posted on Oct, 6 2011 @ 02:52 AM
My mom has been a part of the church my whole life, until just recently, and me and my dad just got a refund from them (still working on it,
actually). We are ex-communicated and considered "enemies of the Church of Scientology and every affiliation thereof" (not exact quotes, but close
enough. This was written on the contract we had to sign to get our money back). A lot of what was said is quite true. Being someone that has gone in
and out their organizations on and off for 22 years. I know how these people work for the most part. The Pyramid Scheme part is true on a certain
level, but they do not set up people to look like they are enjoying themselves. People really do get help, or think, they get help from courses and
auditing (therapy). If you are feeble minded, than yes, they will suck you in by destroying any sense of self by making you feel like they really
care, and they think they do.
The staff members really do care and want to help. It is the Upper Management (they are really called that) that are doing all of the intentional
brainwashing. The Upper Management, being the OSA (Office of Special Affairs) and RTC (Religious Technology Center), among others (only a guess), are
the big guns. From FLAG downward, I am pretty sure, have no clue what is going on behind the curtains. They are so faithful to the church that it can
do no wrong. The big thing in Scientology is the constant renewing of Tech (Scientology courses and auditing). I have books from the 70's and 80's
(before ANY editing not done by L. Ron Hubbard himself) that are quite different from the Basics (the first 18 books all new members have to study)
and other works done by the modern church. There are whole paragraphs missing, paragraphs jumbled around, pages, up to the hundreds, added and I'm
sure quite a bit more. What was once considered Standard Tech has been "squirreled" (messed around with) by their own Upper Management. The sad
thing is the good people of Scientology who really do want to help are only harming. The smart ones will come out of it, or die trying (maybe that's
pushing it, but I've heard some wacky things!).
The whole thing of falling into sin, they do not agree with the taking of drugs of any kind and sex should only be done in a safe and loving
relationship. The Aims of Scientology, the Code of Honor and the Auditor's Code (the first two can be found on the official website I think) should
be read if you want to see what Scientology was supposed to be about. As far as I can tell, these principles are the original. You will notice they do
not follow by these. That right there is a breach of Scientology doctrine. If LRH wrote it, if you are a Scientologist that is, it is true and MUST be
followed by. The reason why the changing of the Tech is so important to the management is the most important principle of Scientology, something I
that was pounded into my head, NO VERBAL DATA, meaning, if it is not written in the doctrine written by LRH it is not to be believed, followed,
studied, or anything of the sort. Great rule, huh?
Although I do agree with much of what L. Ron Hubbard studied (not discovered, as most of his stuff was just old wisdom written with a new twist, or
just simply reworded. You will find everything from Buddhism, the Ethics of Spinoza, exercises from the occult- staring into each others eyes in a
trance like state, called TR's [training routines]- among many, MANY other sources I am sure people will discover) he was still a man. In my personal
opinion, LRH himself was not a conman just rich and egotistical enough start his own religion, thinking he really has found the truth of Man and
Spiritual Freedom. After all, he did study with Aleister Crowley, and they may have even been close friends. And Crowley is known as the Drug Fiend.
Contact with extraterrestrials and manipulation of superhuman powers (which I do believe in) are quite common place when on intense drugs, especially
when used in a ritual setting; candles, incense, chanting and ecstatic movement... hmm.
And yes, it is true that if a member of your immediate family is a Scientologist and one of their family memebrs quits the church, the Scientologist
is considered a Level 1 PTS (potential trouble source) and the ex-member is considered and SP (suppressive person), but the ex-member is only declared
an SP if they leave with an attitude. But for the member, they are still a Level 1 PTS.
If you are interested in Scientology, check out the Free Zone Scientologists. I never met any, but they seem grounded. Some follow pure LRH Tech, some
just take what they like and discard the rest, and they have nothing to do with the church itself. One of them is currently helping my mom get totally
out of the church and hasn't hassled her one bit.
Sorry to talk your ear off, but I thought I would give you all an insider's scoop.