie needs a new brian.

[edit on 30-10-2009 by Agent_USA_Supporter]

Eeeehhhhh, wrong.

Easter is the pagan fertility holiday.

The easter bunny is a variation of the pagan fertility symbol-the rabbit.

posted on Oct, 30 2009 @ 12:53 PM
wow i was smashed when i wrote the first post...
halloween is evil made ok ,but the real evil is?????

[edit on 10/30/2009 by dashar]

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